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chao_heroes Blog

Friend requests

I keep requesting friends and none reply. I remember along time ago i requested so many people, i woke up the next morning, and i had ten PM from people who accepted, why don't peeps accept no more? me sad

Another DS story of today

So, recently one of my friends hasn't been bringing his DS to school. Me and my other friend have. WE all wanted to play metroid together, but my one friend never brought it anymore. Then today i was in a hurry and didn't bring mine, then what do ya know, both my friends bring there's. Tomorow all three of us will try to bring ours and play.

YAY 800 posts...

just a couple of days ago i had 400, i really went crazy posting, and doing stuff overall. And umm, yeah, i'm kinda happy i got my reviews back, and so far i've joined 3 unions overall, i got 57 friends, and umm, yeah, bye...........*looks around* bye *runs*

2 things

1. YAY, i've reached level 8, sectoid


All these union requests!!!!

I keep getting union requests, i got like 8 and have only accepted 2. the 100 percent DS union, and the zelda union, a bunch of them are from things i don't even like, or in the case of the halo 2 union, don't even own. Plus, think unions are complicated, 2 for now is good enough for me.

Gamecrazy advertisment thing i got, very funny

So i got this gamecrazy advertisment, it had a DS, PSP and SP on the cover. I was looking at some of the DS games soon to come then i went to look at the GBA games to come. Then i noticed, they had the SP pic printed backwards, the dpad was on the right side, a b buttons on left, volume slide on right side, it was hilarious, the whole thing was reverse. I dunno if anyone else got this advertisement thing but if you did and didn't notice this then go look.

Gamespot forums new look!

I think it looks awsome, especially with the thing that shows the top user created boards, journals, and that unions thing seems kinda cool, i'm gonna check it out later. Anyone else think the new look is cool?

My little DS story thingy, yeah

So today i was gonna bring my DS to school as usual, then i found out it was gonna rain. So i decided it'd be to much of a hassle to bring it in rain, you know, the risks and such. Anyways, it turns out that it didn't rain, and i could've brought it the whole time, i was gonna show my warioware stats with my friend, he wanted to see which microgames he's missing, but because of this non existint rain he must wait til tomorrow.