This is only about the 1,478,432,932th time this topic has been discussed. :P
Personally, I love both games. The only reason I voted for COD4 is because I just recently started playing it online and I think the online multiplayer is much better than Halo 3.
Okay, thanks for the tips. I tried using a silver axe and some different spells but I got my @$$ handed to me. I guess I just suck at this game ..... or at life. :(
Okay, I'm nearing the end of the Fighter's Guild questline. I'm currenty the rank of Guardian. I'm on the mission in which you are supposed to investigate the disappearances near Swampy Cave just outside of Cheydinhal. When you come to Swampy Cave you get confronted by two Will-o-the-Wisps. I cannot for the life of me defeat those two. I already read the tips offered on this site as to how to complete this task, hasn't helped me much. Anyone else have any insight as to how to defeat the Will-o-the-Wisps? What weapons or magic you used? Anything.
My cat takes an interest in my 360 too. Although thankfully he just likes to watch the screen from a safe distance. However, he likes to do the cuddle up thing with my laptop so I try not to leave it lying around.
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