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captainryan Blog

I am Really Scared Right Now...

Because I seriously think something is going on in my house. Particularaly my room. Honest to God I think my room is haunted...I am typing this now because of an experience I just had. I was in my room, I saw my closet door was open. My door was locked I turned around to turn on my raido then turned back to see my closet door shut in about 5 seconds. This is not a quiet door. it makes alot of noise when moved.  So along with this and other experiences Idk what to do. I hate being in my room. I always feel like someone is watching me. I just dont know what to do. I hear alot of strange noices when i am falling asleep. These arent ur normal creaks from a house. I can sometimes make words at of noises. And hear sounds that i  just cant explain. I'm rly scared this is for real.....i just dont know what to do...

Am I Cut out to be a union leader?....

I have been thinking lately, do I have what it takes to lead a union? Am I fit to do the job? I have lead 4 unions since my start at GS. Here is the list...

The Mythbuster Union...

This was my first union, perhaps I should have waited longer...Activity was booming in the beginning then it started to dwindle, I tried to motivate the members but with no luck. Soon the name was changed to The Discovery Channel Union. Activity was varied and eventually went to an all time low. Finally, it was changed to the TV Union. Activity was good then it yet again dwindled around that time i considerd resigning and I did so. I transfered to an officer then leadership was transfered to more times and today the union is preaty much dead.

The Gamespot Noob Lounge...

It started as a great idea a union for new peopel of GS. Members climbed rapidly posts were high. We ran into a couple low spots but we kept it up. However to many bumps in the road lead to the union failing also. I transfered leadership to an officer and today the union has preaty much died.

The Union Games Club-House...

This was a very very short lived idea for a union. The union was to be all focused on games like this or that say something about the above user. etc etc. Obviously all the games are considerd spam. So the union was doomed from the start. And about 5 days after opening I resigned and demoted everyone.

The Designer Lodge (My Current Union)

So far things are great! 30 posts a day new members everyday! This has been the most succesful union yet.The idea of a place for overworked designer to come and relax was well recieved. But, all of my unions were thought of as "great" ideas. By many people however they all failed. Will this union be the same? If so I will probably hang up my leader title for good.

So my question is should I be a leader? Am I cut out for the job? I am in no way considering resigning from the DL. I just want to know what you guys think.

I just played a PS3....

AND IT WAS AMAZING!!! I was just a best buy and I played one for like 10 minutes. That was the 10 minutes of my day. It was amazing, I played the "Dirt Storm" game I think it was called the graphics BLEW ME AWAY!!! There were so many little parts on the car, I just kept crashing to see the amazing effects! Oh and best buy smelled really bad the whole building smelled like B.O. but that didnt ruin my day! I was to into the PS3 I had my mouth open the whole time! FREAKING AMAZIN!!

The designer's lodge....

is my new union and we are going great! If your a designer just come here to hang out with other designers and get some tips! THIS IS NO REQUESTS ZONE!! Just a place to relax, I myself am not a designer, but I made this place because I know how hectic a designers life can be! So come and relax at "Da Lodge!"

The Designer's Lodge...

is my new union and we are going great! If your a designer just come here to hang out with other designers and get some tips! THIS IS NO REQUESTS ZONE!! Just a place to relax, I myself am not a designer, but I made this place because I know how hectic a designers life can be! So come and relax at "Da Lodge!"

WTF Is wrong with Pooflinger?

I posted on the OT forum a topic entitled Captainryan's 3000th post party. People got all mad at me and said I could only do that for 10k posts. So Im like ok I understand 20 posts later of people saying the same thing pooflinger555 comes in and says,"This is another Example of Ryan Being a Jackass." WTF? Pooflinger is still holding a grudge since I demoted him at the GSNL. He has been such a pest since then, popping up every once in awhile to get me steamed.