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chao_heroes Blog

Level 11(also a question i urgently want answered)

Finally! It felt as though it took forever but i was finally able to get to level 11. It seems as though leveling up keeps getting harder and harder, but oh well, i'm still making it, i still got a long way to go if i want to get into that list of the top level people. Also, for anyone who reads this, do you know how you can see like what rank you are. Like, on that list on the community page, i want to know how far away i am.

Final Fantasy VII, was stuck, now not, well sorta

So, i had just gotten cid. I read on the FAQ you should have yuffie and vincent by that time, but i didn't, so i was kinda down about that, and didn't feel like playing much anymore. Then i found out, getting the two were very close to each other, and you could take the tiny bronco to the area they were at, so long story, well, sorta, short, i didn't have vincent and yuffie, then i did, yay :D

Final Fantasy Anthology

I was looking for a new FF game so i went to EB yesterday and found that. It has FFV and FFVI, i'm currently playing VI, it's fun. I like the little 3-D movie things too. Anyways, that's my entry for the day, comment if you want to, i don't really care.

1200 posts

!!!!, yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy, when i thinik about it it is actually quite abit, but compared to others it's not much.


I can't wait for the game lunar genisis for DS. I love lunar games, hint, my name, witout the megaman x part. Anyways yeah, it's awesome.

Two things, new ranks, and unions, i've gotten into them

First of all, i'm not so happy about the new rankings, if it stays like this then they'll be some rankings i never got to be, though i must say i do like my current name, ikari warrior, sounds cool. I don't really mind though, it's just a word afterall. Anyways, all the names are pretty cool anyways so i don't care.

Second, the union thing. Recently i have gotten into doing things in unions, i used to think they weren't that awesome or anything, sorta just like a little extra thing for GS that nobody would really use much, but they turned out to be really fun, they give you lots of news too. I spend alot of time at unions now.

Anyways, overall, unions rock, and so do the new rankings, :lol:

My thoughts on stress.

Recently my friend has been getting mad at me because he studies and tries so hard in school. I hardly do a thing, in fact, just the other day, we had a big test, i was cleaning out my binder (atleast lost ten pounds worth of useless papers) when at the time i didn't know it but i accidently threw away my study sheet for that test. So basically i didn't study at all, i never really worry aboutmuch at all. My friend studied like crazy for that test, and in the end, i made a better grade than him. He was so pissed. I am not sure but i think that with my no worry attitude, it actually helps me out alot. Whenever i do get stressed i usually go take a nap, or look up at the clouds in the skies, or play my ocarina (that helps alot actually). The thing that helps me most but is hard to get is looking up at the moon and stars at night. I feel, no matter how many problems i have had during the day, and no matter how much homework i "Accidently" left at school that day, looking up at the lunar universe always seems to help. All my worries just dissapear. Hmm, i wonder if i spelled that right, oh well. I think that stress is something useless, you should not worry about anything, it will all work out in the end. Many people don't like that fact that i use that motto, it'll all work out so don't try cause you'll be wasting your time. I dunno why. Pretty much no matter what happens to me, it does all work out in the end. Once i made a really bad grade, and that same friend said, where's that it'll all work out motton now. I ignored him though because i really didn't mind, then while we were were in the hall, the teacher i got the bad grade from came up to us and said, there seems to have been a mistake on your grade, and then it turns out my grade was actually 30 points higher (how did that happen to go so much lower than the actual grade). Once the teacher left i started LMAO, it was so hilarious, the look on my friends face, i said, hmm, seems like there it is (referring to my motto), i do agree though, a 100% carefree life is not always good, it does need some effort, but not as much as this kid gives. IMO, stress is useless, and should be replaced with something good, like friendship or something.

Anyways, thank you for reading my long thing about stress, or skimming through it, or not reading it and just commenting saying, cool, or whatever it was you did related to my entry :lol: