the ps3 version controls a little betterWhich controler do you like better, which has better anolouge sticks in particular? I preffer the 360's controler.
carsales' forum posts
I love your setup it is is mine :)
360. less jaggies, better framerate. control is the same. the sixaxis just has analog sticks that are a tad smoother.Always-Honestwhat he said.
that's alot of dvd'sMy Setup!
This is all set up in a furnished basement with a bar. Upstairs looks completely different.
TV is a Sony 51" RP HDTV
Another image
A/V Rack
Top to Bottom
Ultra Rare Sony HD-DVR (Using an attenna to pick up local HD channels)
5 port HDMI switch (monoprice)
Sony DVD player (upscales to 720p/1080i via HDMI)
Monster Cable Power Center
Wii and PS3
Sony Receiver
The speakers are Sony but I bought them each separately. Made sure they were all in the same family to keep them voice matched.
Around 750 DVD's
Sorry no games are shown. I do not leave my games out in the open.
[QUOTE="carsales"][QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"]Hes a handsome fella! Now start him gaming early! demonik_360He love the ps3 He's constantly turning it on and off. Whats' funny is he grabs the controll out of my hands and moves the joystick and looks at the t.v. when he does it. It's weird how much he's changed my life, I see everything different guys sound adorable wife wants kids but im in colledge and i tell her its nots a good time at the i play way too many games...i do want a kid before im 27 tho. im 20.
You want to know what's really cool Is my son was born on my 29th birthday, we have the same birthday, It's awesome.
Hes a handsome fella! Now start him gaming early! SpruceCabooseHe love the ps3 He's constantly turning it on and off. Whats' funny is he grabs the controll out of my hands and moves the joystick and looks at the t.v. when he does it. It's weird how much he's changed my life, I see everything different now.
here's some pics of my son if any one cares
he makes this face on demand
i Love the little guy. He's got my nose.
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