If you're giving more options for creating a character, are you going to give us the option to edit the character we've already sunk a ton of time into?
@bc2999: Possibly, while I'm no expert in game design you'd think they could bump the frame rate down for console so it doesn't run like ass. Outside of the frame rate the game doesn't appear to be something the console shouldn't be able to handle... I just hope this can get fixed, because while it's disappointing; I don't think the game is complete garbage.
@JEF8484: @JEF8484: I loved the original 3; while I was disappointed with the ending, I didn't let it diminish my opinion of the game. These were all exceptionally great games and I hold them in the highest regard.
That said, it's that high regard and opinion that makes me disappointed in this entry. I can get past some of the poor animations, some of the glitches, even the awkward movements. What I can't get past is frame rates dropping when there are three or more enemies, enemies that fall through the environment, enemies that just stand there and don't attack, enemies that disappear not allowing me to finish a portion of a mission (only happened once so far) and enemies that spawn in midair and stay there. These are not hearsay issues, these are issues I have personally ran into.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still enjoying the game, but it is kind of frustrating to have such a love for a game and it's just littered with these types of issues. I didn't feel the previous Mass Effects had this many issues and I held this to a similar standard. It feels like a step in the wrong direction and I hope they can rectify some of these issues to make it a reputable start for the next generation of Mass Effect. It's a hard pill to swallow, but if you didn't have the fondness of the original trilogy, I can see why a newcomer would hate on this game as badly as they do.
@H0RSE: I have to be honest, I don't have a real good memory of what it was like before. I do remember that I wasn't disappointed with the way my character looked. Maybe my expectations were just too high for the current gen. My guy doesn't look awful by any means, but some of the general faces you start with in customization were haunting.
@rodro: Yea, the character creation was lame. It is the longest I've ever spent creating a character just because I continuously bounced back and forth thinking "which looks worse? This or this? Okay, done... I still look ridiculous, start over".
@wookietim: Completely understandable, the most joyous things can be mundane and unenjoyable if you're not in the right state of mind. As it stands now, there are a lot of games out there to pass the time. If you do however find a moment with nothing to do and you're in the right mood, I think it's worth another shot. At the very least, see what you think of ME2 or ME3.
@wookietim: If the first Mass Effect is the only one you tried, I could see why you don't understand why people enjoyed the original trilogy. While the first one was groundbreaking, the second and third one had much better gameplay mechanics. I did enjoy the 1st Mass Effect, but I loved 2 and 3. Can't blame you for passing on it though, especially at full price.
camverge's comments