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chao_heroes Blog

Level 7ish

Total Minutes Online: 2694 Total Posts: 400 Total Messages Read: 1748

I've come along way since i merged my accounts, i go to gamespot more than faqs now, i didn't know it was so fun, it has a funner community too. I can't wait til more members come. There's about 5000 people average always.

Converting peeps to DS

So far i have converted 3 people to DS. I used to bring my DS to school and only play it with other people, but lately i've just been playing it myself and alot of people have seen it. Overall sense i got a DS i have gotten, um, lemme think..........1.......2............3.....4............5........5 people to get a DS. Today on the bus i was pictochatting and a bunch of people came to me and thought picto was awsome. The DS will triumph!!!!!!!!! :D

Problems with no solutions

Don't ya just hate them. There's a problem and whatever you do there always seems to be something else bad that comes with the good thing. I'm stuck in one right now.

NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(DS related)

Sonic DS got delayed again today. I checked gamefaqs to see if they had updated there release dates list, they did, but it was for the worse, now sonic DS isn't even listed. I checked some store websites and from what i've seen it will come out around may. I was really looking forward to it. 

GAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! (all caps)

I feel like such a loser now. So this is what happened. Today, my friend found out that i told the boy she likes her secret. She got mad and started beating me up. Then my gf comes and stops her. Oh gf protects me. :cry:

Man i feel like such a loser, wimp, type guy. Now i can keep thinking about how my gf saved me from having the **** beat out of me. :cry:

My recent girlfriend problems...

The girl i mentioned in a couple of my other enteries is now my girlfriend. We really like each other and all but now i'm getting to think that i'm not good enough for her. I'm sure this is normal and all but i'm just getting those feelings. Am i tall enough, maybe i'm too fat, am i ugly, does my hair look good today? Those types of questions. I'm sure she likes me for who i am though.

Hmm, friends.......maybe too close?

I was thinking about all my friends the other day. We had all gotten really close, and would basically probably die for one another. But then i got to thinking, maybe we're getting to close. I mean, one day one of us could just move all of a sudden, then all of that love and friendship we had for each other would die, it would be useless. You get so close then all of a sudden when you feel like your at the top of the world, you come crumbling down.:( I just start to wonder a bit, maybe i'm getting to close to my friends. I mean, i love to have friends, it's really nice, but then you start to think of these types of things. I start to think, what if like my friends move one by one, or maybe i move, then i'll be all alone for a while til i make new friends. I started to think that it was kinda useless to make friends if there's always that possiblity it may not last long. I just wonder sometimes, i know i'm thinkning a little crazy, but everyone wonders these things sometimes. Hopefully it will all work out as i always say. :D

Skating party, memories awakened

I went to a skating party at a skating place the other day, and it was the same place that i first became friends with the girl i mentioned in my previous entry. We were already sorta friends before that but only because i was friends with her sister. She was having trouble skating so i skated up to her to talk to her, try to take her mind off of it so she could skate better. Oh, by the way, it was on a field trip, that's how we were both there at the same time. I can't beleive i almost forgot that day, good thing my friend invited me to a skating party at the exact same place. It's weird, sorta like in kingdom hearts chain of memories, i guess, the memories may be forgotten but not lost. I'm really glad i remembered that is basically what i'm saying.

This girl i like...

There's this girl i like at my school, she knows i like her, we're really close friends, recently she broke up with her bf, so now she is available. The thing is, i like her, but i don't like her, i don't know how that is possible, but it's true. It's kinda weird, oh well, as i always say, it'll all work out so don't try , you'll be wasting your time. It will all work out, i just hope it works out for the best :)

Zoo Keeper

Zoo keeper came out today and i played it, it seems pretty interesting, i might get it next weekend after a couple of reviews are in.