ccooke Blog
I don't want to go to school anymore.
by ccooke on Comments
Every day now I get harassed by this little gang of biggot a$$holes because Im an albino, it never ends, they hate me a bit more with every passing day, its not my fault I have white hair and a lighter skin tone, but they HATE me for that, and they want to make sure Im aware of that.Maybe Ill have to whack them one of these days, I gues Ill wait for them to try to beat up on me, THEN Ill take them on, but they have strength in numbers so it might be a bit difficult.
I just don't get it.
by ccooke on Comments
I don't understand the attraction to punk and metal, what people find in these music styles is totally oblivious to me. Let me get this straight, punk is a form of music to spark rebelion and well, uh, make some noise. We throw in some guitars and drums and other instruments to make it music.
And metal, well I guess thats a form of releasing your anger, somthing like that I guess.
Can somebody explain this to me?
Ill probably get banned from a few unions for saying this, but thats ok. TOO BAD.
well, it started snowing.
by ccooke on Comments
It wont stop raining!!!
by ccooke on Comments
Its been pretty bad for the last couple days in our little ghetto, flooding in the east end, luckily I don;t live there. I've ben trying to skate between the day long barrages, but it only seems to hold off for a little while, until it starts raining again. Even worse, its going to snow tomorrow so my only resort is to skate under a bridge nearby. But it usually dosen't snow here during the winter, instead it just rains and gets cold.
I love dance music!
by ccooke on Comments
I want to see some snow.
by ccooke on Comments
Im going to Vegas.
by ccooke on Comments
Next summer Ill be going to Vegas right after school lets out.
Rodney Mullen Invented the kickflip.
by ccooke on Comments
Whenever any of you kickflip out of a rail or kickflip over a set of stairs or kickflip whatever, remember who invented it.
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