@phrasesound @caucel_cr @jack00 There are no difference in all. So toleance and gender equality is bad? It make a bad world? Back to the middle age bro.
@spacecadet25 @caucel_cr @Sanligo Men, fiction is about role model and status quo things too. Are you reading the science fiction literature of the 17th or 18th century? Julio Verne perhaps? There are a lot of gender role model there.
I mean, it is clear. Not every lead character need to be a girl. Thinking in the metal gear saga. There are a lot of strong females there while Snake is the lead.
So, the criticisms again Ubi is about the poor replied to this topic.
Lol. About Seinfeld. Nonsense tv is a good thing for making nonsense people. While Seinfield was in the air in the us society happen a lot of things that show never shows. So it is kind that you are in a bubble.
@spacecadet25 @caucel_cr @frozenuxx Yes, she does. This things works for role model. So how do you thing that people choose that them choose? It is a society thing. There are not magic in it.
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