@slothboyadvance a next gen console managed to out sell an old one??? WELL F**K i would certainly hope so however the WiiU will be yesterdays news once the new xbox and ps come out
@Thanatos2k yea you couldn't get the 1st wii to save your life if you didn't have it pre ordered months ago and even then still didn't get it till January or later
@HydePark1980 @ccgod @Flint247 yes but any developer especially main stream ones leaving a system in the wind isn't a good thing and will make smaller developers worry about making games for it also
@andrescapo_ @ccgod well the lack of innovation just goes to show they don't care they're just like blizzard release the same crap but know you'll buy it just because its there brand name. They could of easily made SC2 have all 3 campaigns in one game like the original but they split it up to make everyone pay more for it.
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