I think the delay was pretty pathetic on Rockstar's part considering how long they've had to work on it, but I'll still probably get the game. It's not like I was in any rush to play it--plenty of other shit out there.
cfisher2833's forum posts
Thief 2 is significantly better than the first one. Deus Ex is also missing--I'd replace Witcher with it. Swat 4 deserves a place as well.
It was hilarious that people were bitching at him because he didn't include Inquisition. I still need to try out M&MXLegacy, but I did manage to get through Grimrock 2, Divinity OS, Shadowrun Dragonfall, and Wasteland 2.
Of them,
Dragonfall has the best main plot (shits all over Inquisition)
Divinity OS has the best combat (imo best turn based RPG combat ever)
Wasteland 2 had the best side quests even if it did take until California to really get interesting
And Grimrock 2 was my favorite.
The fact that Square is in the JRPGs section is a little sad.
That whole list is sad.
My condolences. None should have to suffer such horrors.
Oh, and Thief 2 btw. It's the best by far. Links are in the description.
Yeah, Inquisition is pretty fucking terrible. It feels exactly like a single player MMO (similar to Kingdoms of Amalur, but without Amalur's fun combat), with its lack of a day/night cycle, tons of uninteractive NPCS, boring fetch quests, mind-numbingly bad combat, and shit loads of filler content. Then there's the cringe worthy dick sucking going on in the story with the whole Herald of Andraste bullshit. So god awful. I also found Bioware's injection of progressive messages very odd; the only one that really annoyed me was the anti-gun message, but the whole having a transsexual companion just came off as so fucking weird. The progressive political stuff is really out of place in a quasi-medieval fantasy world.
I don't understand how in the world the game got reviewed as well as it did. There were just so many better RPGs this year. Shadowrun Dragonfall (which I just beat--fucking amazing; best videogame narrative of the year by far), Grimrock 2, Wasteland 2, and of course, Divinity OS. Inquistion was just utter trash.
Ummm Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory are better =P
Gotta agree with this. Thief 1 was nice to me. Didn't make me want to get the second one though.
The second Thief is the best, and really outshines the first game in every conceivable way. If there was only one Thief game that you were gonna play, it should have been Thief 2. There's some great texture mods btw.
Personally I'd give the nod of best stealth game to Chaos Theory, but it's a close call between it and Thief 2. Mark of the Ninja is also up there. I love the Hitman franchise, but I consider it a different style of stealth that you can't directly compare to many other stealth games.
Shadowrun Dragonfall. Tried to play Dragon Age Inqu., but it was complete MMO level garbage filled with the typical ego, boosting, trite super serial save the world writing ('Oh, herald of Andraste, most glorious one who will save us all with his massive, throbbing manhood! Did we mention how amazing and special you truly are, glorious Herald of Andrrraaassteee!")
@Cloud_imperium my man! Grimrock 2 was insanely good.
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