@BestJinjo @ccgod yes because we all know that they wait till the last possible seconded to release the most very up to date specs they can in there system...... the xbox and ps specs were set in stone long before they came out
@BestJinjo @ccgod you do know that the consoles will be out for like the next 7 years right?? i'm not saying tomorrow just saying WiiU is going to get left in the dust after they're all out for a year or so
@BestJinjo no one is denying there good games just saying i'd like to play a mature zelda running off the unreal engine 4 not something comparable to the valve engine
@BestJinjo @wcwj26 Even tho its sad most gamers who have ps3 and xbox don't even know what steam is, all the steam box does is give you a mini computer able to play steam games. and where is the info on halo and uncharted which are not on any other systems going to the crappy WiiU?? nintendo having plenty of potential??? 3rd parties are already dropping them like dream cast.
@emptycow @ccgod @thequickshooter agree with you both 100% but the fact remains this is nintendo's next generation of console regardless of how bad it is
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