I just noticed (dont know if its old) but the God of War CoO official website is up. Here is the link: http://www.us.playstation.com/godofwar_chainsofolympus/
Holy ****!!! Their is a huge improvements in grpahics since the last time i saw the other screenshots of Warhawk (mid 2006). The lighting looks great and the mountains. Canit wait!!!
i mostly hear bad things about PSP from ppl who actually DONT own one, and they cant seem to afford it..so what they do?? Flame it, burn it down! but ppl who actually own a PSP love it, coz we all know it's beauty and its like a hidden treasure! We have TONS of great games, with Hell of good Graphics and sound and ALL of this Portable! :) i own ps2,360 and i prefer my PSP over those coz its tiny protable and easy to play! :) PSP is the BEST thing EVER, Deal with it! and Go and Buy One :)greekboy1981
Dude, you're the best!! Agree with all of what u said.
Indeed... but wouldn't it be nicer if the PS3 was also region-free for PS2 and PS1 games? I fail to see why Sony couldn't do so. I seriously doubt that doing so would have significantly raised production costs.portej
oh come on!! at least its better then the Xbox 360 and Wii where all titles are region locked.
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