For the love of God, STOP bashing The Conduit!! This is getting sick. Every Conduit thread, there are people loaded about saying the worst things about this game. Why do people must compare it to a N64 game. It looks NOTHING like a N64 game! Don't judge a game by its screens without seeing it in motion first. It looks a lot better. There is not as many jaggies in the first place...
Also, why do people expect the Conduit to be the greatest FPS? why doesn't any other FPS receive all this hate because it will never be the best FPS ont eh market. It doesn't make sense. For us Wii owners, the Conduit is most likely going to be the best FPS on the system.
For once, a developer seems to actually care about the Wii, and everyone makes fun of it. Why? It's technically impossible for it to have the same graphics as Crysis or Killzone 2 or Halo 3 or any other FPS. Tbh, it seems like a lot of fun. i'm definitely hyped to play a great FPS using great Wii controls.
if this is the best 3rd party dev can do with the wii thenthey must not like the wii at all metroid prime 3 looks better
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