@bathsaltsuser @caucel_cr Ya it is funny said that there are no reason for the feminism being a fuc$#$% misogynist. Anyway men, this site is full with little boy children with really bad parental modeling.
@leakingdogmilk @caucel_cr @_williamwallace So you are in the gender equality making what? Maybe you are too in the same sex marriage and do not support in the mmrpg games?
Wow... Can you imaging the world girl status in countries like Pakistan or Iran, if in the most advanced country in the world men still thinking like a Fred Flintstone?
@leakingdogmilk @caucel_cr @phrasesound @jack00 Wow that is fine comment for a white men in the 30s. If you are black, girl, or immigrant, maybe you think a lot different.
It is easy speaking about it, when you don't know or care anything about it.
All this comments here shows that problem is not only in the ubisoft hq.
caucel_cr's comments