Since my reply is junk right now on old posts let me say this. Microsoft straight DOES not care about all ther customers. The "great American company" as someone described them shouldn't screw me. I am from North America AND I serve in the Military. That means when I'm deployed my internet is either non existant or just bad at best. Ya know what that great American company had to say about that "screw you, we don't care. You got a 360".
I also live in a small farming community with little to no internet as well. You know what that great American company said to all the American farmers with no internet "yea, screw you too, you got the 360". To the MS fanboys out there, don't even waste your time trying to defend this B.S. because I assure you, I'm not listening.
@Sevenizz @Go_getem_rose @camverge @PiscesAnimeGirl Did you not read, I didn't get my expired warranty honored either. I'm still on first PS3 on 360 number 5, what kind of an argument are you trying to make?
@Sevenizz @frostbite2user @camverge @beuneus12 If they have them, so be it, it's not their focus. They're putting gaming first and formost. Now, you can stop tryig to make MS look better than what they are.
@Sevenizz @camverge @beuneus12 And because none of the ideas MS have brought out have been bad ideas huh? They must all be dandy considering the ammount of turnouver of people going from MS to PS4.... just save your breath.
@Sevenizz @camverge @northArrow If you think so man, I'm just speaking as a guy who supported Microsoft through and through on the 360 and now I will have absolutely nothing to do with the XBOX one. Same goes for several of my friends/co-workers. I can only assume such reactions will be felt all over.
@Sevenizz @camverge @northArrow You think a casual gamer who doesn't follow much won't look at hmmmm... 500 bucks or 400 bucks? I wonder which way that'll sway 'em.
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