@RicanV: i dont have a problem with remasters its just the games they choose to remaster that irks me. I would love to see more games from the ps2 era and below remastered like TimeSplitters, Dark Watch, Conker Live and Reloaded, etc...
Did they re-use all of the same in game locations and gameplay features? If not who cares? im pretty sure since the beginning of gaming, a lot of developers rehashed a lot of things in gaming franchises that we never knew about.
I understand that they're really just trying to extend the games longevity and all but, I still play Blood Money after 10 years and beat it more than twice each year on top of that so if this game is anything like Blood Money (which the beta showed me it is) i will gladly play this for the next ten years as well.
Question. I bought Resident Evil 1-4 more than twice in my lifetime and still own them. My question is, is it still illegal to download a games rom if you have it or atleast bought the game more than twice?
@magnusstorm: please just shut up lol...you're really making a big deal out of nothing. Obviously DLC is for the main game which i planned to buy again but on the PC instead of consoles. I'm saying that instead of paying 60 + 60 when I already paid 60 for the game months ago I could just pass the dlc until it comes out all on a disc.
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