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captainryan Blog


Royce Kies...he is this kid from my school who tries to act funny ALL THE TIME! But, he can't he laugs at his own jokes and like when it nots funny and his face is all red and we are all looking at him like shut the **** up. Then sometimes someone will maybe chuckle and he will go abosulutely INSANE! With laughter. His laugh is among the most annoying out there and he is bugging the **** out of me!


Well...I am impressed...

I have been playing KH2 for a couple months and Im am very happy! I just beat the game this morning. Although I must say I was never dropping my jaw at any surprises not like I did in the orginal KH. But, the valor form and all of that is sweet! Along with the variey of levels and the cloths are awesome! (Where can I get an outfit like that???) The addition of Organazation XIII is an excellent idea. The Halow Bastion level with  the 1000's of nobodies and heartless fighting each other and the huge battle is my all time favorite. I can't say that I dislike this game in any way! Just a word of warning if you are planning to get KH2 get KH1! It will make the gameplay more meaningful! I have to say in the end movie it looked like every thing was pulled together and that there was no need for a sequel. But, then sora got a note in a bottle form the king and they cut the scene there! o that must mean there will be a sequel! KHIII I can't wait!


I bet you think your preaty good???

Are you a designer? Can you make good tags and make them fast? Do you want to be part of a union that will grow as large or larger then Liquid Designs? Become a charter of Omega Designs! Send me or post here a piece of artwork you have done for refrence! WE WANT YOU! 

Omega Designs

Hey, well I resigned from being leader at the television union. But, I am making a request tag and banner union like LD. I am looking for experinced tag and banner makers for charters. Please PM or post here with a link to a tag or banner you have done!

My Birthday...

I had a good birthday! My gifts are listed:

Airsoft pistol
Napoleon Dynamite (PSP)
Model Rocket
Fully Assembled Model Rocket
Water Zooka things
Mizzou Pance
Office space t-shirt
membership to the hello kitty fan club lol! (A JOKE FROM my BRO and SIS)

I Wonder...

What the new emblems will look like GS is doing something to the revew emblems and Popularty emblems.

All night long...

It's a quite night I have school tomorow. Nice and cozy in my bed! I have another bed in my room where my brother sleeps when he is not at college. I go to bad around 9:40 PM wake up at 6:30AM! So that almost 9 hours! Plenty of time to rest! But nooooo! It's 2:00 in the morning and my sister who has come home from college is in my brothers bed like usuall! I have no problem with that! But, she has the ceiling light on reading a book! I yell at her and say "Lauren turn of the light!" she turns it off. Then turns it on about 1 minute later! This goes on for quite some time. Finally she turns off the light and lays down. I have been up for about an hour. Then she talks to her boyfriend on the phone! That keeps me up for another 30 minutes. Then she stops and falls right to sleep! Lucky her! I am up for about another 20 minutes after that until I finally fall asleep! I was up for about 2 hours!But, wait there is more! I wake up at 5:00 to her my sister yelling at here boyfriend for not calling her at 4:00! That keeps me up for about 20 minutes! So that night I got about 5 in a half hours of sleep! I WAS NOT HAPPY! Next week my brother comes home! Oh boy:roll:

Leave me Alone!!!

I hate this kid Eric Ferring! Oh my he is calling me right now! He always has trouble...keeping his pance closed! Uhh he really uhh I can't talk about it right now! He keeps inviting me over and I say to myself oh he probably won't do it again! Then he does! I have now commited myself to never see him again!


I had a very wierd dream last night that I am not at liberty to talk about! It was sorta like a Jerry Springer show and it involved pregnancy ughhh...