RROD: a huge issue and ive lost 2 xbox 360s thanks to it
PS3 killer 08 lineup: A lot of highly anticipated games coming and cows claim victory over the xbox 360s lineup{i rather have the ps3s}
Multliplats: Multliplats are starting to look and play better on the ps3
GTAIV: Exclusive dlc but rockstar has announced the ps3 will get there own form of dlc
Format war: Blueray destroys HDD in the format war
Microsoft: They are trying to buy bluery from sony and have a blueray equppied xbox 360{ may not happen}
Fanboys: Saolin323= Fable addict and blind fanboy giving lemmings bad rep
Fanboys: Mystichoarse= pc addict hates all consoles and states that we have lower standerds
Fanboys: Spider- jones= Wii addict= Gloats about the wii winning and makes useless fanboy topics stating how stupid he is
I cant think of anything else
Like your style buddy.
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