@Starhopper4: Except there are considerable leaps in the look from Battlefield 2,3,4 and 1. Plus the COD games are just the same, which is why I'm never excited for those either.
Like I said "unless I missed something"
Which I might have, it looks very similar to the 1st Destiny. Nothing you need to get butthurt over. Sheesh.
@jyml8582: I thought maybe I was just being a cynic for feeling pretty underwhelmed by that reveal, but obviously I took note of exactly what you saw.
This just looks like another expansion pack for the 1st Destiny that they chose to call Destiny 2. Maybe there was some stuff I didn't notice, but I really didn't see any drastic improvements.... lame.
@fitzy_2812: My thoughts exactly. These last couple of months have really expanded my backlog. Not to mention with COD WWII catching my eye, why would I go revisit something as opposed to trying something new and possibly innovative.
Well if this is true, this will probably be the first time in some while that I'll just hold out until the console gets cheap. It seems like this gen consoles have finally just got their footing and are getting great games. I imagine my backlog could probably hold me over for another 2 years.
@kckbxrk: commas are overrated. Yea, the all out 64 man battles are not my thing either, but the smaller stuff was definitely a blast. Especially when you're able to be in a squad with friends and spawn on them as you please. I definitely enjoy how Battlefield rewarded you for helping teammates too. In either case, hopefully this new COD will be a fine mesh of the old COD with some of the aspects of Battlefield I've come to love.
@kckbxrk: @kckbxrk: I like you, used to love COD. I'm still very sceptical on how this will turn out. I am however very excited at what I see and have heard. I just wonder how I'll feel about it after absolutely loving how you can decimate your environments in Battlefield. Still, a big step in the right direction for COD.
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