Luminous engine was the one they developed for versus XIII does that mean Versus is going to be next-gen? oh plz no I can't wait that long.
Please, please release it to pc i don't have an xbox 360 or ps3. please capcom. You released street fighter to pc, you can port this I believe in you Capcom.
Didn't Square Enix bough the game but not the IP? So they had to change the name?BTW I like the name Sleeping Dogs better, the cover art is amazing and it's a Square Enix game it could sell based on that too. xD
Didn't Square Enix bough the game but not the IP? So they had to change the name?BTW I like the name Sleeping Dogs better, the cover art is amazing and it's a Square Enix game it could sell based on that too.
Since when re-releasing stuff is awesome?Just buy the ps2 games.God Street Fighter releases the same game 30x and there is still bitching about not being released again?That and Kojima re-releasing the same Metal Gears every year and people buying it.All this HD re-releasing costs them nothing and sells like crazy.Of course no one in the industry is gonna invest in a new franchise. The costumers taught them not to.
TL;DR If "Used Games Aren't the Problem" then Piracy should not be either because neither give money to the Company that made the game.
chad28_69's comments