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cavanagh15 Blog

Thanksgiving Break: Blog 2 (Jack Bauer Returns)

Reviews about the two-hour movie event seem to be pretty mixed. Personally, I thought it was some of the best hours of 24 that the show has produced. Let's break down the two-hour event piece by piece with some highlights that I'm sure will make season seven interesting...

1. Jack Bauer in Africa - I liked every second of it. I liked the realness to the story and I thought that Jack jumping around trying to avoid having to come back to the United States was a very good storyline. They paced Jack well throughout the two hours and they did get a lot done. Jack got to say a little bit about events that had transpired since the end of season six and they got a little bit into how he is going to be in season seven. The scene where he, basically, blows up the village was the best action scene of the episode. The scene at the end with him pleading with the man to let the children in was the best scene of the episode. I have never cared so much about getting a "happy" ending. I knew when the man proposed it that Jack was going to give himself up, but when the gate closed I really lost it. I thought the entire two hours was going to leave a sour taste in my mouth. The producers pulled through though in that final scene and really capped off an amazing Bauer story-arch.

2. Madame President - I always wondered why we had to wait so long, but now it all makes sense. All the words we are hearing on CNN are coming into play. "Transition Team", "President-Elect" etc. I like the continuity by having Daniels still being president, though a mention of Palmer would have been nice when he was talking about "His Heart not being in it". I thought all of her scenes were great as well.

3. Presidents Son / Friend - This was the weakest part of the episdoe because it went right back to the conspiracy storyline we are so used to seeing. I don't want any part of this government to be corrupt, but that looks like the way they are heading right now. These scenes tended to be boring and a little time consuming, which is where the movie lost some points.

Overall Score - 9 / 10 Given Score - 10 / 10

Season Seven Should Be Good Because of...

1. Jack's character seems stronger (devolopment-wise) then ever

2. "The Return"

3. The new president

Season Seven Needs to watch out for...

1. How "The Return" is explained

2. Government Conspiracy

3. Jack Bauers connection with the government

I think I need to explain that last one. One of the main things that has always been a draw to 24 is Jack's intense relationship with the president / high government. We've seen it in all six seasons. CTU is gone and I know Jack works for FBI, but having the White House storyline just be there as a filler would be...bad. Hopefully they connect to Jack.

Thanksgiving Break: Blog 1 (Top 5 Shows)

I have got some time away from school during the next couple of days, which will finally let me write some television blogs and get some discussion going! I love talking about television, but I haven't been able to since I have had such a massive workload this year. I plan on writing a blog everyday, but I know there are some of you out there that will get on to check everyday! =D Here is my planned schedule for blog writing:

Today - Top 5 Shows, "All-Time" and "Fall Season"

Wednesday 11/26 - The 24: Redemption Blog

Thursday 11/27 - The Heroes Blog

Friday 11/28 - The Prison Break Blog

Saturday 11/29 - True Blood, First Impressions

Sunday 11/30 - The Lost Blog

Top 5 Shows (Fall Season)

Before I do this, everyone needs to know the shows that I have been watching this fall season: Heroes, Prison Break, House, Fringe, Dirty Sexy Money. I have watched 2-3 episodes of "My Own Worst Enemy", "Dexter", and "Life" but not enough to include them. So this list is effectivly out of these five television shows...

1. Prison Break - One of the best 12 episode runs that I have ever watched on televsion. I even think the first 1-2 episodes are even better now that you know how it all ends. "Selfless" was the ultimate end to the story-arch that we have been following all season long. More on this on Friday's blog.

2. Fringe - Best "New" show without a doubt. I still need to catch up with the last two episodes, but every episode of Fringe has been entertaining for me. Walter's character provides comedic relief in a show you wouldn't think would have any and Anna Trov (sp?) is also a break-out star that has gotten the hang of her character as of late.

3. Dirty Sexy Money - I'm really upset that this show is getting the axe. Peter Krause is one of my favorite actors that I have ever watched and I really thought this show had so much going for it. Iv've watched 4 episodes of the new season and I loved the direction that the show was going. It really did take everything from season one and was delivering on all the questions that we wanted answered.

4. House - The new team is still terrible and this show is falling mroe and more every week. Hugh is still a great actor, but the Wilson/House dynamic was supposed to be the big thing of the season and it just hasn't been everything that I thought it was going to be. I mean, everything that happened at the end of season four basically was erased in what - 5 episodes? I thought it was terrible writing. House + Cuddy keep me interested.

5. Heroes - Thursdays Blog.

Top 5 Shows (All-Time)

1. Lost (10.0)

2. Six Feet Under (10.0)

3. Prison Break (10.0)

4. 24 --> 9.8

5. Alias --> 9.8

On The Bubble: Criminal Minds (9.7), Dexter (9.5), Survivor (9.5)

Season Two - One Show "On the Rise", Another "On the fall"

With Fall Break giving me a four-day weekend, I was able to select two shows that I haven't had a chance to watch recently. Burn Notice, Chuck, Dexter, Dirty Sexy Money, Life, and Pushing Daises have all not been watched so far due to school taking up most of my time. I decided to pick two shows to catch up on and one impressed me to no end, while the other seems like it's losing a lot of what made it great in season one.

DIRTY SEXY MONEY - Amazing start to the second season of the show. The first epsiode began in media res, which is my favorite television tactic I grew to love watching Alias. I thought the entire episode was great to watch from beginning to end and the plot twist at the very end of the epsiode gives us a season-long arch to begin thinking about some things. The second episode kind of winded down from the first one, but it was still good. Simon Elder is a great mystery and Lucy Lui's character played a much better role (lawyer) then I thought she was going to (Edler's henchwoman). This show is amazing and Peter Krause is truly one of the greatest actors of all time.

The Birthday Present - 9.5, The Family Lawyer - 9.0

PUSHING DAISIES - Not good. I can't get into the case by case stories anymore. Olive's storyline is simply awful and I hate watching her interaction with the two old women. There was a lot of attention paid to the two women almost discovering Chuck. I thought it was pretty much bad storyteling. The narrarator dissapered for the entire middle portion of this epsiode, which is what makes the show so great. I simply don't think that this show is going on a good track. I haven't watched the next two episodes yet, but after 2x01 I'm not sure I want to.

Prison Break 4x5 Review, Heroes Impresses

Safe and Sound:

Season Four went downhill a little bit (in my opinion) last week, but got it back on track with this episode. This episode was everything I expect from the fourth season of Prison Break and really hope that the show continues to deliver just like this. Many people don't like the new style, but I have just fallen in love with it. This is the endgame of the show. The company set all of this up way back in season one. We are never going to get the season one feel again, its impossible. I respect the writers motivation to try and reinvent themselves. I like this season (so far) better then at this point through season one. This show has changed so much its unreal to think about it sometimes. This episode in general I loved Mahone's storyline. I loved the emotion he showed at the diner with his wife. I think that was by far the best scene in the episode. Getting the second card by breaking into the government building was solid. I think it would get slightly boring if they did this six times, but with Pad Man saying everyone must carry the card on them I think we might be safe from the continuous breaking and entering plot. T-Bag has the most pointless plot this entire season, I'm hoping it picks up soon because he is the only reason I am not enjoying the new season. I also find it slightly wierd that no one recognizes the Fox River Eight anymore? Sucre is just walking around a government builing? I mean, its only been about 4-7 months or so since the escape. Other then those very minor things I thought the episode was very well done.

Heroes: 3x1 and 3x2 were better then all but one (Cautionary Tales) episode from season two. Sylar is back killing people, which is one of the reasons season two was just so dissapointing. Couple of twists in the episode that weren't needed, but overall I thought the epsiode as a whole was good. Future Peter being the one that shot Nathan was a great twist, I really liked it. Loved the first scene of the episode and I knew the new season was going to be much better when I saw that. Hiro needs a better plotline, hes been falling off my favorite characters list for a very long time now.

Prison Break 4x4, House 5x1, Fringe 4x2 Reviews

Prison Break - Sara needs to die. Again. I strongly dislike what is being done with her character. She reminds me of Kate in Lost. She is only good when she is around a member of the main cast. As soon as you put her away from Michael or any of the guys, she becomes a really boring and dull character. I know what she went through was hard but it seems like this is the only possible way for them to tell the story from her perspective. She can't really go out on every case, that would be too out of character. We've all ready seen her sob pathetic story when she gets too emotional over something. She almost killed herself in season one and she went through Kellerman in season two. Her character seems to always be in this situation where I'm just not interested in the storyline. Eveyrthing else about the episode was fine. I liked the "Eagels and Angels" theme to the epsiode and I liked how they went about getting the second of six keycards. Mahone recrits the new guy to find him the man that kiled his son, while he seems to be on the way to Mahone anyway. Really liked the possible double agent of the new guy, makes his character a lot more likeable now for me. He's a good guy, but a bad guy as well. I like the complex his character now provides. T-Bag is involved with our main characters now, I'm just waiting to see what Whistlers endgame was, becauase I am sure that T-Bag will get there. Good episode, dispite it being the season low (for me).

9.1 / 10.0

House - Season Four was the worst season of House, without a shadow of a doubt in many of the minds here at Season Five has not changed a thing. Cameron and Chase are still being used not enough and the team, which is now a season in the making, still gives me nothing to care about. 13 has Hunningtons, I don't really care about this at all even though House makes it seem like some big deal. So she hides the fact that she has it from other people, I don't see the big deal of making sure its out in the open. Taub and Cutner provided nothing for me in this episode, not one thing. House and Wilson drama was good, I really enjoyed the scene where Wilson tells House that he doesnt think that they ever were friends. I know Wilson is not leaving the show for good, maybe just something like back in the old days when Cameron left the hospital for a couple of episodes. The case in this one was interesting, I like the actress who played the victim in this episode. I've seen her do something before, just can't put the finger on it for some reason. Overall, this show didn't come back with any spark after finishing off its worst season strong last year.

8.5 / 10.0

Fringe - I really liked this episode and I liked the way that the second episode followed the first. I know I'm getting way too used to the fact that they are cutting the commericals down, but I just feel like I'm getting so much out of the hour then in a normal television show. I like the "case-by-case" formula they have set up. Very simple, but very interesting because I feel like they are all working towards the same endgame, whereas with most standalone formats you feel like each one is a piece to a different puzzle and they don't really ever fully come together. (Crime Shows is the best example of this). I found the mysteries quite entertaining, but none more then the very simple "condition" that PEter has according to his father. I'm interested in seeing how the internet takes to this show like they have taken to Lost. Why was the old man (still getting used to the names) counting the way he was counting during the end of the episode? I think episodes of Fringe are going to be like episodes of Lost, you might have to watch them a couple of times to make sure you got the whole picture. So the young man killing women was actually an old man the entire time? I think I got that right. Interesting stuff. I like the science fiction to the show because it doesnt take up the majority of the episode. It's more like "Here's something Sci-Fi for 10 seconds and now here's the rest of the "normal" stuff." I like how normal characters are dealing with the "abnormal" stuff. That's my favorite draw to this show, as it is to Lost. Overall, solid epsiode I though. Dissapointed in the low ratings on this site for it.

9.3 / 10

1. Fringe

2. Prison Break

3. House

Fringe Sets "New Show" Fall Television Bar

I thought it was a good pilot, but I do think that it suffered from the fate that many pilots usually suffer from. The actors in the show are not used to there characters just yet and I'm sure thats something that is going to take a few epsiodes to devolop. Think back to the Lost pilot and Jack's speech to Kate on "Fear". It was painfully bad acting on the part of Fox, but that was simply because he was not ready to really get into his character yet. I felt the same kind of thing here and with how intense the show is with the science termonology it might take a while for the show to really kick it into high gear.

Positive aspects of the pilot? The storyline. Very interesting concept. I didn't expect the man that John and Olivia were chasing at the beginning of the epsiode to die at the end of the episode and I certainly didn't expect John to both be the bad guy and be killed off at the same time. Very interesting story writing with a lot of twists early in the show. I liked the dream sequence the best out of everything I think. I thought it was really well done and very mysterious.

Lance Reddick is the person I think is the most in tune with his character and another one of my favorite scenes was when he and Olivia were going over some of the "unexplained things" that were happening around the world that were classified beyond top secret. After reading ahead in the previews two episodes it seems like we will be introduced to some weird mystery every episode. Interesting concept of applying a standalone formula to a show that seems to be anything but. However, I'm more then happy to go along for the ride - very good opening act.

9.2 / 10.0

Prison Break Season Four Begins

"My name is Michael Scofield, and I'm a fugitive. Three weeks ago, I was in a Panamanian prison. While I was there, I was approached by the Company. The Company is a corrupt organization involved in all levels of industry and government. They gave me two options: break one of their men, James Whistler, out of that prison or else they would kill the only woman I ever loved, Dr. Sara Tancredi. I held up my end of the deal, and I broke Whistler out. But the Company ... They killed Sara anyway. I don't know why the Company wanted James Whistler out of prison, but I've tracked him here to Los Angeles. He's with another Company agent I know only as Gretchen. The same agent who murdered Sara. This ends today. I came here seeking justice. The justice I now know the system cannot provide. So, if you're reading this letter, you'll know I died avenging Sara's death."

The fourth season of Prison Break started off better then I was expecting this past Monday night, though the ratings on this site would happen to say otherwise. One of the reasons why Prison Break is my number 3 show (behind only 'Lost' and 'Six Feet Under') is becuase this show has drastically changed each and every season. If you think watching an episode of lost from season 1 / 4 is different, try watching men in prison now working to take down the very company that framed them in season one. Overall, the new season looks to be one of the best seasons of compelling action and storyline writing you can have in a tv show. Let's break down 4x1 and 4x2 side by side.

The good things about the first couple of episode: Mahone is back in his comfort zone. I wasn't saying that he was bad in season three, he just wasn't used to the best of his ability. This season he is back in an office throwing ideas around and showing he's one of the best actors (if not the best) this show has ever seen. The new company hitman is about 10x as good as Gretchen was at her job of being honestly scary to our main characters. Killing off Whistler - I liked it. I do view him as a good guy and Gretchen as a bad one, but in the end I liked the storytelling to get rid of him and introduce this new guy. He is scary. He comes on screen and you know bad things are going to happen. My heart dropped when he walked into Mahone's house. I love me some Mahone and for him to have to go through that really made me upset. That's how you know the writers have devoloped someone very well. The other thing I liked about the episode: The new storyline. I like the "we need six pieces of the puzzle" aspect and I look forward to how they are going to run around and find them. I feel like this is all building to something big, so thats where they need to be careful. Getting the six pieces JUST so the company falls? Seems like there needs to be something more.

Things I didn't like as much. Saras return was okay, but not amazingly well done. They did it the best they could, but you do have to question why the writers felt the need to bring her back. Either way - it wasn't just like "Saras back", they did at least try to have Lincoln and Michael talk about it first, which made is pass-offable for me anyway. Other then that relationship, I think everything else was good. I really did. I thought these two epsiodes are among the top half of Prison Breaks episode list, the second one (Breaking and Entering) being way up close to the top 10-15 quality.

Common Complaint - Season Three storylines just kind of dropped. We will still be seeing Gretchen, at first I wasn't happy they killed her as well. But I'm glad she will be around for a little while longer, she can be used to tie up strings and make the Sara return a little more bearable for the first time they see each other anyways. Sona burned to the ground. Of course it was forced. The writers strike did have to do that and one of the things I would rather see is some "off the screen" escape then having 2-3 episodes of Brad, Tbag, and Sucre in Sona. In the end, its almost more bearable to have it done off screen then having so many episodes with them away from the big picture. You cant start season four until Brad and Sucre are on the same team, so I didnt mind that they escaped from Sona like that. Burned to the ground? That part kind of made me lol. Cause when you think about it, even if that place burns to the ground how do they escape after that? That's the only part that didn't make sesne to me, but again I forgive the writers for things like that. I felt season three ended leaving certain mysteries: Whistler, Gretchen, Sona. Sona was disregarded because it had to be, Whistler explained his purpose before he got offed and Gretchen is still around. I still think season three has an important place in this shows history and we can all blame the writers strike for the cool things that would have come in the back 9 last season.

Scylla - 9.3 / 10.0

Breaking and Entering - 9.7 / 10.0

The Ultimate Top Ten - TV Shows, Characters, and Episodes

Three seperate lists outlining my favorite televsision shows, characters, and episodes.

Top Ten Television Shows Top Ten

10. Heroes - Horrific Season Two and Horrible Webisodes, but as I try to explain to some people - this is a show that you just want to be so good because it has the look and feel of a show that could be one of the best ever. Season Two was an off-season, I'm willing to look the other way if season three turns that around and works its magic. No one can tell me this show wasn't in there top 5 of all time after it's first eleven episodes.

09. Survivor - The only reality show in the top ten and it has bounced in and out of my top ten over the years. The Amazing Race for a couple of seasons had more draw, but the last couple of seasons of surivor have done an amazing job in terms of casting characters.

08. Criminal Minds - The truly only lone "cop / crime" drama in my top 10 as well. I've only seen the first two seasons, but this show is amazing. I usually prefer shows that don't use a standalone formula, but for this particular show it just seems to work.

07. House - The first three seasons were all very consistant; the writers took a chance in season four by getting rid of Cameron and Chase and the show just lost something. They changed the formula, but I guss I just didn't see the change being that big of a deal until I started watching season four. With season five looking to keep the characters from season four around, I would say it will be about November when House falls out of the top 10.

06. 24 - This show used to be my number one about a year ago before Lost season four started, but two shows that I have watched since then (Alias and Dexter) combined with a bad season six drops 24 all the way down to number 6. The movie looks to be average and season seven looks to be interesting. In the end - I don't think this show can touch seasons 1,2,3,and 5. I loved all of those seasons and I think the best is behind 24.

05. Dexter - I've only seen one season by with what everyone says about season two I'm sure it will stay here in the top five. Michael C. Hall is one of the more talented actors i've seen on television and he just plays the role to perfection in this show.

04. Alias - Great show. It had a bumpy final two seasons, season four being my least favorite ranked season of all time. Season five introduced some new characters that I didn't really care for, but in the end the first three seasons of this show are intense and amazing and the end of season four and five also helped save the show.

03. Prison Break - Just started rewatching season two and man is it good. I forget how much I loved this show when I bought it. Watched season one in 2-3 days and the same when season two was realeased. Season one is an intense roller coaster ride, but while rewatching season two I think I might season two more then one. I can forgive the little "unreal moments" for the most part and the show has some amazing cast members on it and a story I've never truly said is "boring"

02. Six Feet Under - 2001-2005. Amazing show. Real drama. Not drama like "Lost" or "Heroes". Just a story about people and death. So amazing. Not much more to say really.

01. Lost - Lost has had the number one for a while and it doesn't look to be losing it anytime soon. I've never been mroe interested in the story. The writers have me nervous, but they are going to have everyone feeling that over the final 32 episodes. Lots of things need to be solved and one little mishap could ruin the entire show. It's a lot of pressure but right now it's one amazing ride.

Top Ten Television Episodes Ever

(1-5 are truly my top 5, the bottom five just kind of get the "top episode" from one of my favorite shows)

10. Shrink Wrap (Dexter)

09. Alone (House)

08. No Way Out, Part 1 (Criminal Minds)

07. Day 5 7:00 am - 8:00 am (24)

06. Hell or High Water (Prison Break)

05. The Constant (Lost)

04. The Shape of Things to Come (Lost)

03. Phase One (Alias)

02. Through The Looking Glass (Lost)

01. Everyone's Waiting (Six Feet Under)

Top Ten Television Characters Ever

10. Michael Weston (Burn Notice)

09. Dexter Morgan (Dexter) -- Michael C. Hall

08. Gregory House (House) -- Hugh Laurie

07. Sydney Bristow (Alias) -- Jennifer Gardner

06. Jack Bauer (24) -- Keifer Sutherland

05. Alexander Mahone (Prison Break) -- William Flitcher

04. Desmond Hume (Lost) -- Henry Ian Cusiak

03. Michael Scofield (Prison Break) -- Wentworth Miller

02. Nate Fisher (Six Feet Under) -- Peter Krause

01. Benjamin Linus (Lost) -- Michael Emerson