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captainryan Blog


Im having a party tonight with some off the guys. Beers all around as if i was old enough to drink


Im having a party tonight with some off the guys. Bears all around as if i was old enough to drink

Join The Mythbuster Union!

Come and join my union the mythbuster union! things are moving a bit slow but i need you!! yes you to help make the mythbuster union the best union on gamespot!  And for all of those recruits who want the experience of becoming an officer in a union come over to my union!  Post a few times a month and your a shoe in to become an officer! so come and join the mythbuster union! 

September 11th

man...I am watching this show on the history channel its like a movie about what happended on the airplanes during 9/11 it usually doesnt but it really scary how awfull it must of been for those people just think how would you like to be a passanger knowing you will die just think about it