Ok, I'll be the first to admit. I rode the hype train when Uncharted 4 came out. I wrote about how in my last blog post how I LOVED it and thought it was the best PS4 exclusive.... when really I just liked it and think its far from PS4's best exclusive. So call me a hypocrite, it's not the first time I've let hype cloud my view of a game.... prolly wont be the last....
After letting Uncharted 4 marinate I've decided it's the worst Uncharted by a country mile. My opinion at least. I really think Neil Druckmann is sort of a pretentious douche and he cared less about giving us more Uncharted and more about giving us more "emotional" TLoU experience. Just read HIS WORDS from his Rolling Stone interview...
"I know we're going to lose some people. I know there are people on NeoGAF right now complaining about the beginning of this game. Because I read some. They hate how slow it is. They don't believe it's really a game until you get to the end of the auction and you get your gun and you start shooting at people. That, to them, is the game. I'm OK if we lose some of those people. Hopefully they're replaced with other people who are intrigued by the more conscious pacing."
Why would you be "OK" with losing some of your major fan base by slowing the game down with boring walking simulators?? Walking simulator moments in TLoU were fun and special because that world was so mysterious and intriguing. There's like 3 walking simulator moments in this game that slow down the action. And also he says "more conscious pacing" when a major complaint from many reviews is the game drags on.
And also, I really didnt like Sam. I have a few problems with Sam, actually. Firstly, we've spent 4 games with Nathan before this.... and no mention of a brother he apparently was so close to. Notta. Zero. Zip. Even Marlowe (from Drake's Deception) failed to mention him when she was revealing how much information she had on Nathan. Not even his wife Elena knew about him. He just felt so shoe-horned into the franchise for the sake of a 4th game. Secondly, his character is just so dry humored... his sarcasm gets old quick. Plus Nathan cracks all the jokes we need.... do we need two witty wise guys??
Dont get me started on all the overly used campy video game tropes. Suddenly now Nathan has always had a Batman-like rope slinging ability that we never knew about that he relies so heavily upon?? Rock sliding down gravel hills so often Nathan has to address it during the game? ("I'll be picking gravel out of my ass for weeks!") And those stupid, stupid crates. Every where there are crates. Way worse than the pallets from TLoU. Seems so below Naughty Dog.
I might get some hate for this. I love everything Naughty Dog has ever done since Crash Bandicoot. They're my favorite developer and TLoU is my favorite game of all time. But Uncharted is one of my favorites too, and I want more Uncharted and less walking simulator. That's why I think Uncharted was misdirected by Neil wanting to create another emotional experience like TLoU. Dont get me wrong, I liked Uncharted 4. But I could have loved it. It's more of a 7.5 to me than a 9.5.
I guess I'm just one of those guys Neil is OK losing on this game.
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