I really dont blog alot anymore, but there is something I am excited enough about that I will do so. That is, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles my friends.
Not sure if everybody knows, but TMNT was bought by Nickelodeon last year, with one last hoorah from the original creators being the "Turtles Forever" cartoon movie. Not sure if you missed this or not, but it was a truly great ending to the NEW turtle cartoons as well as a salute to the origins of the Turtles that made them a house hold name. If you havent watched this movie, then you should buy it or rent it.
Moving on, there is apparently a new TMNT movie in development for 2012 which is LIVE ACTION. I am super pumped, and from what I understand, it will be a bit of a darker take on the turtles than the CGI TMNT film released a few years ago. And if you're worrying about the clunky mouth acting of the turtles in this new film, dont be. Apparently the suits and everything will be live action, with the heads and mouths being CGI. Michael Bay is also rumored to be apart of this new film, which has me pumped. An "adult" TMNT would be wicked cool, the closest thing we have to that at the moment is the original 1990 TMNT film.
Also worth mentioning, Nickelodeon will be releasing a new TMNT CGI animated series this year. I'm not sure how close the series will be to the originals, but I cant wait. I am bummed that the original creators wont have any control on the direction of the new series, but I have a feeling Nickelodeon will bring the franchise back into the mainstream, which is a good thing. I cant wait to see what they have in store for the series.
Some might say the Turtles are for kids, yada, yada. But I grew up with the Turtles. Alot of you guys did too. Sure, we know it's fiction, the plot is ridiculous and what not... but the Turtles in my opinion are still bad ass. I still love the original series (although it's goofy) and the movies (the first 2 movies were great.. the third kinda sucked) and the comics. To me, the TMNT are up there with Batman, Spiderman, and Superman.
Anyway, that's all for now. Just a TMNT update. Yippee.
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