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carljohnson3456 Blog

The State of TMNT

I really dont blog alot anymore, but there is something I am excited enough about that I will do so. That is, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles my friends.

Not sure if everybody knows, but TMNT was bought by Nickelodeon last year, with one last hoorah from the original creators being the "Turtles Forever" cartoon movie. Not sure if you missed this or not, but it was a truly great ending to the NEW turtle cartoons as well as a salute to the origins of the Turtles that made them a house hold name. If you havent watched this movie, then you should buy it or rent it.

Moving on, there is apparently a new TMNT movie in development for 2012 which is LIVE ACTION. I am super pumped, and from what I understand, it will be a bit of a darker take on the turtles than the CGI TMNT film released a few years ago. And if you're worrying about the clunky mouth acting of the turtles in this new film, dont be. Apparently the suits and everything will be live action, with the heads and mouths being CGI. Michael Bay is also rumored to be apart of this new film, which has me pumped. An "adult" TMNT would be wicked cool, the closest thing we have to that at the moment is the original 1990 TMNT film.

Also worth mentioning, Nickelodeon will be releasing a new TMNT CGI animated series this year. I'm not sure how close the series will be to the originals, but I cant wait. I am bummed that the original creators wont have any control on the direction of the new series, but I have a feeling Nickelodeon will bring the franchise back into the mainstream, which is a good thing. I cant wait to see what they have in store for the series.

Some might say the Turtles are for kids, yada, yada. But I grew up with the Turtles. Alot of you guys did too. Sure, we know it's fiction, the plot is ridiculous and what not... but the Turtles in my opinion are still bad ass. I still love the original series (although it's goofy) and the movies (the first 2 movies were great.. the third kinda sucked) and the comics. To me, the TMNT are up there with Batman, Spiderman, and Superman.

Anyway, that's all for now. Just a TMNT update. Yippee.

Black Ops Barrel Mission blows

Seriously, the worst level ever. The directions arent clear. They arent even subtitled. I just read online wtf you're supposed to do with the barrels. The respawning enemies are so lame, and it's super frustrating. To add salt in the wounds, everytime you die, you're restarted at the crappiest check point ever to where you have to freaking listen to crappy dialogue again...

Worst level I've played in awhile, and most frustrating too. Freaking Call of Duty.

TMNT: Turtles Forever... kicking it old school baby!

Does anybody watch Saturday morning cartoons? Dont be shy... just a show of hands... BAH! Alright, if no one will go first, I will say it straight out - when I am off - I will tune into a good Saturday morning cartoon here and there.

This past Saturday is the first one I've had off in awhile, so I turned on the TV and what did I see? The 1988 version of TMNT on my TV! Yes, the original turtles, with Krang, the original Shredder, Bebop and Rocksteady, the original Footclan... ALL THERE IN A NEW SITCOM! There's a catch though, it's just a storyline for the NEW TMNT series. I dont keep up with the new TMNT or anything, but wow, seeing the old turtles on there really showed how superior the old series is compared to the new series. If you wanna watch the trailer, here's the link. Epic indeed. I couldnt beleive it.

And, you might have noticed the old TMNT avatar, I figured I'd kick it old school... and I'm using the old mock HipHopGamer signature... I think I'll devote all my sigs to making fun of him for awhile, and pointing out his idiocy. He's such a moron, he deserves it.

Until next time folks, I'll see you on the forums!

I'm married, U2 is insane, Games getting cheap, and happy late halloween!

I'll make this quick and to the point...

I'm married, the weather and honeymoon was great. We had a traditional wedding cake, and a cake shaped just like a PS3. I'll have to post a picture of it on here soon. It was awesome.

Uncharted 2 is now my favorite PS3 game. So much action, so much epicness, and amazing gameplay.

I've bought four awesome games for $20 bucks a peice. Mirrors Edge, Bioshock PS3, Far Cry 2, and Dead Space. Wal-Mart is selling 'em cheap these days. A disturbing trend... there are alot of EA titles for $20 at Wal-Mart.

Happy Late Halloween! This year is snuck up on me with getting married and such. I spent it working, then going to a bar, had a few drinks, watched my Wildcats play, and then came home to my wife and her little brother came over in his halloween costume. It was a weird Halloween, mainly because it felt like it came so quickly.

Anyway, just thought I'd post a blog! Have a good one guys!

Wow, I'm impressed with Sony...

Finally, $299. The best deal on the market right now if you ask me. Used to be the 360 Arcade for $200, but Blu Ray and 120 GB all for $100 more? Sweet deal.

Sony has finally woken up and started getting aggressive. Bout time.

The Xbox Platform - the destined winner for a one console future?

Before anyone says it's ridiculous, just hear me out. I love Sony, and I like Ninty, but let's face it... Microsoft really took hold of what this generation is all about with online gaming, online distribution, and an online community. I consider this generation a revolution of sorts, pioneered by Microsoft... much the way Sony revolutionized gaming with the PS1 and Nintendo with the NES. (I'm not talking about the current motion control revolution by Ninty though, blah)

Microsoft really screwed up on the hardware front, but they came into this generation kicking ass and taking names. But currently, Microsoft almost seems to be growing content with the position they are in, with few first party studios while leaning heavily on third party support. I've been wondering alot lately... why? Why is Microsoft watching Sony develop new IP after new IP while offering little on the first party side themselves? This is my theory, so call me crazy.

I think Microsoft is trying to create the ultimate third party machine. The 360 is almost every developer's favorite console to develop for, and usually gives devs the largest return on their games. The 360 is easier to develop for, and much more dev friendly. While Sony charges 0.16 cents per GB to host stuff like demos on the PSN, Microsoft let's the gamer foot the bill, while providing a superior online network for third parties to take advantage. I love the PS3, but if I was a developer, I would probably flock to the 360 as well.

You might be thinking, so what? What does that matter? I just think that Microsoft is trying to lure in as many third parties as they can. Who is to say that eventually Sony devoted devs like Insomniac wont jump ship and go multiplatform? They arent owned by Sony, but develop some of Sony's most important games to date. If Microsoft can manage to steal away these important "2nd party devs" from Sony, that's a huge piece of Sony's pie.

So what about Sony's awesome first party studios? Well, if devs like Insomniac and Sucker Punch ever went multiplatform... it would be a huge blow to Sony. Maybe even so devasting that it could smother out the Playstation brand, meaning Sony could sell off their first party studios, or bow out of the console race all together and pull a Sega. That is, leave the hardware behind and focus on software. I hate to say that, but I think it's a possibility.

Finally, you might be asking... what do third party games matter so long as they are on my PS3 as well? That's a valid question, but look at what is happening right now. There are alot more third party exclusives on the 360 than there are on the PS3. Take in account Activision's recent comments (which I think is probably a bunch of bull, I hate Activision outside of COD's by Infinity Ward) about "abandoning Sony" and I think it all becomes a little more valid. Third parties are more likely to go exclusive to the 360 than PS3.

So basically, in a nutshell, I think Microsoft is trying to create a machine that all developers want to develop for, while using Live as the System's biggest selling point. Even if the 360 and PS3 had the same exact library, Microsoft will always have the upper hand in software and networking.

You might think I forgot the Wii, but I didnt. Microsoft is targetting the Wii, you can almost see the red dot on Nintendo's forehead at every E3 where Microsoft debuts a new Wii like feature... Avatars in 08, motion control in 09. I think they might eventually be able to smother out Nintendo as well, leaving Microsoft victor.

That is... until Apple enters the race.

My PS360 is in a truck somewhere 500 miles away!!!!

So me and my fiance recently moved back to our home state of Kentucky. We moved to the beautiful state of Maryland (when I call it beautiful, I mean it, I freaking love Maryland) last year, but we got to move back to good ol' Kentucky this past week. We had a moving company come get our stuff, load it into a truck, and we thought it would at least be back to Kentucky in a week.

Today it's been a week, AND NO TRUCK! THAT MEANS NO VIDEO GAMES! All I have that is a few clothes, a tooth brush, and a laptop. What's worse? I'm half way through InFamous, so I'mgoing crazyto play it. And I've been jonesin' for some Halo 3 action. I called the moving company and they said it should be here sometime next week. What. The. Fock.

So yeah, lesson learned. If you ever move, bring your PS360 with you.

Off to daydream about some more Halo 3... this is CJ3456 signing off.

No more Ellen, Infamous is awesome, and GhostMLD is a mad man.

No more Ellen Page avatars and sigs. Kinda over it all. Plus, she's kinda underground at the moment, her newest movie is coming out in October I think... so it'll be awhile before she's even in the news again probably. But hell, I'm getting married in October. I guess it's about enough of that nonsense anyway, lol. Guess it's time for me to become a one woman man... lol.

I'm REALLY digging InFamous at the moment. The gameplay is fantastic. Sucker Punch did an awesome job making you feel like a true super hero. I was skeptical about the lightening powers at first, but they didnt turn out lame at all. I figure I'm about half way through as a super hero right now... but I cant wait to finish the campaign and play as a bad guy. The game is solid, I hope everyone with a PS3 goes out and buys it TODAY!!!

So, my buddy FloppyJim pointed out that GhostMLD has a YouTube account. He's mad man I tell ya. Funny guy, funny guy. It's interesting when you see actually see the faces of fellow posters on here. I've heard his voice before, because we've played on LIVE before... but he didnt match up with my expectations. I pictured him more... chubby. Not so much.

That's it for now. Until the next blog... this is CJ3456 signing off.

It's freaking E3, I had to come back

First off, freaking awesome E3 conferences. Amazing showing. I even thought Ninty did ok. MS's conference was good, the motion control thing... eh... I'm iffy on. Kinda hate to see it go that route but we'll see I guess. The twitter and Facebook integration is a great idea, Microsoft has done an awesome job of making LIVE more of a social tool than just a hobby. As for Sony's... I think they won big time. It seemed like left and right they were dropping the word "exclusive", even with FF14, which was a complete shock to me. I'm pretty surprised, I didnt think Sony had it in 'em.

So for me here's how it breaks down...

MS - Advertised a bunch of third party games I plan on buying for PS3 anyway. Halo Reach will be awesome, Halo ODST looks awesome, motion controller meh, Facebook / Twitter cool, and Netflix yay yay... wait, I dont have Netflix.

Nintendo - Cammi Dunnaway, Mario

Sony - Exclusives, exclusives, PSP Go!. Weirdly designed prototype waggle control, dissapointing no price cut though.

In other news... oh yeah, I'm back. It's E3 man, how can I stay away? Sorry for anyone who PM'd me while I was gone, I wasnt ignoring you, I just hadnt logged in. So, I'm back. Great to be back. System Wars feels new again, lol. Maybe it's just the hype of E3 talking there...