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Ji Yeon - Lost Episode 4x07 Review

I'm going to break my review down into the three main parts of the episode. The beach scenes, The boat scenes, and the fake out in the flashes.

The beach scenes revolved mainly around Jin, Sun, Kate, Juliet, and Benard. Sun wants to leave and go to Locke's camp, but doesn't seem to want to listen to reason. I do suppose that she has a point - she doesn't trust Daniel Faraday or Charlotte Lewis being around the camp. It just felt very - rushed. She likely should have guessed that Lewis and Faraday weren't good when Jack, Kate, and Juliet had to run after them. That was another thing about the island scenes that wasn't my preference - Kate, Juliet, Faraday, Jack, and Lewis were all back from "The Tempest" at the beginning of the episode. I suppose everything about the station was somewhat ansered, but at the end of "The Other Woman" they are all going back inside for further explaination of the station and at the beginning of this one they are all back. The camps being split really hurt this part of the storytelling I think. They had really no choice but to bring them all back because who else is around camp for drama? Jin / Sun / Benard / Rose? That's it. Had Claire, Hurley, and Sawyer been at the camp I think the other group could have stayed at the Tempest. The rest of the island scenes just felt really slow, like nothing was going on. In earlier episodes I felt this way too - but in The Economist we were getting to know Miles along the way, In Eggtown we got some Sawyer/Kate action. This episodes island scenes were just kind of in a standstill. Jin and Benards conversation on the boat, while it felt sincere, just seemed like it was put there simply to hold up a few minutes of the show.

The boat scenes were very dark and chilling, as they tend to be. Michael (Kevin Johnson) was a very easily foreseen twist coming for those of us who listened to the ComicCon podcast a while back, but the fact they didn't make the handshake the end of the episode was good job on their part. I also liked seeing Kevin Johnson in the scene where Regina jumps off the boat - just kind of off to the side. Seems Michael is just sabotaging just about everything. It looks like Keamy and Frank Lipidus bounced onto the Helicopter and left. I really liked Keamys character and hope that he is going to the island. I think his big, tough guy attitude could really get some interesting character interactions with Sawyer / Locke / Jack. Regina killing herself just has me all messed up. Something is wrong with the people on the boat - that's a fact. Regina kills herself. Minkowski kills himself. Not sure I like the fact all these people are dying before we even get to know them - but hey, flashbacks are there for a reason, right?

The fake out with the backs / forwards wasn't worth it. It got me, don't get me wrong, but I just didn't see the point. Jins flashback was there for the purpose to ONLY trick the viewers. It didn't give anything to his character at all, it was put there with its only purpose being to fool us and nothing more. Suns part of her flash was pretty boring right up until the final scene with Hurley at the gravesite. If Jin is dead or not should be a hot topic in the online community for the next couple of weeks.

Overall, the island scenes were average. Dialouge very shaky at times and Jin is almost speaking perfect english. I know they have time - but come on. He speaks really well seemingly out of nowhere. The boat scenes were solid, and the flash trick just wasn't worth the time that went into making them. This is the weakest episode of the season for me.

The Beginning of the End - 9.7
Confirmed Dead - 9.5
The Economist - 9.6
Eggtown - 9.2
The Constant - 10+
The Other Woman - 9.3
Ji Yeon - 8.9

Season Average - 9.46 (Beating out my current #1, season five of 24, by .01)

Top Two Episodes From Each Series

Why? Why Not? These are all of the shows I could think of 1-2 off the top of my head. I would put a little something for each one, but I figured I would just save it for the discussion thread. I have not seen the following - Criminal Minds Season Three, Dexter Season Two, Veronica Mars Season Two+...Feel free to post your own list / blog if you want. =)

24 - Day 5: 7:00 AM - 8:00 AM (Day 3: 6:00 AM - 7:00 AM)

Alias - Phase One (All The Time In The World)

Criminal Minds - No Way Out, Part 1 (The Fisher King, Part 1)

Dexter - Shrink Wrap (Dexter - Pilot)

Heroes - Company Man (Six Months Ago)

House - Alone (Human Error)

Jericho - Coalition Of The Willing (Semper Fidelis)

Lost - Through The Looking Glass (The Constant)

Prison Break - Hell Or High Water (Manhunt)

Six Feet Under - Everyone's Waiting (Untitled)

Veronica Mars - Leave It To Beaver (A Trip To The Dentist)

Survivor, Terminator, Jericho and Veronica Mars

I have been using some of my Spring Break to catch up on some of the shows I haven't been able to watch while school is going on. The only shows I ever made time for every week was Prison Break (now over) and Lost. Here's my quick rundown...

Survivor - Amazing. Wow. Anyone that needs to watch a show to led into Lost on Thursdays this could be a good place to start. I usually watch the Enhanced Version of Lost too, but this season just keeps on getting better and better. The Amazing Race usually recieves all the hype for reality competitions nowadays, but Survivor Season 16 is getting really strong. (10.0 and 9.8 last two episodes)

Terminator - Another show that just ended. I actually couldn't take my eyes off the final three episodes of the season. Anyone who had any interest in the movies should certainly check into the series. The beginning was great, the middle dragged a couple of episodes, but the ending of season one really confirms (to me) that there should be a season two. (9.8, 9.2, 9.4 last three episodes)

Jericho - Season Two has been a mixed bag for me. I knew going in that personal relationships and character devolopment were going to be let go for the moment in favor of heavy plot advancement, but it just seems to drag the plot too much for me. Nothing this season has stood out as a solid 42 minutes of television, just a lot of "Above Average" television. My ratings for the season have been 8.8, 8.6, 8.7, and 9.1 in that order. The 9.7 rating for the most recent episode didn't fit for me. I like the show, but I think its walking on some hot coals now.

Veronica Mars - 15 episodes in I hit a roadblock because of school. I like the storytelling in the show - with each episode having a little "joke/funny" case for Veronica to tackle and then a piece to the overall puzzle of solving the season long mystery of who killed Lilly Kane. The personal relationsips between the characters have died off a little bit in the last two episodes I have watched (Betty and Veronica and Kane and Abel) but the season long mystery is getting mroe and more air time as the season goes on. The final two episodes of the season and major high on tv.coms rating list and both break into the top 15 of PabloExobar, a friend of mine here who doesn't give just any episode a high rating. =)

"The Other Woman" with a swing and a miss

Without a doubt, to me, the worst episode of the season but still being able to score a 9.1 overall. Obviosuly not one of my favorite episodes of the show so far, but there were several moments in the episode that I did like.

Lets begin with the old fashioned flashback episode, which was a change in tempo from what we have been wacthing this season. Three of this seasons six epsiodes have been flash forwards, which I tend to watch with a more keen eye because I dont know the outcome. You know watching this episode that Juliet and Goodwin get together - you just dont know how it happens and why a lot of things happen. Juliet reminded me of Sun in this episode a lot. You think you know a character but the more times you get a flashback your opinion of her changes. Everyone felt for sun in "House of the Rising Sun" but by the time we got to "The Glass Balerina" everything about her backstory wasn't what we expected it to be. Same for Juliet in her transition from "Not In Portland" to "The Other Woman". A scene in "One of Us" seemingly so inicent with Goodwin and Juliet turns into this completly other thing that we didn't see coming. Overall the flashback was solid - with a lot of Michael Emerson lending a helping hand to Elizabeth Michell. She held her own in the flashbacks, but I always feel she will need someone else big to make her better. Which is why I think Kate episodes tend to be hard to watch - I feel she also needs a big name actor to help her out and when its centered around Lilly you don't often get that. The introduction of Harper was just kind of random to me. I almost don't want the writers to do anything more with her, but her character seemed so random and pointless to have in there for one episode. I could have come up with a half a dozen better flashbacks if the producers just wanted to stick with "Important Flashbacks" like they said. Scenes with Juliet and Harper lacked anything worth watching in the episode and being caught up in a triangle / love story not involving Desmond and Penny was a big mistake following up "The Constant". Overall - flashbacks were average, didn't feel the big "importance" of them - granted Ben got that much more complex and I like that.

On island scenes were stolen by the power duo of the show - Terry and Emerson. Putting those two together is so unfair and I dont think its just chance that those two often get scenes ranging from 2-4 minutes while everyone else gets the more old fashioned 45 seconds to a minute. A 42 minute episode could be made around those two talking and it would be amazing. The characters personalities mesh so well. Emerson talking about "Has the revolution begun" was perfect for getting inside the head of someone who is very much so new to the leader role. The reveal of Charles Widemore was very good and the spy on the boat - we know who it is, so I hope next episode doesnt hinge on that "big reveal". Juliet and Jacks portions of the epsiode were okay. The trip to the Tempest felt a little too forced to me. Nothing really happened once we got there. We do know now how the entire island can be purged, but other then that it was just Charlotte and Juliet wrestling for a minute and Juliet not pulling the trigger. Nothing much there. Jack and Juliets kiss felt right, I like the relationship between the two characters and I like how the writers waited over a season and a little more for it to really happen. The one in Through the Looking Glass was just kind of random. Overall - solid episode but it just lacked the tempo set up by a rolling season four.

9.1, complete miss in the top 25

My Top 15 Television Episodes

15. Prison Beak - Manhunt: A lot of hate for this epsiode because of the way Season One ended, but I thought it was amazing. The introdction of Mahone sets the tone for Season Two.

14. Lost - Pilot, Part 1: There is no pilot that defines perfection better then Lost. The very beginning is still one of the best episodes of the series to date.

13. Criminal Minds - No Way Out, Part 1: I was on the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Amazing acting from everyone involved.

12. Lost - The Man Behind The Curtain: Most overrated Lost episode? I disagee, fantastic backstory with an ending that left me speechless.

11. House - Alone: The start of Season Four looked so good. Cuddy, Wilson, and House all shine in this episode.

10. Prison Break - Hell Or High Water: Heart pounding from beginning to end; better then "Go"

9. Lost - The Man From Tallahassee: When I first realized that putting Terry O' Quinn and Michael Emerson together was just not fair for television.

8. 24 - Day 3, 6:00 - 7:00 AM: Didn't know what was going to happen from beginning to end. It was like Season Three took a detour for this very emotional and gripping episode. Shocking ending that once again, left me speechless.

7. Dexter - Shrink Wrap: The uh..."emotional" scenes...may have been a little long. But they were a long time coming. Character Devolopment.

6. Lost - Live Together, Die Alone: Amazing Flashback, still one of the best to date. Pivotal episode.

5. 24 - Day 5, 7:00 - 8:00 AM: Wow. Lots of things happening in the first ten minutes.

4. Lost - The Constant: "I love you Penny. I've always loved you..." If I were to ever cry, it would have been then. But I didn't. Gripping storytelling, written very well. Emmy worthy.

3. Alias - Phase One: Every single scene seemed to matter.

2. Lost - Through The Looking Glass: Every theory thrown out the window. Last four minutes echoed in my mind throughout the hiatus. No action? That's fine. Matthew Fox's acting as a depressed version of Jack was brillantly executed. Loved every minute.

1. Six Feet Under - Everyone's Waiting: Definition of Perfection.

The Constant Hits Lost Perfection

This entire season I have had to wait for the second viewing of an episode in order to give it a fair grade - there will be none of that for this epsiode. This episode is everything that you could ever want in Lost. It had everything that you could ever ask for so let us begin the breakdown.

To begin with - the only critism that the episode has gotten so far is that the beginning started off too out there and mysterious and the begining really dragged? It was because of the mystery and confusion at the beginning of the episode that made the pay off at the end so great. I really thought Desmond might die in this episode when he was calling Penny and Im so happy that I have stayed spioler free to this point. Loved the introduction to the boat - we get to meet two of the passengers on it and its clear that they do not want Oceanic 815 members on their plane at this point. There is alot more to be uncovered on this boat right now, but I loved the pacing of the boat portion of the episode.

Everything in the episode mattered and I dont even think that I would consider this episode a flashback as a whole. I would consider it a time travel episode. I should also mention that Desmond episodes have yet to be bad. Live Together, Die Alone was among the top episode on everyones LOST list up until Through The Looking Glass. Flashes and Catch 22 were both amazing episodes in season three and now we have this one as well. Loved the way they really got the beach involved in this episode, I thought Locke and company needed a bit of a timeout anyways. Jack and Juliet were on the beach, but the main action was with Daniel Faraday who sends Desmond to see him at Oxford. There was a lot of scienece and time travel in this episode but Damon and Carlton were able to write it so well that I could understand the entire episode when it was all over with.

I have never been a big fan of the "Happily Ever After" storyline, but I loved the entire scene when Desmond finnaly gets a hold of Penny in the present time. I have enjoyed watching that love story devolop and its so much better then anything Jack / Kate / Sawyer have ever given to the show. There is something so real about it that it really makes me anticipate them getting to see each other soon.

Overall, one of the best episodes of Lost ever and after 135 votes it is being given the proper respect that it deserves. Flashes Before Your Eyes was a fantastic episode and is rated too low. Now that people understand whats going on I hope the constant settles down at the 9.65 range. Obviously I would want it to be a 10 but I don't think thats anything that could ever happen on this site. Amazing episode.

Updated Top 25!

[color=green]Through The Looking Glass- 10.0[/color]
[color=purple]The Constant- 10.0[/color]
[color=orange]Live Together, Die Alone- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]The Man From Tallahassee- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]The Man Behind The Curtain- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]Pilot: Part 1- 10.0[/color]
[color=orange]Man Of Science, Man Of Faith- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]Flashes Before Your Eyes- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues- 10.0[/color]
[color=green]Catch 22- 10.0[/color]
[color=gray]Confidence Man- 9.8[/color]
[color=orange]The 23rd Psalm- 9.8[/color]
[color=orange]Orientation- 9.8[/color]
[color=gray]Walkabout- 9.8[/color]
[color=purple]The Beginning Of The End - 9.7[/color]
[color=orange]The Other 48 Days- 9.7[/color]
[color=gray]Deus Ex Machina- 9.6[/color]
[color=gray]Exodus: Part 2- 9.6[/color]
[color=purple]The Economist- 9.6[/color]
[color=gray]Outlaws- 9.6[/color]
[color=orange]The Long Con- 9.6[/color]
[color=green]Enter 77- 9.5[/color]
[color=orange]Three Minutes- 9.5[/color]
[color=purple]Confirmed Dead- 9.5[/color]
[color=gray]Do No Harm- 9.5[/color]

Eggtown Review and Updated Top 25 Episodes of LOST

As always I like to break the episode down into multiple parts. Ill start with the Flash-Forward, which was the worst of the four so far. Which isn't saying much because I still liked this one a lot. The only aspect I had a problem with was Kate being allowed to talk to the star witness for the defense side right before he is supposed to testify against her. Jack lying ont he stand - loved every minute of that scene. I love the music that was playing in the final minutes of Through the Looking Glass being used a lot now in the flashes to the future. The music is just so mysterious and every time it plays it seems like every word of the dialouge is important in some way. The end of the episode was a blockbuster reveal. I saw the end of "The Economist" coming from a mile away in that episode but for some reason I didnt make the connection here. For people who say that this story has lost its mystery factor because of the addition of the FF you need not look any further then Through the Looking Glass, Beginning of the End, Economist, and now Eggtown. Terrific writing on all accounts, I just think Kate being my least favorite survivor goes into my judgement of some of her episodes.

The on-island stuff was again advanced pretty slowly. This season is so much more about the Oceanic Six and establishing that mystery. In seasons past the island was always the intense mystery and the flashbacks were kind of chill. The island has taken on that chill factor while I find myself so...engrossed into the flash forward aspect of the show. I liked the flashbacks because it really made me love the island scenes for what they were but this season I almost want the scenes to be away from the island. I hate saying this because this episode was very solid - but it was the worst episode of the season. I dont view this as a bad episode, just very informative and moving towards a larger picture. The ending has me tottaly confused because as I said I didn't see it coming. I half expected Ben to be sitting at the Kitchen table eating Eggs. That...would have been epic.

The Top 25 Episodes of LOST

Through The Looking Glass- 10.0
Flashes Before Your Eyes- 10.0

Live Together, Die Alone- 10.0
The Man From Tallahassee- 10.0
Catch 22- 10.0

Pilot: Part 1- 10.0
Man Of Science, Man Of Faith- 10.0
All The Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues- 10.0
The Man Behind The Curtain- 10.0
Confidence Man- 9.8
The 23rd Psalm- 9.8
Orientation- 9.8

Walkabout- 9.8

The Beginning Of The End - 9.7
The Other 48 Days- 9.7
Deus Ex Machina- 9.6
Exodus: Part 2- 9.6
The Economist- 9.6
Outlaws- 9.6
The Long Con- 9.6
Enter 77- 9.5
Three Minutes- 9.5
Confirmed Dead- 9.5
Do No Harm- 9.5
Greatest Hits- 9.5

Season 1 - 8

Season 2 - 7

Season 3 - 7

Season 4 - 3

Prison Break Finale Feels "Off"

I thought the episode was weird, to be honest with everyone. I still think this show is so good at doing the episode before the finale that the finale seems to come up a bit short in all of the seasons. I know this wasn't supposed to be the real finale due to the strike, but even as a fall finale I don't think I would have liked it. Start off with the things I liked - Wentworth Miller and his acting. The man can act without a doubt and remains one of the best characters on the show. I liked the long awaited exchange, though it did feel a little predictable once everyone got inside of the musuem. Whistler not having any coordinates at all was a little odd - Im very confused now as to all the fuss that he had to have them. Obviously he has been working with Gretech this entire time. And where did Mahone wind up getting involved with Whistler? There needed to be a traditional Prison Break Flashback there, unless I just missed something that seemed a little forced to me. I like that Michael is going after the Company now, and that the Company seems ready for him and plans to kill him. I have a bad feeling that Whistler and Mahone are in big trouble if they are the best the comapny has to deal with Michael and his brains. Lincolns storyline seems to be the beginnings of a relationship with Sophia. The worst parts of the episode was the big chunk of episode devoted to McGrady. Who really cares about him and why did we lost 7 minutes of air time devoted to his storyline? Also - I hope they don't try to make Sona survive by simply adding in Sucre to mesh with T-bag and Billick. I see no future for those three giving me a solid storyline. Overall, decent episode but it felt like a regular episode of Prison Break. There was nothing really special or "finale" about it other then Michael fidning the folder about some mysterious guy. Hope to see better in seaosn four and I hope Wentworth gets a large portion of the story next year. What comes next is anyones guess.


The Economist - Ben Linus Is Jason Bourne?

A very strong episode where the main twists and turns seem to be coming from the Flash-Forwards rather then the island storyline. Let's talk about the episode into the two parts that every episode is broken down into. The FF was amazing, from the beginning to the end. This is classic JJ Abrams type of stuff - showing us the change in characters over time. I remember way back in season one when Jack said to Kate "It doesnt matter who we were, all that matters is who we are." I think this quote is so significant when you look at it from the view of the future. I love this new path the shwo is taking and to be honest I love the storytelling thats going on in the FF stories. I was one of the few who thought they were going to be using a lot of FF's to tell the story and I'm very glad to see that being the case. The opening scene with Sayid killing a seemingly random man at the golf course was very much so unexpected. The man seemed to know who Sayid was - and seemed very much so afraid. He tried to leave after winning the bet, which makes me wonder if there is anythign deeper then that. Im sure if he was working for Dharma he would have all ready known Sayid, but once Syaid said he was from Oceanic 815 the man seemed scared for his life. Very powerful way to begin. Sayids connection was Elsa was perfect - for a one episode kind of thing anyway. He being a spy was a little weird, as the two of them actually seemed to like each other. It seems that Elsa had a mission to get the name of Ben, and Sayid had to get the name of her employer. I didnt think about that last night, but that does make sense as to why she suddenly was able to flip out of character like that. Obviously the ending was amazing, one of the most powerful endings in the history of Lost. Emerson still deserves his Emmy, other then his zombie eyes in the beginning of the episode. Not sure what that was all about. Lol.

The island portion is where the episode was a little slower - Jin, Sun, Rose, Benard, and Desmond just kind of chilling back at the beach is kind of weird consdiering everything that is going on right now on the island. I know why they arent trying to overcrowd the scenes, but I would like to see them get a little more involved. The braclet was a fun new mystery to debate about on the forums and I did like how Ben is apprently Jason Bourne in disguise with all the passports. Ben should have a very informative FB coming up in the second part of the season. Like I said, the island scenes were a little slow at times, but the FF was able to more then make up for it. I am going to go ahead and classify this as the "worst" season four episode - but thats a fantastic think given how many great things I have had to say about it.

Prison Break Lives Up To The Hype - Episode Review

I have a new favorite episode of Prison Break. Anyone who looks at this episode and says "They did this one all ready" in reference to the break out of Season One clearly doesn't watch the show enough to know what they are talking about. Everything came together in a believeable way (believeable enough for television anyway) and the escape was as thrilling as I could have hoped for. I loved the beginning intensity of the episode - when you realize that Michael has played Tbag, Billick, and Lechero and has left them all to root in Sona. McGrady gets to come along as well and the escape consists of only four people this time around - which goes back to that believablity factor that I mentioned in the earlier part of this review. Every scene in this episode seemed to have a purpose and all of the mysteries that we have gotten during the season have come back here - the gunshots that help them all get away at the end of the episode, the scuba gear in the water to help them all swim away. That was my favorite part of the escape, I never guessed that and looking back it should have been so easy. Love how Lincoln and Scofield seem to disagree about Mahone and what to do with him. Its interesting to see the differences in the characters that we have known since the beginning. I loved the scene at the end of the episode where Lincoln is ready to execute Mahone, when out of nowhere Whistler makes a run for his life and Mahone gets away. I love William's acting in every episode he has ever done so I'm happy to see him live to fight for at least another episode. I think this episode has set up the strike shortened finale very well and I cannot wait for next weeks episode all ready! The entire season was paid off in this epsiode. Questions answered, but not all which still leaves enough for a blockbuster finale. Terrific job by the men on the Prison Break staff for bringing it all together so well.