@northArrow @Sevenizz Because the fact that more than 70% of people that were polled said they'd get a PS4 over an XBOX1 is not important at all. Yeah, those sale figures have no meaning what so ever. If I were a publisher I would much rather develop for a console with considerable less sales than their competitor.
@Sevenizz @camverge @beuneus12 Right, if you've ever touched a PS you'd know that Infamous is the best exclusive game out there. Obviously from reviews Last of Us isn't too shabby either. I have faith in the PS exclusives LONG before the XBOX exclusives, wait, uh, durt.
@KiriharaZro @cryingdevil63 Yea, playing used games is about a dumb of feature as, "you can now watch TV! If not for the XBOX1, you wouldn't know what TV was!"
So PS4 has more good news for their customers and this forum gets overun by MS fanboys? Why don't you go back to your XB1 forums and talk about all the useless crap you can do on there, how you can check in once a day, how you can MAYBE play used games, and all that cool stuff? Ya know, instead of trying to slander a console who has obviously got their sh*t together for this next generation.
@PiscesAnimeGirl @Sevenizz EXACTLY I'm on my 5th console now, never owned one for more than one year at a time. But you damn well better believe when my warranty was up they wanted me to purchase a new one even though not a damn one of the consoles made it that long.
@Sevenizz @kvan33 and it's a shame that they caught on to it and fixed it the next day, PS what happens when your internet craps out on the XB1 and you can't do your once a day check in? PSS I got 5 360s due to the red ring of death, still on my first PS3 which is the older model that still plays ps1 and ps2 games. I've lost a hell of A LOT more play time to the xbox than I have the PS3. Now go away.
@beuneus12 Yes they are, and they just continue to make themselves look like idiots. Did they see a topic that yet again makes PS4 look superior and in so doing deccided they needed to attempt to slander the PS4 to some way make the xbox look better? If you have to jump on every forum to defend your choice of console and make excuses for their shortcomings then they're obviously not doing something right. It's refreshing to see PS4 tending to what consumers want and what's best for them. I'm about sick of all the Microsoft "we do this because we want to and we do no wrong" rhetoric.
camverge's comments