@magnusstorm: dont get the wrong idea i beat F4 but i traded it in for Batman so it wouldn't really make sense for me to buy it again and pay 60 for dlc separately when i can wait 8 more months and just get them all? Stop thinking that every thing somebody says is a diss towards your game developing masters.
Dam that sucks. Coming from where im from I can understand why certain people steal but as a gamer its heartbreaking to hear somebody lost their precious rare gaming collection. I would die if somebody stole my Metal Gear Solid copy for GBC.
@kentray1985: now a remake of outbreak, 2, 3 is what I've been waiting on. I love 4 but that game has to die someday lol or atleast not be remade every generation
I miss the ps2 era back when companies took risks and actually wanted to make new ips. Before 2008 i would go inside gamestop and find new games I've never heard of; now all i see is remasters and the same games just under a different title with a few gems dropping here and there.
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