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carljohnson3456 Blog

dreams of high school

(First of all, it's worth mentioning, sorry I havent commented on so many of you guys' blogs... I havent been active on the site much lately, avoiding Gears spoilers and what not, lol)

This is probably the last place that anyone wants to read this, and I understand. This is a video game site, and I'm just another poster. But for whatever reason, I felt like posting this.

It's going on four solid years since I graduated high school. It's been years since I've talked to many of my friends... we graduated and havent heard from eachother since. Lately I've been having alot of dreams about being back in high school, mostly consisting of trying to savor the moments. It's always about the last days of school, and trying to keep in touch... for instance, last night I dreamed I was shaking hands with one of my buds from high school saying we'll keep in touch. I've talked to him once in 4 years since we graduated.

High school almost seems cruel. You're born into a domesticated society with your day's schedule set, your set of friends, what you're having for lunch, etc... then all that is yanked away from you on a predetermined date. I spent more than a decade with so many people, and now they're all gone. I've become who I am because of so many people, and now they're all gone. Here I am, 22 years old and still feeling the "shock" of graduating. Oh how I'd love to be 16 again.

With that said, it's good to move on with your life and grow into an adult. I've felt pretty grown up ever since I graduated, and recently moved more than 6 hours away from where I went to high school. It's just weird when your at the age where you can look back on your high school years and call yourself a "kid" and mean it. I was just a kid, and so were so many of my friends.

I think about them all the time, I hope they still think about me.

Happy Birthday Consoles!!!

Welp, it's almost mid November, which means that all the consoles are nearing their birthdays. Since I've spent quite a bit of time with all three this generation, I couldnt go without wishing them a happy birthday!

Xbox 360 3 years old - Where do I start? You've turned the Xbox brand name into the console of choice for many gamers this generation. You're holding a steady fight against the mighty Playstation brand and continue to innovate and push the online aspect of gaming. You've practically pioneered what this generation is all about. Online gaming, downloadable content, gamer points, and a pretty unified gaming community. You let us finish the fight, defeat the locust horde, and inhabit a mall ridden with zombies. And now with a firmware update right around the corner, the "New Xbox Experince" - I look forward to seeing your latest makeover. Here's to another 3 years, Xbox 360. The cake isnt a lie, afterall.

PS3 2 years old - Well, here we are two years later and you're no longer the "failure" most people claimed you to be. Nope, you've finally found your feet and got most of your priorities straight. With games like MGS4, Resistance 2, and LBP all in 2008, you finally got a few solid AAA titles that you needed under your belt. Not to mention how far the PSN has come in one short year. Yup, you are starting to finally live up to what has made the Playstation brand so powerful - games. So, here's to you PS3, for two years of criticism and greatness. Happy birthday.

Wii 2 years old - Your online is garbage, your graphics are weak, and your controller actually hinders games more than it helps games. Sure, you have a few good games like Mario Galaxy, Paper Mario and Zelda, but ultimately your game library reeks of PS2 ports and quick mini game cash ins. I couldnt be more dissapointed if I watched Samus cut off my junk, whitnessed Mario throw it in a car, and saw Yoshi back it into a river full of Piranhas. And the latest slap in the face to gamers is the Wii Music abomination. You dont get a cake. You get a video, a video I hope embarrasses you. It embarrasses me just watching it. Happy Birthday.

Breaking out my crystal ball...

So, I'm breaking out the ol' Crystal Ball that everyone around System Wars apparently has and I'm going to make a few prediction for the end of the year. It could be very fun to see how wrong I actually might be. Just for fun.

I predict...

LBP to get a 9.0 on GS.
SOCOM Confrontation to get an 8.0 from GS.
Resistance 2 to get a 9.0 from GS.
Motorstorm 2 to get an 8.5 from GS.

Too Human to get an 8.5 on GS
Gears 2 to get a 9.5 on GS.
Banjo 3 to get a 9.0 from GS.
Fable 2 to get an 8.5 from GS.

Wii Music to get a 6.0 from GS.

So, let my self pwnage begin, :lol:.

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots.

Wow, this game is incredible. I arrived at the Gamestop shortly after they opened at 10:00 AM to buy the game. Me and 6 other guys, all talking about MGS4. One guy even bought the bundle, to which a few of the other guys there congratulated him. It was a great feeling, all of us there for the final chapter in the Solid Snake story. I didnt pre-order the game, and the Gamestop employee told me how lucky I was, there were two left on the shelf.

With that said, the game is funner than I expected. It's incredible, and so much more fun than the others. I am actually enjoying this game more than I am GTA IV, which I didnt think would happen. Last gen the GTA series easily took the cake over MGS, this gen? No.

I dont care that IGN gave it a 10, I dont care if they gave it a 5 - this game is the funnest game I've played this gen so far. Funner than Gears of War, funner than Dead Rising, funner than Uncharted, funner than Resistance, funner than GTA IV.

And let me say also, I didnt enjoy alot of the cutscenes from previous MGS games. Seriously, sometimes they felt boring. Not this game. It's so much more entertaining, and you actually see a side of Snake you never have before. I'm blown away, and I dont care if I get flamed. I dont care if I get called Sony fanboy or whatever, this game has blown me away. Ya know, the first time I played Gears of War, I was leveled. I couldnt believe how drawn in the game made you feel, especially at parts where you meet the Berserker and stuff. For me, MGS4 has doubled that feeling. I love this game. Not everyone is going to feel the same way I do, but this game to me is the best game I've played this generation. It's a perfect balance of emotion and action, and I dread finishing the game. Why do I dread it? Because then I'll know how it all ends.

I've said it before, I'll say it again - enjoy this guys. Enjoy the fact that this game is still "new". Enjoy that this is the launch day of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. Games like this dont come around often, so enjoy.

MGS4 is upon us

Welp, here we are five days away from Metal Gear Solid 4. Five days away from the last video game that will ever feature Solid Snake. These are the last days when we remain clueless of how the Solid Snake story ends. It's video game history, really. This is the last time we can look to the future of Solid Snake rather than the past, ya know what I mean?

I'm currently playing on a PS3 pad that has a squeaky, semi-sticky joystick, that's possibly going to go bad, because I'm saving that $60 on MGS4. I have a 3rd party Logitech controller (that works pretty well, except it doesnt have Sixaxis support, lol) that I received as a gift awhile back as a back up, so at least I have a back up incase the joystick goes bad. I guess if I have to use the Sixaxis I'll just break out the ol' PS3 Sixaxis, tilt it around, and then switch back to the Logitech when I need to, lol.

Anyway, I just had to come in here and write a blog about the game. It feels like a dream to have GTA IV and MGS4 come out within almost a month of eachother. The last time this has happened was the fall/winter of 2001 I think, with GTA3 and MGS2. It's ridiculous. Too much greatness coming at the same time, lol. Well, anyway, like I said, I'm not going to preach, I just wanted to post a blog acknowledging MGS4 coming in the next few days. Snake has been an industry icon since 1998 on the original Playstation. It's just going to be so weird when we can call say, "We know how Solid Snake's story ends."

Wow, what a game

Wow. Just wow. Hope everyone got their copy of GTA4 today, and are enjoying it. It's probably the best game I've ever played, and I didnt expect anything less from GTA. I got mine at around 7:00 AM, and it almost seemed surreal to actually see the game in-stores. That cover I've seen on the internet 1,000 times - it's finally actually here.

I'm only a handful of missions into the game, but it is so amazing. I love it. Niko fits right in there with Tommy Vercetti and Carl Johnson as an awesome GTA protagonist. I almost considered getting the 360 version of the game last minute - but I decided to stick to the plan and get it on the PS3. The DLC is coming this fall but by then I'll have had enough GTA4 fix that I will be fine with playing one of the hits this fall... but man, this game is sure great. I've only been this excited about a game launch twice - GTA Vice City and GTA San Andreas.

What made it even more special was that on my way to the store to get the game, they were talking about it on the radio, lol. It was a fitting morning for an awesome, awesome game.

Hope everyone is enjoying GTA4! And if you're waiting on getting it - you wont be dissapointed!

April Fool's day is the lamest

Ya know, I was listening to Jim Rome this morning, and he spoke the truth. There is nothing funny on April Fool's day. It's so cliche', everything. If I have to read one more news article today with a ridiculous headline, or one with a realistic headline that ends up being "APRIL FOOL'S DAY" I'm probably going to explode.

A little one here and there is ok. I even liked what Gamespot did, alot. It was funny, but one click and you were done. It wasnt a headline that you read, then clicked to anticipate the loading of a webpage. It was a funny surprise to come to this site and see it.

Not to mention, most of the stuff is so predictable. On Pardon the Interuption, (or "PTI" as the cool kids call it) They spent a whole minute and a half discussing a false headline. The whole time I knew it was false, but I just had to wait for it to be over. Not funny, just a waste of time.

Anyway, it's 9:11 PM on April Fool's day. Only a couple more hours and it's over. I have a sense of humor, just a lack of patience. After the first 3 jokes, I'm done. No offence to any of you if you participated, lol.

Hope you had a happy... err... hope you tolerated April Fool's day better than I did.

Long Live the PS2

Welp, it's been a whole year since the PS3 launched, and I'm just now putting away my PS2. I figured with a 360, Wii, and PS3 leeching onto my TV, it's time to put the ol' PS2 away. I'm not selling it though, cause there is way to much sentimental value in that console. I remember getting it around October of 2001, and having to wait all the way until Christmas to get my first PS2 game - Grand Theft Auto 3.I actually borrowed Twisted Metal Black from a friend before Christmas, which I ended up buying from him anyway. (By the way, why the freaking heck was TMB the only Twisted Metal on the PS2? WHERE IS THE SEQUEL, IT WILL SELL! IT'S AWESOME!)

Anyway, what can be said about the PS2? It sold nearly 100 million more units than it's closer competitor (Xbox) did! Playstation was a slang word for "video games", and if you owned a GameCube or Xbox, odds are you were just about the only one in your "click" that opted for Xbox/GameCube over PS2. Ah, the greatness of the PS2.

Where do I begin to describe it's greatness? For me, it doesnt get any better than the PS2. The 360, Wii, or PS3? They dont compare. Call me crazy, but the PS2 is the greatest console of all time. So many new franchises were born on that console, and now common features including backwards compatibility and DVD playback were born on that console. The "all in one" entertainment center was born on that console.

In a new generation when watching themain character'sshirt wrinkle as you control which directions he goes, or watching the sweat roll off of Dwayne Wade's face as he shoots free throws, I'll miss last gengraphics. I'll miss the almost cartoony vibe each game tried to pull away from, but usually failed. I'll miss the GTA cutscenes with clumped together hands, because although it was realistic enough to be entertaining, it was cartoony enough to remind you - it's not a movie, it's a video game. Not that I'm not absolutely in love with the Uncharted: Drake's Fortune demo in all it's spectacular beauty - I am. But I also have to look at the skyline of Vice City at night and say, there is nothing prettier in any game.

So, today I officially retire my PS2. It's given me 6 solid years of pure entertainment. From car jacking old grannies on GTA, to blasting away terrorists online on Socom. From slaying mass groups of skeleton armies on God of War, to getting decapitated by a chainsaw on Resident Evil 4. The PS2 has been there for me, and beating my own expectations. It's been with me all the way from the beginning of High School till graduation, and through college to now looking for a full time job. But now, I have to let it rest, back in it's original blue PS2 box with the styrofoam casing for comfort. Rest in peace, PS2. You were good to me.

(And also, yes my PS2 does hold sentimental value to me, but yeah, I am sarcasticly overreacting about it in some of this post, lol.)

Long live the PS2!!!

I found my hatred for the 360 again...

Remember my little love letter to the 360? Ya know, the post I made on September 26th, 2007 (just a little under a month ago) about how I love my 360 and it hasnt crapped out on me for almost 10 months? Well, the record has been broken. The 3 red rings paid me a little visit today. Awesome. I've debated on whether or not to do the towel trick. But no, I will not. I'll deal with the ridiculous MS support monkeys. Maybe this time they'll actually include heat sinks and crap and make it work NORMAL!

Ya know what gets me the most though? I played Dead Rising for literally like 2 minutes, literally. My 360 hasnt even been fired up for a week or two, and two minutes into game play it jams... I have to restart, and boom - there are the 3 red lights. I like the Xbox 360, for what it should be. I hate the Xbox 360 for what it is. A money pit. A filthy, deep, unreliable money pit. Thank the high skies for the PS3.

I would go and post this in a forum thread, but whats the use? People everyday come in there and say they got the red rings. It's insane.

Well, there ya go. I found my love for my 360 and what happens? Right back where I was, vowing to no longer spend money on it. The 360 must mean how many repairs you will go through in the Xbox's life span. I should have learned that by now. Wish me luck... off to call Microsoft support and listen to "Max" direct me to a real, poor english speaking person who knows nothing about electronics. Woot Woot!

I found my love for the 360 again

Well, it's been almost 10 months since my Xbox 360 bit the dust. It's been 8 months since I've had to deal with their terrible customer service. Heck, it's been 10 months since I've bought anything for my Xbox 360. It was this time last year I received my 360, I was so excited. I was buying accessories right and left, loving it. The second, and most fun 360 game I bought was Dead Rising, and it was around Halloween time last year so it was perfect to be playing a Zombie game at the time. Then Gears ofWar came out -I was blown away.Iwascompletely in love with the 360.

Well, it was only 91 days later my 360 died... and I got mad. I vowed to never spend any more money on it. I was so mad at Microsoft, I hated Bill Gates. And so, I did not give anymore to MS. I bought a Wii in June, and a PS3 in late August.I love those consoles, they've been reliable. They've been fun. They've been where all my money's been going since my 360 died. Dontget me wrong, I've played Gears of Waronline off and on,but like I said, no money of mine was going to Microsoft.

Well,it's been almost a year since I ran through a mall ridden of Zombieswondering the stores - so I decided to popit in. As I sat there, flyingin the helicoptertaking pictures of the carnage below... I got thatfeeling again. That feeling of loving my 360. That's when it hit me - my 360 has been fine for almost a year. My 360 has been sitting here hungry for new, great titles that MS has been spewing left and right - and I havent experinced any of them because of my vindetta with Microsoft. Sure, I still hate that MS released crap hardware, but they at least finally addressed it. My console is working fine now. It's been fine. I've missed out on all kinds of games because I've been denying my 360.

Now, I know my 360 might crap out on me again - I know it probably will. I might try to fight with MS's horrible customer service, or I might just go buy one of the (pretty cheaply priced) new "cooler" 360's just so I wont have to deal with it breaking down anymore (hopefully). The 360 is a wonderful console, it's a great next gen console with beautiful graphics and a great library. My PS3 still sits supremely on top of my entertainment center, but my 360 sits proudly below in wide open spacewith lots of air to breathe.

I thinkI deserve it to myself to begin putting money back into my 360. Alot of people are dying for 360s, and alot of people's 360s are dying - but mine is ok. If it dies, I'll deal with it - but I cantdeny a system for failing 10 months ago.I still have to love it man, Dead Rising was one of my most favorite game experinces of all time, and it was given to me by the 360. I just felt the need to come on here and say that, because I've been hard on the 360 since mine died. It's too great to deny anymore.