one game i've always found addictive is the sims 2...i mean i can easily spend agesss playing that game without noticing that i've spent nearly a whole day trying to get to the top of the business career...
i didn't like shadow of the collosus that much first...i found the game very slow moving...quite reptetive and a bit boring...but after i gave the game a bit more time i got more into it...i found the challenge of actually finding out how to kill these bosses, then actually doing it, incredibly satisfying...making for a great gaming experience and a sad periodwhen i realised it was over...
my science teacher in secondary school who i swear had some sort of grudge againest me was my worst teacher...when i'm sitting on a table of 4 people and they are ALL talking, he would always send me to the back of the class...not anyone else, then he would completly ignore me for the rest of the class, he was like seperating me from the rest of the class like i was some "rotten apple", then i would sit there and see all these other people talking...but he wouldn't saying anything to them...i put up with this for 5 years!! man it was this guy was a real creep...beedy eyes...scary deep pervy some child catcher out of chitty chitty bang bang...glad i'm done with him now...
driv3r and destory all humans...both games i thought might be good...and both that i couldn't enjoy so i just left them to collect dust on a shelf...although i could pick up one of them up at any time to try and get into it...i doubt i will...
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