If the cartridge is grey then I'm pretty sure it's a fake copy. There are plenty of counterfeit Pokemon games out there that usually have inferior game batteries that tend to die quickly and delete your saved game. All legit Pokemon games have always been released with colored cartridges. I'd say look up a guide online on how to identify counterfeit Pokemon games to help you figure it out though.
cdav89's forum posts
A while back my old 360 met it's fate and died on me. It sucked but it was old and I planned on upgrading to a newer model anyway. It would be a while so my friend let me recover my gamertag on his system in the mean time so I could redownload and play some of my arcade games over at his house when I went over there. Well a few weeks me and him had a falling out and I don't intend on hanging out with him anymore, but my gamertag is still on his 360. Today I'm finally picking up my new system and I was wondering if I recovered my account on it would it disable or remove it from his? He already got away with taking and never returning a few of my games, but I'll be mad if he gets away with having my account too. Any help or clarification is much appreciated :)
The links for "Creating the Humble Indie Bundle" and "Steam Coming to TVs" bith seem to have 404 errors when I click them. I've tried multiple times and have gotten the same results. The other links seem to work fine, the problem seems to be just with these two.
I agree that most RPGs are awful to watch someone play but the absolute worst has got to be ElderScrolls III: Morrowind. Even when you're the one playing it most of the time you're not doing much of anything at all. Being the spectator is torture
How exactly did your Gamecube break? If it comes down to it you could always take it apart and see if you can fix it yourself. It has no warranty anymore and you really have nothing to lose if it doesn't work now :P
But the original Xbox should take the sting out just a bit! I bought one a few months back and am having a lot of fun with it! It has a lot of great games and most of them are dirt cheap :) You'll be spending a lot less on games for the box then you would on the Gamecuse
I remember seeing these back at EBgames years ago. IIRC they were priced around $400, which is hella expensive for a handheld, especially one that wasn't an established brand name (Nintendo, Sony). It didn't help that it had almost no ad campaign to speak of, no buzz or hype, and a lackluster line-up of games.
Season 9 does not exist
IIRC if you're too close to the train he won't hit anything. Stay on the right side of the tracks with some distance from the train you're persuing and he should be able to take them out slowly but surely. I think you can help him out by getting a SMG and shooting at them while you're driving, but I can't remember if that helps. It's been so long since I've played.
I was fortunate enough to pick up a new copy of FFVII a few years back for $5 when a fairly big media store was going out of business. To this day I cherish the game :)
I used to skateboard a few years ago when I was in high school. From my experience I found that if you're just starting off buy a few blank decks from http://www.blankdecks.com/. That's where I got mine from. They're cheap and very solid boards and if you intend on getting really good at skating you're bound to go through quite a few of them, so I find that sticking to blank ones is overall much cheaper. And if you're looiking to build a deck from scratch I recommend Independent trucks and Lucky bearings. Those always worked very well for me, but it's been a few years so I'm sure there are other skaters in OT who could probably recommend something better.
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