to be honest the problem with how conduit looks is the problem with the enviroment textures ememy models during online
i think they did a great job on the textures for the seeing eye and their hands and most of the guns
if you look at the screen shot you can tell the major difference
this is why i believe they should post pone the conduit and polish it up a lil more other then saying well conduit 2 will look better and have more feature
No because then they will hide content on the disc and make you pay for it. I enjoy DLC a lot but too many companies leave things out just to make an easy buck.
again as i said b4 im all for DLC content when its free such as how valve is with l4d and tf2
but i understand wat ur saying many devs will leave some stuff out 2 make a quick buck but im mostly talking about DLC for online experice not more single player like fallout 3
no i haven played all 3 next gen console because i never seen even one next gen console i have played the 3 current gen console (wii 360 and ps3) i think its amazing how you guys play the console from the future
[QUOTE="garrett_duffman"] thats wierd, i feel bad for people who make it their business to tell people what they s hould and should not look forward too. the conduit COULD turn out to be a really good solid game, you dont know. garrett_duffman
i never told anyone not to like the conduiit im just saying wii owner are blinded by the truth that conduit was hype so much by high voltage and the game doesnt look good online seems boring but i guess wii users are only used to boring chopping online gameplay for fps games ... thats all we HAVE. we dont get to choose a game with better online. we have nothing to go on but HVS's word, and they speak a darn good wordalthough i semi agree with you this makes me glad toown a pc for my fps and a wii for the first party games and the few 3rd party games that are good
also HVS track record hasnt been so great i think they made the mistake of hypeing the game more then they clearly could produce
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