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cavanagh15 Blog

Lost - How Do I Save The Island?

Really good epsiode overall I thought, with the first couple of flashbacks leaving a little more to be desired. I liked the episode much better upon rewatch when the first couple of flashes didnt take me to 10:20. I enjoyed the dream sequence a lot with Locke and Horrace and I have missed the dreams like those that Locke has had over the years. This one was certainly interesting, with the dream seeming to repeat on a loop (I think it was 3-4 times that it did this). Im not sure what it all means yet, but if we see Horrace again maybe we can get some more background information. Ben was great in this episode as well and it seems to me that the guy just works well with everyone on the show. The scene at the very end of the episode with Hurley and Ben was amazing and I would have LOVED if it had cut to LOST right after Locke asked the question that he had come there to ask.

Speaking of which, certainly a very odd and strange journey Locke and Ben are about to undertake in. They need to move the island, whatever that means. Move it to a different time, maybe? A lot of time has passed between where we are now on the island and where we are now in the flash-forwards (Sun just gave birth meaning 7 months ahead?) I dont know if the writers plan to fill in those gaps or if this moving the island adventure will jump them forward in time. Also to mention is that Keamy seems to all ready be on-island, so moving the island is only half of their problems.

Lockes flashback was certainly interesting, in two scenes anyway. The first two scenes were only highlighted by the return of Richard Alpert, who has been following John much longer then we thought. The scene with the items that John must choose was very interesting and should provide much to debate about around the forums. The best idea I have read to this point has been the thought of reincarnation - "No, John. Which of these items ALL READY belong to you?" Is Locke the next Jacob, is that what Richard was looking for.

The scene with Matthew was also a great one. The last line of that scene sets up a Abbadon + Locke reunion sometime in the future. Im not sure how I feel right now about Matthew telling Locke to go on his Walkabout, but it will do for now until we get a little more information. Overall, the flashbacks get a grade of a B, only because the other three were so plain and "whatever" quality.

Cabin scene was amazing. I knew Claire was going to the Cabin with Christain and something has happened to her. I have no idea what is going on with Claire but Im happy to see her vault into the main storyline for a chance. Aaron is now with Sawyer, who will soon transfer to a member of the Oceanic Six. Hurley also needs to get in gear, but a sense another Locke / Rest of the group showdown coming soon so we will see what happens with that.

Jack wants to go after the plane, but Sayid should show up just at the right time to warn them of the upcoming danger and the war will begin in the next epsiode. Overall, very solid episode which due to the flashbacks finishes right there in the middle of the season.

Season Four Rankings

The Shape of Things to Come (10+)
The Constant (10+)
The Beginning of the End (10.0)
The Economist (9.5)
Meet Kevin Johnson (9.4)
Cabin Fever (9.4)
Something Nice Back Home (9.4)
Confirmed Dead (9.3)
Eggtown (9.2)
The Other Woman (9.0)
Ji Yeon (8.6)

Season Four Average --> 9.44 (.01 behind 24 Season Five for the best season of all time, for me)

Lost - Something Nice Back Home

I have never and will never get the hatred that surroundes the character that Matthew Fox plays in this series. No matter what the man does, ever since season two his character has been very disliked.I think it has to do with the fact that John Locke became the most popular survivor on the island and his problems with Jack really caused a lot of people to hate Jack when I dont think the writers planned to have that happen. Onto the epsiode itself, it was a really good episode. One of the better flash-forwards of the year, though none of them have been down right bad. Kate and Jack have always had a powerful on-screen connection and I liked to see them together in the future. Jack begins his trip into depression in this epsiode as Hurley eventually works his way into Jacks mind. Jack is beginning to become hobbled as Kate does something for Sawyer, which we still dont know what that was. We learn that Sawyer made the choice to say, which was interesting. Overall I thought the flash-foward was the best part of the episode.

The island stuff wasnt as explosive as The Shape of Things to Come, but nothing they did would have been that amazing no matter how hard they tried. Jin / Sun / Dan / Charlotte got some more screen time when they went back out to the Arrow and I thought that was really well done. Jin calling out Charlotte really begins to set up the finale now that we know that Sun gets off the island somehow. Sawyer / Miles / Claire scenes were solid, though I find it hard to believe that no one of the bad guys are dead and that Keamey didnt look into the weird sound that he heard in the jungle. Overall, great epsiode for character and relationship devolopments and I think this season is going to finish out very strong!

9.4 / 10.0

Lost - "Welcome to the War, John!"

This episode without a doubt has jumped into my top five, right behind Through the Looking Glass and The Constant Overall, the episode had everything in it that we could have wanted. The episode was amazing in every way, shape, and form. Every scene in the flash was amazing and the island scenes were just as good.

Begin with the flash, which we didnt find out was a forward until Ben asked the woman what year it was. We now have an approximate timeline of events for the show. It seems as if he was in the middle of something as his flash made it seem like he was kind of surprised to be in the desert somewhat. He had an injury on his arm and was wearing a big puffy jacket. Im sure we will see at some point what aspect of the island allows him to teleport like that. He then kills the two guys and steals there horses - that scene was amazing. Follow that up with a complete story of Ben / Sayid and you have a really good flash right there. But the writers took it a step further and even showed the scene with Ben and Charles, whcih was in my opinion the best scene fo the episode. They didnt do anything to try and WTF us, it was just an amazing scene from beginning to end. I normaly dont bring up the lighting of scenes, but the half light / half dark face of the both of them was really good. It also sets up a really good plot for Sayid to go after Penelope, cant wait to see how sayid responds to that piece of information.

The island scenes with Jack and company took the intensity down a little bit from the other side of the island, which was a good thing. Benard calls out Daniel for lying, which I thought was interesting. Jack is getting sick seemingly out of nowhere, that seems a bit random but should be interesting to see where it goes in the next episode. Lockes camp had the most intense parts of this episode from beginning to end. There was no scene that didnt go way over my expectations. Sawyer in the middle of a gun battle / killing three randoms? Love it. House explostion? Love it. Ben / Keamy / Alex scene - amazing. What an amazing scene by Ben. Once again he goes off on someone and tells them their life story. I love those scenes. The killing of Alex was actually quite surprising, I didnt see it coming and I did actually feel a little sad. It all works really well for what they are setting up in the future. Overall, third best episode of the entire show for me without a doubt! Amazing!!


Lost Season Four Summary + Top 25 Episodes

Lost Season Four has been a transformational season for the show. The show has a new vibe to it. A new feeling. I think the entire season of the show needs to be completed before we can judge it. Everything has changed from the show we have been watching for the past couple of years. When you watch something like The Sopranos everything stays the same. There are no flash-forwards or game changing plot twists. Lost has changed the show in every season, focusing on a new theme in each of them. However, this season not only changed the theme but the way the show is looked at as a whole. Nothing is certain anymore and its a very odd feeling. The introduction of the FF's has the shows writers "walking on thin ice". One mistake, any major mistake could provide a problem to the shows continuity. Through 8 episodes of season 4 I had 5 of the 8 episodes in my top 25 episodes of all time. Now only three remain. The feel is different as I have said 2-3 times all ready in this paragraph. Watching a season one episode for the first time and watching a season four episode for the first time are not the same. Its so hard to sit here and say that seaosn four is the best. According to my ratings, which I will also post in this blog, this season is so far the highest rated. But for some reason it doesnt feel like it. I dont know what it is about the season thats making me feel this way. The show has launched itself into a new era and its never going to look back. Episodes are more detailed with questions about the future rather then questions about the island. The flashbacks that we do have are interesting enough but they dont seem to fit with the seasons theme. When I watched S1-S3 episodes my rating on first watch held for my rewatches (FBYE being my exception) Season four has seen that pattern change, seeing an increase in ratings from 1st to 2nd viewing, but eventually settling somewhere in the middle. The island scenes have begun to lack and that needs to change in the second part of the season. The FF's are a great addition so far but the island scenes will always make the show what it is. Nothing backbreaking or gamechanging has happened on the island in a while and that needs to change. The preview makes it seem like that change is about to happen...

Welcome to the War, John.

Updated - Lost Top 25 Episodes!!

[color=green]Through The Looking Glass- 10.0[/color]
[color=purple]The Constant- 10.0[/color]
[color=orange]Live Together, Die Alone- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]The Man From Tallahassee- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]The Man Behind The Curtain- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]Pilot: Part 1- 10.0[/color]
[color=orange]Man Of Science, Man Of Faith- 10.0[/color]
[color=purple]The Beginning Of The End - 10.0[/color]
[color=green]Flashes Before Your Eyes- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]Catch 22- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]Confidence Man- 9.8[/color]
[color=orange]The 23rd Psalm- 9.8[/color]
[color=orange]Orientation- 9.8[/color]
[color=gray]Walkabout- 9.7[/color]
[color=orange]The Other 48 Days- 9.7[/color]
[color=gray]Deus Ex Machina- 9.7[/color]
[color=gray]Exodus: Part 2- 9.6[/color]
[color=gray]Outlaws- 9.6[/color]
[color=orange]The Long Con- 9.6[/color]
[color=green]Enter 77- 9.5[/color]
[color=orange]Three Minutes- 9.5[/color]
[color=gray]Do No Harm- 9.5[/color]
[color=purple]The Economist- 9.5[/color]
[color=green]Greatest Hits- 9.5[/color]

Season 1 - 8

Season 2 - 7

Season 3 - 7

Season 4 - 3

Updated - Season Four Rankings!!

1. The Constant - 10.0

2. The Beginning of the End - 10.0

3. The Economist - 9.5

4. Meet Kevin Johnson - 9.4

5. Confirmed Dead - 9.3

6. Eggtown - 9.2

7. The Other Woman - 9.0

8. Ji Yeon - 8.6

Season Four Average - 9.375 (Through 8)

The Shape of Things to Come (Prediction) - 9.8

Top Eight Moments of LOST Season 4 (so far)

8. "Confirmed Dead" - Rescuing you and your people...can't exactly say its our...primary objective. - I like the way the promo said it better, but I still loved the moment/line itself. Felt very mysterious and creepy considering how long ago he had just landed.

7. "The Economist" - I lost a dollar you know - It made me laugh.

6. "Meet Kevin Johnson" - Did the bullet just bounce of your skull or did the gun jam on ya? - Lolwut? Loved the fact that they brought back Tom for this little adventure. The scene where he pretty much explains everything was the best "answer scene" we have gotten this year I think.

5. "Eggtown" - Only Eight of us survived the crash - Lots of hate for the episode, but I liked it better then most of everyone on did. I think Kate needs someone to bring her character out and I thuoght this scene was amazing with the both of them in it. I loved the music. It was very "I'm lying to you all" and I think it was the same music from Through the Looking Glass. Favorite scene of that episode by far.

4. "The Beginning of the End" - Are they still alive, Mr. Reyes - Creepy. Very creepy. Loved his character, even though we don't know much about him yet. He has a very dark feel, even darker then Ben once had in season three. Loved the way the scene went, with him trying to pass himself off as a good guy at first.

3. "Confirmed Dead" - Her name is Charlotte Lewis - Michael Emerson still is amazing. Loved the entire sppech as he gave it and I wasn't expecting them to top it all off with a cliffhanger but they did and did it very well. Emerson made this scene what it was for me.

2. "The Economist" - But they know I'm after them now - Some people thought it was cheesy, I loved it. Bens answer was perfect I thought and when you look at episode 8 this scene really jusr brings out thsi twist even more. Sayid still hates Ben in epsiode 8, but we learn in episode 3 he works for him. Gotta love fragmented storytelling. Loved the droned out Ben in the begining of the scene, thought it worked well with the fact that Sayid was hurt.

1. "The Constant" - I love you Penny. I've always loved you - The most emotional scene of the series so far and everything about this scene was done perfectly. The music, which has been up and down this season, was spot on and the acting from both Henry and Sonya were unreal. Amazing scene.

Jericho Ends

I'll be honest, it wasn't a picture perfect finale by a long shot. When the final credits roll of a supposed 'series finale' you don't expect to have any questions left. Obviously, there were a lot of questions left about the show as a whole, but the writers pulled out all the stops to bring us the best seven episodes of television that they could. With a budget not much better then a daycare drama, how could you have asked for more out of this season. I was a "nut-turned" fan and I wish there had been many more like me who turned in to watch it after that campaign.

Anyways - to the episode itself. It started out pretty slow, but picked up as it got closer and closer to the end. Jake and Hawkins storyline was obviously the one we wanted to watch, as they had the most riding on the line. Then going to see Gray Anderson was a detour that I didn't think was needed, but when Gray walks into Jericho for the first time I thought that was a beautiful scene. Jake and Hawkins then steal the bomb (you know Jake wasn't staying in the car) and drive into a Texas-protected embassy with it. Winner! Didn't see that one coming from a mile away. They now have their ticket to Texas and two figher planes save it when Cheyanne planes want to take it out of the skies. I thought that was a great scene and to do that under such a low budget? Even better. They get to Texas, expose the conspricacy, and Hawkins and Jake together (the two great masterminds of the show) deliver the closing lines about making history. Perfect final scene.

All the scenes at Jericho were good enough, they were just filling in some of the gaps for Hawkins and Jake. The one I really wanted to see with another moment with Mimi / Stanley and we got it. Thats the only relationship drama on the show I was interested in at all and the writers gave them a great final scene. I thought the scene with Stanley and the group burying Bonnie was also really well done. Beck has a change of heart and sides with everyone else.

Overall, not the best flowing perfect finale, but it got the job done in the long run. Terrific final line, one that I will remember for a very long time to come.

Long Live Jericho!

Lost - Meet Kevin Johnson Review

I'll break this episode down much like I do any other - into three parts. The first being the first eight minutes of the island storyline, then Michaels backstory, followed by the ending island scenes and the cliffhanger we will be hanging on for 5 weeks as we wait for Lost season four to start back up again.

Once again - an episode in season four draws a low rating the night I watch it (9.2) but scores higher once I rewatch it. Going over the first part of the episode (setting up Micheals story, I thought was very well done. Loved the first scene with the team metting at Lockes residence with Ben coming clean to everyone about Michael. Good reaction from Sawyer - but no one else was really there to get upset about it. Would have liked to see hurley say a little something "No. No. No Way, No!" Something along those lines but changed a bit from the last time he said it. Overall though - great scene where Claire asks if Ben is now "One of Us", which is a very godo question at the moment. Switch over to Captain Gault anihilating someone trying to leave the ship. I think that actor is fantastic. He has a way about him that when he starts to yell it doesn't sound like hes going out of character. He has a very good leadership quality to him which makes him very believable when hes shouting out orders. Great production pick up there. Then Sayid "goes all Sayid" on Michael and we begin the flashback. Overall - solid 10/10 for the opening 8 minutes.

Flashback - Things I liked and didn't like. Didn't like that he was just "home" out of nowhere. Really needed to see him return in some way, shape, or form. I can understand the giant Walt argument, but give us a little indication of the island. Where did Michael sail into? He just sailed up to a port and went back to New York? How he got back home needed to be there and it wasn't. Scene with Michael trying to kill himself - amazing. Great music choice to be playing in the background with "Its getting better every day" - really liked it. So other then no rescue being shown the first 12 minutes had this episode still at a 10/10. Then it gets bumpy. Four minute scene with his mother came off as informative, but very boring. Didnt care for the mother playing his actress and the entire scene came off as a bit meh. He leaves there to buy and gun and meets Tom in alley. Back to amazing. Great choice of Tom and Michael to talk. Loved the fact Toms character is in fact gay in this episode, which was alluded to a long time ago but still...good to see them get back to it. Michael + Boat (around 28 minutes in) is where it got really meh. Didn't care for the trick with the bomb, though it set up a later scene really well. Sometimes I feel the writers draw out certain scenes. Why two-three minutes of Michael just trying to kill himself. I understand the hesitation, but why not push execute and have the flag come out right away? Why wait 15-20 seconds? The suspense isn't there no matter how hard you try to make the music seem like it is. Cutting out seconds like these could make for more packed and better paced episodes. MIchael talking with Keamy was cool, but came across as kind of a long, drawn out scene. Boat scene picked up again with Michael and Ben. Emerson just makes every actor better - loved that conversation. Flashback - overall solid, boring at some points though. At this point we are 36 minutes into the episode and I say I enjoyed about 26-28 minutes of the episode to this point.

Not too much left other then just two scenes now. Sayid becoming a G and turning Michael in was cool - but I did wonder the quick decision made by Sayid.I understand the Ben Linus hatred of Sayid, but with Micheals story I thought Desmond would have been like "Hey - Widemore is a bad dude" too. Quick decision, but it paid off. Loved Andrews acting there. Cliffhanger - Mira Furlan can't act. I'm sorry. Shes so plain, nothing exciting about her. She delievers her lines in the same way everytime. Karl and Danielle are shot by unknown people is a good cliffhanger - but the "emotion" and the dialouge weren't in that scene.

Overal, solid episode. Highest expectations so far and it did dissapoint on that level. However, solid 9.4 and in the better half of the season so far I think.


1. The Constant (10+)

2. The Beginning of the End (9.7)

3. The Economist (9.6)

4. Meet Kevin Johnson (9.4)

5. Confirmed Dead (9.4)

6. Eggtown (9.2)

7. The Other Woman (9.1)

8. Ji Yeon (8.7)


Jericho's "Sedition" Had It All

So like - that episode was insane from beginning to end and I've only said that about a handful of episodes of a television show. Without a doubt, in my mind, the best episode of Jericho in the shows short (and needs to be much longer) history. Becks character turns in his best performance to date. At first you could say he was acting out of character, but he was just willing to show what he would do to get the man responsible for the death of the Ravenwood leader at the end of the last episode. Love how Heather even said something along the lines of "I can't even tell the difference between you and Constinance right now." Amazing line that just confirmed that Beck was not so much out of character, as much as just showing a side of himself that it seems like he didn't want to show. Amazing scenes from his charatcer with his interactions with Heather and Jake in this episode. I liked Ulrichs performance in the episode. Liked the "flashes" he saw with his grandpa while he was being held for days on end in the room. Hawkins storyline - doesn't get much more exciting then that. Cheyanne has recoved the bomb, but the mysterious caller doesn't seem to be too worried about it. Speaking of which - we finnaly get insite on the top dog of the entire project. Apprently he is a bad guy and I loved the little "flashes" of scenes as him and Hawkins were talking on the phone basically connecting all the dots. One of the best set up episodes that I have ever seen in my life and I cannot wait to see this finale. At this point in time - I would say getting rid of this show is just unbelievable. I know why they have to in a way - but why are more people not watching this show? Amazing episode from beginning to end - loved every second.

Amazing performance by all actor's involved - have to give it the 10/10 on this one.

Five Things About Me...

So it looks like I got tagged, so here it goes....

1. I'm a sophmore at Christopher Newport University in Newport News, Virginia currently studying business. I was going to study Chemistry, but decided business was a safer choice.

2. I used to hate rap with a passion, but now I find myself listening to a lot more of it

3. I love the Yankees and the Giants! I hate the Knicks.

4. My favorite television show is without a doubt Lost, but favorite moive is a hard one. I would have to go with either Lord of the Rings 3, Pirates 1, or The Bourne Identity for that one.

5. I have a massive blister on my thumb from bowling tonight.