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charmed1102 Blog

My name is death, and the end is near. SUPERNATURAL.

It's painfully true. The end is nearly here. And although we hate to admitt it-- WE'RE FREAKING OUT.

Supernatural has got two more episodes left until the final showdown between the Winchesters and Lucifer. We're shocked, horrified and admittedly afraid to where this all goes. Where the Winchester will end up, and how. The apocalypse is upon Sam and Dean and the world, and now the end is REALLY coming. We all know it. Is anyone scared? Scared of how they're going to end this season. The show, as we all know, has an arc of five seasons from the begining, but now the writers feel the show has done so well for itself, that it deserves another, but how on earth/heaven/hell will that all boil down? Will we get the apocalypse that has been so enigmatically stated throughout this year, or will it flop? For now we can only suffer, but not in silence! I believe a short reminder of the season is in order.

  • There's been so much the boys have been through this season, evidently shown. We've had their destines challenged, their brothership questioned and it's all because of that fateful night where Sam was dropped demon-blood. The mythology of it all came together, weaving this story to be more massive than we imagined.
  • From the start, from before Dean and Sam knew they were THEM, one brother was destined to be the vessel of Lucifer, the other the vessel of Micheal. Two angels, brothers--exactly like the two on earth, one with a bad connection to his father, the other faithful and caring. It all fits perfectly, and we truly test their relationship as brothers and as humans. Their motives and morals are challenged, whether or not they'll "say yes," and accept their destiny, in the mean time resolving the world from it's end or creating bad-blood between them.
  • Since the year started, they've ducked and hidden from angels, lost under Lucifer's radar. Dean has visited the future, saw what the end has come to if Sam chose to say yes to Lucifer.
  • Dean finally got his wish, Paris Hilton, but not what he really wished.
  • They've met the anti-christ and his undomitable power.
  • They've dealt with an Irish fella, resulting in a Benjamin Button Dean.
  • They've met the Trixster on their travels, visiting TV land and finding out that the Trixster was never what we all thought he was.
  • The two have been subject to their own Supernatural convention and have an idea what all the fan-girls would think of them.
  • Dean found love, loosing her to the battle against Lucifer and his Hellhounds. Precious people have been lost in what they've been fighting for, but they'll never be forgotten.
  • Sam revisted his teenage years and the annoyance of a NORMAL family, realising Star Wars virgins.
  • The brothers have visited the past, and we once again get a look at John and Mary Winchester.
  • Dean believes cupid makes everyone "go coocoo for coco-pops," when meeting him and the second Horseman of the Apocalypse.
  • The boys have discovered the grief of Bobby over his dead-but-returned wife and just how painful it is for him to fight each and everyday in his wheelchair.
  • Sam and Dean are sent to Heaven, and we get a first glimpse at a promising place that no one saw coming.
  • The boys meet Ash once again, and we're all excited when the mullet returns!
  • Dean has been to the limit, his emotions corrupt, his body unable and his strength weakening as the pressure to say "yes" continues, and he questions his motives.
  • Zachariah is killed in the most amazing way by the most amazing hunter, Dean Winchester.
  • The boys have seen other sides to the apocalypse story, other Gods wanting different things than the man above.
  • And finally they understand how they need it to end, they figured it out with the help of Archangel Gabriel, that Lucifer can be put back in the pit of hell and locked in his cage with the help of four special rings. They boys have two and two to go, and their journey and determination of finding Death and Pesitlence is go, while their foreheads amount with sweat and pressure, battling against time to save the world from it's final end, but Crowley knows the location of Death and is only happy to reveal, once Bobby gives up his soul.
  • The brothers have been left with the hardest task yet again, loosing one of their own.
Lucifers first visit.

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The Winchesters bromance getting rocky, and only on the premier! 

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Sam gets attacked by Gandi 

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Paris Hilton makes an appearance, while we get excited and gag irritatingly, at the same time. 

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The Trickster isn't quite the Trickster anymore.

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Castiel opens a can of WOOPA$$! 

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Once more before everything falls apart. 

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A scene, I'll for sure, never forget!

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If I could cry, I would. Because this picture just summarises the first volume. 

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Now, dont get me wrong, there're so many more little shots to pop in but so little time. I might get around to a full analyses when the season ends :(

So the season will end, any thoughts on how it will? 

I'm afraid, are you afraid? I'm afraid *babbles nervously, mumbling*

Hope you gained from the little reminder, I needed to for myself. And to get all the pent up SPN rage inside of me. 

How will we live for a long long long time in it's absence? 

Have a supernatural week,


I'm always gonna wanna blow your mind.

Hello :)

I like my title :) from Hey, Soul Sister by Train :) Good song :D Can relate to what I'm thinking right now, too. Not up for discussion, though lol 

Four day weekend is nearly over :(

We had Friday off and then the weekend, then a Bank Holiday Monday :) I still dont get why schools get off for that, isn't it for banks :S

I had a good weekend so far, on Friday I was babysitting. I found out my cousin is pregnant with another kid, and very joyous about it of course! I'm happy for her :) She already has two great boys. So great, this happened: When Nicola went to tell the five year old kid that he was going to have a new little baby brother or sister, her replied, "Mammy? When did you and daddy have a special hug?" CAN YOU BELIEVE IT lol? At five years of age! We laughed! I got up that morning with a child knocking on my head, as if it was a door. "Dhane? Dhane can you see?" He cant prounounce his "s's" "Nope, I cant. No glasses." He goes, "Can you dee now?" and he put my glasses on me backwards, it was so cute :P. "What time is it?" I asked. "I dont know dime, I cant ude a clock." It was hilarious! 

Friday morning was the day I printed some chapters of my book, and decided to put them away in an envelope and await confirmation of a stamp, then send them off to a publisher. I know. Surreal. I'm not hugely positive, nor negative, just numb and unthinking of the whole process. The publishers say wait a good two-three months before getting feedback. If it's good news, I'll be happy. If its bad? I'll be ok, it's not as if my writing will end because someone has rejected publishing it. I know I'm a writer at heart, being published won't make a huge difference. Other than the difference of sharing what I love with people. I was just glad to change the status of: DECEASED STUCK ON A MEMORY STICK, to: DECEASED BEING SENT AWAY, AWAITING A REPLY. 

Well, we'll see. I'll keep you all updated of course, if there is any :/

Saturday night I went to a birthday party, to a restaraunt with 25 other people! It was a fun night, and we knew there'd be drama. Two of the girls had a litre of vodka between them, which I didnt agree with but I didnt know until they drank it.  We had to haul each of them, with the support of our shoulders, out of the restaraunt. While EVERYONE stared. It was both embarrasing, and funny. Then a bus came, and most of the sober people ran for it. While a couple of us waited behind with the lethargic, mess of drunks. Their eyes were completely closed, their bodies lifeless. I hate seeing that. Like, I have seen that throughout my life what with my parents owning a pub since I was five (which I lived in) but it's horrible knowing it's one of your own. In the end we ordered a taxi, and waited in the street. One got sick, we cleaned it up though. And it NEVER occured to me that polic could drive by, until they did. Yeah, it's their jobs to stop and make sure everythings ok. So they did and said they'd wait until a parent came to collect them. Eventually our taxi came, and we had to leave the two with two others which would get collected by parents and brought back home. They were in EXTREME trouble. I was glad I didnt drink for the night, well had a tad, but nothing like that. Goes to show, too many drunks, spoil the part ;)

Tonight, we had a lazy day. Just the five of us, Kimmy, Roisin, Andy, Ben and Gavin sat and drank tea, talked and watched DREAD a movie with Jackson Rathborne from Twilight in it. The movie was bad, but JR was pretty good in it! I wasn't really paying attention, so that's probably why I didn't think it was great! I think Jane (newbie :)) will be happy he's mentioned in here ;)

Tomorrow, I'm planning on going to see The Last Song with Kimmy and Roisin. I'm not mad on chick flicks/ sloppy movies but I'm not a total DUDE with them, either. I'll sit through one without huge complaint, usually. I like Miley :) Cause she's hot AND the song is cool :) And I'm looking forward to the old days when the three of us spent our lives together in harmony, on buses, mocking people, and seeing movies, leaving this place for a bit of freedom :)

That's as much news as I got for the week. I needed to write it all, and get it off my chest! 

Maybe a blog worth discussions? ...

So I'll ask a question. I don't generally, but I will because it's one that's been aching my head to be answered BY EACH AND EVER ONE OF YOUR TC.COM-ers. 

I blog, you blog, A LOT of us guys blog over here, mainly. Have others, but pay attention to this one in particular. I wanted to always know, what's your intended purpose of blogging? Some have told me in the past, that they like to have comments and feel "famous", some have said that it's an activity like a hobbie, and that's fair enough but the first one was a wacko! (no one, anyone knows! Dont worry!)

For me blogging has so many attributes. I'll break it down:

  • I love having a place where I can speak MY mind without any usual interferences
  • I look at blogging, as a cooler diary. Keeping memories stored and saved away, for me to one day look over and say, "OH THAT DAY WAS AMAZING, I LOVED MY TEENAGER-HOOD"
  • I'm here to connect with the WORLD. To meet people, share interests and discuss non-interests. The people I've met here, I have known and talked to for years and months, just like any normal person in my life.
  • I like to post blogs about favourite things, just to have something to do when I'm bored and in need of "get me out of this world." time. 
  • I like reading about others lives, and the difference with my country and culture then theirs. I feel it's only right to let others know of my customs and culture!It's fun knowing there're people interested in me, and in turn I am to them :)
  • I write like a writer here, not a teen. I use the odd lol and brb but really, my language here is how I talk to my head while in reality. I don't usually talk as I do in blogs in real life. I dunno, guess who I'm with would influence my accent/speaking/vocabulary. But yeah, this place keeps me connected to the way I want to be :)

Just some reasons, I'm sure you guys have plenty. Name em all :) I'm interested to know!

And just wanted to say, if anyone wants a chat, send me a PM :) I'd be delighted to put that mail to more use and have a btter connection with some of you friends :)

Now for some randimosity :) 


Here are some actual label instructions found on consumer products.......


2. On a helmet-mounted mirror used by US cyclists - REMEMBER, OBJECTS IN THE MIRROR ARE ACTUALLY BEHIND YOU

3. On a Taiwanese shampoo - USE REPEATEDLY FOR SEVERE DAMAGE

4. On a bottle-top of a UK flavoured milk drink - AFTER OPENING, KEEP UPRIGHT

5. On a New Zealand insect spray - THIS PRODUCT IS NOT TESTED ON ANIMALS

6. In a US guide to setting up a new computer - TO AVOID CONDENSATION FORMING, ALLOW THE BOXES TO WARM UP TO ROOM TEMPERATURE BEFORE OPENING (Sensible, but the instructions were INSIDE the box.)

7. In some countries, on the bottom of Coke bottles - OPEN OTHER END


9. On a Sears hairdryer - DO NOT USE WHILE SLEEPING


11. On a bar of Dial soap - DIRECTIONS - USE LIKE REGULAR SOAP

12. On a Tesco's Tiramisu - DO NOT TURN UPSIDE DOWN. (Printed on bottom of box)


14. On a Korean kitchen knife - KEEP OUT OF CHILDREN

15. On a string of Chinese Christmas lights - FOR INDOOR OR OUTDOOR USE ONLY

16. On a Japanese food processor - NOT TO BE USED FOR THE OTHER.

17. On Sainsbury's peanuts - WARNING - CONTAINS NUTS

18. On an American Airlines packet of nuts - INSTRUCTIONS - OPEN PACKET, EAT NUTS.

19. On a child's Superman costume - WARNING, THIS GARMENT DOES NOT ENABLE YOU TO FLY.

20. On some frozen dinners - SERVING SUGGESTION - DEFROST

21. On a hotel-provided shower cap in a box - FITS ONE HEAD

22. On packaging for Rowenta iron - DO NOT IRON CLOTHES ON BODY

23. On Boot's Children's cough medicine - DO NOT DRIVE CAR OR OPERATE MACHINERY

24. On Nytol sleep aid - WARNING - MAY CAUSE DROWSINESS

Ridiculous? Right? I laughed at the stupidity, and mistakes !

Researching for my next book lately and decided to pick up a few books to get some different angles on death and immortality, (which will be a big thing in the next one.) I got these two:

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PLOT: After a horrible accident claims the lives of her family, sixteen-year-old Ever can see people's auras, hear their thoughts, and know someone's entire life story by touching them. Going out of her way to avoid human contact and suppress her abilities, she has been branded a freak at her new high school, but everything changes when she meets Damen Auguste. Damen is beautiful, exotic, and wealthy. He's the only one who can silence the noise and random energy in her head - wielding a magic so intense, it's as though he can peer straight into her soul. As Ever is drawn deeper into his enticing world of secrets and mystery, she's left with more questions than answers. And she has no idea just who he really is - or what he is. The only thing she knows to be true is that she's falling deeply and helplessly in love with him...



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PLOT: Something strange is happening in Ellerton High. Phoenix is the fourth teenager to die within a year. His street fight stabbing follows the deaths of Jonas, Summer and Arizona in equally strange and sudden circumstances. Rumours of ghosts and strange happenings rip through the small community as it comes to terms with shock and loss. Darina, Phoenix's grief-stricken girlfriend, is on the verge. She can't escape her intense heartache, or the impossible apparitions of those that are meant to be dead. And all the while the sound of beating wings echo inside her head... And then one day Phoenix appears to Darina. Ecstatic to be reunited, he tells her about the Beautiful Dead. Souls in limbo, they have been chosen to return to the world to set right a wrong linked to their deaths and bring about justice. Beautiful, superhuman and powerful, they are marked by a 'death mark' – a small tattoo of angel's wings. Phoenix tells her that the sound of invisible wings beating are the millions of souls in limbo, desperate to return to earth. Darina's mission is clear: she must help Jonas, Summer, Arizona, and impossibly, her beloved Phoenix, right the wrong linked to their deaths to set them free from limbo so that they can finally rest in peace. Will love conquer death? And if it does, can Darina set it free?

So yeah, I'll have a good sense of some more angles on death and the afterlife, immortality and inadvertantly and reluctantly more love stories, which may creep into deceased#2! In the first one, romance was never an option but the book grew by itself, as did the characters, and with them grew romance. I believe I'm just the vessel, the stories are coming to me and I'm just the person writing them out! 

Speaking of books and uploading covers, I did a new cover for Clare! It's on the Twilight Fan Fiction again, and this time, Emmett's story. It's my favourite one so far :) And I thank Clare and the family for the nice comments :) Glad everyone liked it! Cant wait to do more, and especially hear the rest of the Cullens untold stories. We should all praise Clare now for the idea, since Meyer sucked at realising she had chunks of material and decided to ignore! Have Clare Day in Australia instead of Stephenie Meyer Day in the real Forks!


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That's all I got,

a) hope you can answer my question, 

b) let the random label thingies cheer you up if your down and



Ask and you shall receieve.


I haven't done a blog lately that HASN'T concerned life in general. But this may contain some tidbits, but in response to Clare's blog about her favourite actors, I've decided to do one of my own! Actors, actors and actresses, male and female. I get confused. People say actors, then some say it's gender discrimination or whatever, and say actresses. I tend to hit actresses for females, it's what my teacher years ago told me :) I have SO MANY favourite actors, but I've only fit in 12 here (six male, six female), and I also have so many favourite roles and appearances they've done but only fit in a few of my MOST favourite. 

1. Zachary Quinto 

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Favourite appearances: Heroes, Star Trek, Charmed. 


2. Samuel L Jackson 

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Favourite appearances: Jurrasic Park, Snakes on a Place, Jackie Brown, The Incredibles. 


3. Jack Nicholson

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Favourite appearances: The Departed, The Shining, As Good As It Gets, Batman.


4. Johnny Depp

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Favourite appearances: Alice in Wonderland, Public Enemies, Sleepy Hollow, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. 


5. Jensen Ackles 

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Favourite appearances: Supernatural, My Bloody Valentine.


6. Heath Ledger 

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Favourite appearances: Ten Things I Hate About You, The Dark Knight, A Knights Tale. 


7. Maggie Smith

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Favourite appearances: Harry Potter (need I say more? :P)


8.Holly-Marie Comb

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Favourite appearances: Charmed


 9. Katie Cassidy 

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Favourite appearances: Melrose Place, Supernatural, Taken, Black Christmas. 


 10. Meryl Streep

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Favourite appearances: The Devil Wears Prada, Mamma Mia, Doubt, It's Complicated.


11. Angelina Jolie-Pitt (emm, are they divorced now, or what lol?)

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Favourite appearances: Changeling, Mr and Mrs Smith, Tomb Raider. 


12. Helena Bonham-Carter 

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Favourite appearances: Harry Potter, Alice in Wonderland, Sweeney Todd. 

So thats that! Any agreements, disagreements? 

I love most of them because of their strenght in portraying their roles, really. I dont like whiny characters, as much as the next person! Maybe a little odd for me to have some "oldies" in there, but I've watched them act and loved them, and thats what it's all about :)

Hey, people? Did you ever want to ask me something? Maybe something that you never had the guts to ask in case of my answer or reaction or maybe just haven't gotten around to it? Well, there's this site, Formspring, where you can ask me questions (anonomously, no tricks!) If you want to ask something, go ahead. They can be personal if you want, or they can be just for fun!

Follow the link and type in your question! But if you DO have an account with them, remember to click "ask anon" first, otherwise a question you dont really want to be SHOWN by you, will show up! 

I'm only getting used to the site, so any questions, I'll answer ;) You dont have t, of course but it's there if you need to know something! 

Ask me questions, by clicking here! 

So, that is all I have for you guys today :)

Some tests next week, but a four day weekend, so all is good :)

Chat soon,



of teachers and television.

Before, I even say hello, I gotta say, I love my new banner :)

Hello everyone :)

Just a quickie blog, to update. No pictures, not bothered using Movietome since wont let me load pictures anymore. Where's the html thingy gone? >:( This week was such a sufferable one. I have these options for my senior year (next year) to go on trips abroad. There's Poland, America, Italy, France and London. EVERYONE goes on the Italy one, it's simply amazing, renowned for the amount of alcohol involved AND it's freaking Italy! I've always wanted to go. I'd go on the English trip to London too because I love English! Problem is, it's expensive. But when you think about it, it's cheap but to a family of six, three houses to look after, two college-ers to tend to and a not-so-great economy, the chances of me going arent looking good! I wanna get a job, I'd be HAPPY to get one and work for it, I've been taught that over the years. I'm not a spoiled kid who gets daddy to buy me everything, I'm willing to work. There's nothing out there, really, especially for a 15yearold! If I get one, it'll be great and I can go with everyone and get out of this dead-beat town. If I dont--I'll go when everythings ok. And see the world.

Tension really struck me this week, moreso than ever.

In short: I've a psychotic French teacher who exagerates to the max and needs counselling. I'm never going to her class ever again, skipping them and teaching myself. My parents haven't a huge problem with this, because they know this woman is mentally disturbed. Sure, I dont act like an angel in her classes but we have this personality clash and she doesnt do "punishment" any justice, nothing works, it's an ongoing battle between us, and I'm sick and tired of it all. Being in her presence just gets me in more trouble. So, I'm not letting her put me off, I'll do the exam, and study for it but not with her help. I sound indifferent and mad, but I'm not. Just keeping straight to the point :P.

I attended a funeral today, of my teacher from 10years ago. She had a struggle with cancer for many years, and tumors and died yesterday at the age 62. Really sad because she was a great teacher, the little I can remember. But she was always a nice woman to pass by in the street (in little towns, teachers are everywhere!) So I insisted on going to her funeral, and met old teachers, and some friends there. Took the day off of course, avoiding my dention and 10 PAGES OF LINES from the lunatic teacher, to pay respects to a caring and intelligent one.

Remember I did those images for that author? Well she was so happy she printed them off, and a spare one and insisted that she send me one, SIGNED and mailed to me. How nice is that? And throwing in some goodies and tidbits from the next book. The power of the internet-- socialing networking sites, never ceases to amaze me.

Supernatural had an amazing week, the blood and gore of it partially returning, I love how Kringe really gets different angles from everyone. Like, the Gods are now having their say and it's bringing about more mystery and enticement of the mythology of the SPN word. Sad to see Gabrielle (Trixster) go, but he went out with a bang, his death was well done, especially the angel wings. I hope they show us some ACTUAL angel with ACTUAL wings flying. That'd be cool. Kali and Lucifers little showdown was something I didnt expect but VERY well done :) And the ending was like the icing on top, evident that the three episodes will be taken, one by Pestilence, one by Death and the lead on to the finale. The whole Horsemen story welded together perfectly. CANT WAIT FOR MORE. Best season, yet.

Dexter is finally over for me, caught up on all the episodes! How heartbreaking and deja-vu-like was it like to see Rita at the end like that? VERY. And to see Little Harrison born in blood, just like his Daddy Dexter. Kind of enlightening, and touches more on a supernatural instinct than a psychotic one. I believe the books differ from the show in that way. But the finale of season four happened so fast, one minute, Trinity was driving away, not caught, the next Dexter found him and killed him and the next, RITA'S DEAD? Happened all too quick but makes your ponder what next season will bring. LOVE this show.

Vampire Diaries is yet to watch! Next week, I got ANOTHER four day weekend, so all happy. Friday, I'll be babysitting and hopefully Saturday, I'll be going to see Kick-Ass with a friend from school. Should be an awesome time :) I found this little useless, but entertaining blog thing. Its just ask questions, and urban dictionary the answers and see what you get!

Your name?
- Shane

A word derived from a Greek "San" one of three of the modern day symbols considered obsolete in the Greek language. The name was given to the children of those who were considered "criminally genius". Also considered to be one of the few names that can effect the owner's personality over their lifetime in a aesthetically pleasing but deeply malicious way. Perceived by the Romans to be the only name

"combining good and evil to create balance and perfection." "Shane... it flows off the tongue like silk."
"When you scream "Shane!" it vibrates your body right down the middle... wow try it."

Your age?
- 15
One of the worst ages of being a teenager. You are in the middle and you wind up with the most problems that age. You are too young to drive without an adult, cannot go to the prom, and get a part time job like real teenagers. Your head is up your ass and one day you are still a kid watching cartoons and another day you'll like to have sex.

Bob: I am 15... what a crappy age. Only a few months until I turn 16, I can't wait.

What should you be doing now?

Something you never get enough of once you hit the age of 15.

fairly obvious person: wow, you like crap cheryl.
cheryl with the bags under her eyes: thanks. its because i never get enough sleep.
fairly obvious person: you should be sleeping now.
cheryl with the bags under her eyes: (she passed out.)

Favorite colour?
- Blue

The feeling when you wake up at 7 in the morning and remembering it's a monday.

"I got the monday blues"

Current town?
- Dunshaughlin

A VILLAGE in county meath in ireland. a lot of people from neighbouring county dublin have moved in and basically ruined it. they refer to it as a town but its a village. used to be a baron called "ratoath" aswell which also included places like ashbourne and dunshaughlin. in GAA football terms it is in the shawdow of neighbouring villages. it has irelands main racecourse "fairyhouse racecourse". rathbeggan is also part of ratoath and anybody from ratoath or dunshaughlin reading this the vortex (nightclub) is in ratoath, not dunshaughlin as its in rathbeggan. estimated population is currently around 9,000.

Month of your birthday?
- November

One of the most unpopular, unloved months, especially in temperate zones. Nearly every bit of flora and fauna has died or is hibernating. A dreary world of grey and brown. Darkness comes early, but the coziness of Christmastime is yet far away.

Last person you talked/texted to?

One who eats much chocolate.
a girl who owns 3 cats usually at least one is pregnant.
one who owns fat dogs.
a cougar, normally likes little boys.

I love kimmy

What did you last drink?

From its rather humble beginnings, coffee has evolved into a precious, albeit addictive commodity for many millions of people around the world. It is the lifeblood of nerds, and the drink that keeps America's workforce complacent on their journey to work.

Tom is a nerd, he stays up late with C++ and coffee. Jen is a secretary at a law firm, she drinks coffee on her bus ride to work.

Have a great weekend, and further week, until we meet again my friends :)


Point Of No Return.

Hey! I guess you all hate me because I never got back to all the comments underneath but did get reading, and they're muchly appreciated! Sorry, this week (yet again) has been otherworldly busy and my mind has been on school work, and it's litterally, dead. Each brain cell evaportated. TV's actually helping my mind get better!

I needed to call this blog that because It's SPN'S 100th episode, and we want 100 more :) How I'd love to dedicate a whole blog to the episode but now, for my life ... 

Last week, it was Benjamins birthday and it was so hot out! Ireland is great when it's a nice day because it's not too hot and not too sunny, it's just right. You get the little breeze and the heat and its ok to walk around in a top or a hoody also, it's perfect! So we found a field, lay around and drank and ate and it was fun :) I got him the Blair Witch Project, which turned out to be terrible, like I watched it when I was a kid but my memory was a little foggy. I knew I was sh!t scared back then though, but everyone at that age is scared of anything, watching it again wasn't fun and especially finding out the "true story" was just a lie to get people to watch horrors back in the 90's. TV people such sometimes!

Sunday was the last day of freedom until back to school and we celebrated in a really un-fashionable and unusual way--by taking 344 pictures. Yeah, it was roasting again so we set off into the fields, trying to find a way to occupy ourselves! Obviously I cant post em all but I'll select a few that were fun. You gotta take a 1000000 photos to get the perfect, most memorable one! Here's some:

This wall looked reaaaaly uncomfortable but of course we'd have to chill by it :)

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I got a gillion of these Twizzlers from Kimmy when she came back from America and they're sooo good :) I love this pic!

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I dont have the 4th HP book and somehow... well I stole this in this little thingy, but it was falling apart and for sale for like 50cent so I wasnt technically stealing! At least it'll be happy beside other HP books :) ,I thought. 

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What I'm kinda surrounded by! Lotsa lotsa green ;)

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 My socks got dirty and I wash em in the dirty creek :)

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Oh and Ben thinks its funny to throw ANOTHER con into the water. (notice hand and piece of converse!)

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 And here I stand, water-ified and muck-ified!

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 I try soak him back for his evi-doing. I didnt succeed :(

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All in all it was a reaaaaly good day! But the adding photos to my FB profile was a treacherous wait! 

Television Rocks My Socks (the wet ones.):

Dexter so yeah, I'm nearly finished season four and loving it! I like Trinity and the way he introduced him and the way Dexter went through a personal transformation throughout the season. I still havent seen the end but will once I get the chance, two eps to go I think. It'll never get as good as the first season! 

Supernatural watched this weeks episode today and it was AMAZING! Really, for their 100th episode, they did a really good job! Wasn't sure about Adam coming back since it's too hard to imagine that there was ever another brother but I kinda liked the plot they introudced as a possible other option as a vessle for Micheal. I liked the way they ?killed him off? in the end because it's SAM AND DEAN WINCHESTER, not, SAM AND DEAN and that other kid who came four years on, illegitimately, WINCHESTER. 

Glee was kinda hard to get back inta with the big hiatus and all but it came back refreshed and stuff and was excellent. Sue is my favourite antagonist of TV at the moment and Rachels voice is just !woah! and the qoutes are just hilarious! "Dolphins are just gay sharks" and "I carry a rape whistle!" All too funny. Looking forward to the Madge ep.

Vampire Diaries I havent seen the newest ep yet but juts finished last weeks and thought it was really good, I never knew the show would get so good. I knew it had potential but never knew it would actually decided to fill that potential. So Stefan is now a blood-junky? Wow. I'd like to see a little more Bonny and more witchcraft, but I just dont get how they can make more seasons, I know the material is there for it with the books, but wtf happens in the books? lol 

Thats all I'm watching lately, really.

I hope Clare is getting better, and recuperating well, wish you the best of luck with the little op and hope everything goes well. I'm sure she'll be back, with some crazed stories and lots of fanfiction for us too! Her son sent me a really kind email on her behalf which I really need to get back to! Thanks, um, Nick? Really nice! 



Yeah the one, I drone on about it finally finished with some little tweaking to be dont at the start! I'd love to say more but my fingers are about to collapse on my keyboard and my eyes are burning! Until the next time!

Hope you're all keeping well!

And really hope I can get to some blogs before I kill myself without sleep!


She's gonna haunt your heart and break your bones.

Hello :)

It's been a while, but I haven't decided to completely resign from just yet! 

I unexpectedly got an easter-egg. I dont really ask for em but I dunno why my mam buys em for me either, this was from an EXPENSIVE type of chocolatires too!

The past week has been a bore-kinda. Nothing much has happened for the easter break.On Easter Sunday, I went to my cousins house, met the family and had chats and stuff, the usual. Didn't drink too much, so I was good :). My uncle gave me a laptop for free that he had lying around, he said it was for writing! It's by no means an amazing piece of technology but has XP and Word which is what I need :) But there's no internet on it, which is a bummer but writing on it is handy! My cousin came to mine that night on the way home, and we spent two days together until he was collected. We didnt do much but watch Entourage and had a laugh! 

On Tuesday, me and Roisin and Ben and Joanne watched The Butterfly Effect! It's such a good movie, I've seen it before but I love Ashton and the movie was all the while pretty amazing, the night was fun  too. We tend to get together and watch movies late for fun :) In the end we watch it but miss most of it due to talking and the common phrase, "what's he in?" you know when you point to the tv and wonder where you've seen the actor before!? Yeah, I'm guilty of THAT.

Wednesday, me and Ben went shopping and to see a movie. We went to Clash of the Titans in 3D -- and the 3D was what I was looking forward to but the movie wasn't great, nothing to remember anyway. The greek mythology was spot on and fun to know (since I like that kinda stuff) but the 3D was dreadful. You could sit without the glasses, and perfectly watch the movie. I heard it was CONVERTED to 3D and not filmed, maybe that made the difference? So we did that and I went to eason, grabbed three books, one of which is VERY like Supernatural and the other two, research, for my book. Trying to understand immortality and stuff, get different views and points on it. At the moment, there aren't great YA books out! It's Ben's bday on Sunday so I quickly grabbed a movie in HMV that he wanted THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT. Yeah, get scared lol. And then got a Muse poster for myself that I love and fits perfectly with the rest of my posters :) Someday, I'll post pictures of my poster-encrusted walls :P.

Tonight I spent the night in Roisins, she got a new laptop and was all happy! "It's PINK!" she screamed lol. I think we're all getting up early tomorrow, meeting in the park and heading to Kimmys house to say HELLO after her easter spent faraway in the wonderful place of Florida! God she was lucky. She brought me back 5lbs of Twizzlers (which I love!) Cant wait to see her, missed her so much. She's one of those people that are contagious, and you just have to be around. We had a bad patch in our relationship a while back. We'd been friends for six or seven years and stopped abruptly but a year later we were back, and it has been a miracle! Dunno what I'd do without her!


Yeah it was getting longer by the minute and it needed a chop, not too much off now, a little less over my eyes and it doesnt have to be straightened now because it's less thick. Yeah, I do straighten my hair but I'm no girl, lol, it's popular for guys to do it, ok! :L

Still addicted to Twitter and have found some friends over there :) It's so amazing because you can get in touch with famous people ! :O (well, authors are famous people to me lol) I did some fan-fic pictures of some books, got in touch with the authors and they LOVED them. Soon, they were emailing me for bigger sizes so as they could print em out and put them on their wall :O I was shocked, my picture making was really being admired (other than Clare :P).

These are the links to some I made;

Sorry, being lazy and linking! 

I dunno how I'm going to get back into regular school times because I've been getting to bed at 4+5am and up at 2+3am ! Hopefully going to bed late tonight, and getting up early in the morning will deserve sleep for me the next day and will get to bed earlier!

Supernatural last week, THEY WENT TO HEAVEN! Ok, I was expecting something different. Not the cliche of clouds and gates and whiteness but something, I dunno, not what they gave us. But I did like their heaven, the wya each individual had their own world. LIKE DISNEYLAND. So good to see Ash again :) 

Vampire Diaries was another good watch. Never thought I'd end up loving this series, and I dont think I have but I keep wanting to watch more and more and more! I'm dying to see where it can go!

Dexter I have finished season three, finally and liked it. Again, the show has put me down. LOVED season one, hated season two, liked-ish season three and now onto season four and not loving it. I think it's one of those shows where the first season will ALWAYS out-better the rest on pure originality and character basis. Hopefully season four will get better!

Not watching much tv obviously since nothing really on but I think I'm loosing my way with tv, there's just nothing amazing on anymore. Nothing that would spark huge interest to watch, really.

Tonight, had a final fight with a "friend". We once went out, things went bad after the break up and things are STILL bad and got alot worse. She, I'll refer to her as that, she is incessant, neverending and just plain annoying. She got me into trouble, tried to get me beat up by a kinda friend, for saying something (which I didnt, pure lies out of her mouth) about him. He believes me when I say I said nothing and also believes me thats she's dilusional and stuff so I didn't get my ass kicked by any means which was good, because that woulda been effort and hurt! So yeah, she denied saying anything and now want to "talk" honestly want nothing to do with her and wont even come out now on Saturdays, so I'm loosing a day without my REAL friends because of her. I sent her mail, explaining what I meant and hopefully i'll say, "back off, I dont want to see your face again." I'm sure that kind of talk out of me would surprise people. I'm not a mean person, I know that. In such a small town where eveyrone knows and loves each other, it's hard to be. But what I have, or had, for this girl is only hate. I hate that I have hate for someone, but it's acceptable in these circumstances.


Sorry, I'm in an bad mood, intent on world war three with all that's going on.

I'll try be optomistic for the next time. 

The title is from a song from Kids in Glass Houses, I dunno I'm just listening to it at the momen but kinda contributes to the above paragraph. Because in the end, she's haunting me and breaking every happy mood I can grab. 

Hope you all have a good week and are doing well,




Let everyone know next time. No hidden secrets.

Hello TV watchers, bloggers, reviewers and F.R.I.E.N.D.S (see what I did there?:P) How are you all? Hope life's treating everyone well! My weekend was pretty fantastical :)

On Saturday, just walking through the park when I see some people I know shouting "come down! come down!" I look up and there's this little red dot in a tree. This ten year old kid thought it would be a good idea to climb this tree, which is crazily high. He wouldn't come down, and then a branch broke and eveyrone got more scared AND THEN HIS SHOE FELL TO THE GROUND and everyone got more scared. He finally came down but with a lot of hasle. Could've killed himself! Kids these days ... lol. He went right to the top but I was too shocked to take a picture then so I took one when he was coming down! Image and video hosting  by TinyPic
































So on Sunday, I was all sad because I had to say goodbye to a friend, leaving for America for the Easter break, which was sad because I've known her for seven years and not a day goes by without us being together or talking, really. So I said goodbye and was wisped onto a bus to town, off to see YouMeAtSix playing :) The band was playing round nine but doors opened for seven for support bands.Me, Roisin and Ben went in and were crazily excited :). Me, Roisin and some guy I met there, Conor went for a whizz, looking on the streets of Dublin for a toilet, each pub rejecting us.


SHANE: Can we use your bathroom please.

B!TCH EMPLOYEE: For customers only.

CONOR: What's your cheapest thing?



SHANE: That's a bit pricey, it's a fecking recession!


After our very relieving toilet break in a dingy alleway, we got to the line, after finding out doors were opening a half-hour earlier, running through cobblestoned streets, saying hi to a man dressed in a Barney costume and skipping up a couple spaces. All in all the night was great but the venue was PACKED! I couldn't breathe, I actually valued air after being with so many people, tightly packed! I know this sounds ridiculously fangirl of me but Josh (lead singer) smiled at me. TWICE. I was in the very centre and he was in the centre of the stage, looking right at me :D. Such an awesome dude! Only got two pictures of the night, though ...

I love this one because someone has a little love sign up and it looks pretty cool. 

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and this one, I love even more because Josh holds an Irish flag!

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anticipation kills us as we wait to leave for the gig ... (I love this because Haley's in the back:P)

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Everyone knows I love Haley Williams (Paramore lead singer!) She posted a vid to Twitter the other day and I was like "you're the best. I love her!" Check it out:

So I dunno if you guys know this yet, but no doubt you will, Stephenie Meyer has decided to do another book. Returning to the Twilight world...

Stephenie officially announced the news on her website. The book is going to be about Bree Tanner and her experiences with the newborns during Eclipse. It is technically an Eclipse novella, but it is still big news. And even better news... one dollar from each book sold in the US will be donated to relief efforts in Haiti and Chile and other places that need help. If you don't want to buy it, you can download it for free from June 7th to July 5th at The book is set to be released on June 5th, 2010.

Stephenie talks about the novella, "Actually, this has been a surprise to me, too. The reason why it's a surprise was that I never intended to publish this story as a stand-alone book. I began this story a long time ago—before Twilight was even released. Back then I was just editing Eclipse, and in the thick of my vampire world. I was thinking a lot about the newborns, imagining their side of the story, and one thing led to another. I started writing from Bree's perspective about those final days, and what it was like to be a newborn."

Pretty cool that she is releasing something from the Twilight world, although I've lost faith in it, I may still read it. I would've perfered if she was working harder on getting a The Host sequel completed but beggers cant be choosers! I don't get it with her, is she trying to milk this Twilight-ness or truly an author who admires her fans so much, that she'd release this? I dont get her and have had iffy perceptions about her since. It's great that she's donating a dollar to charity but when you think about it JK worked on Tales of Beedle The Bard WITHOUT commison or royalties at all, and Meyer is right near there in the cash comparison with JK. Twilight fans are bound to be pleased however way it is! Here's the cover if you haven't seen it. I think it's cool actually..


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And speaking of books and such, I came up with a long-awaited back cover for deceased and am really happy with the outcome. Tell me what you think, please, a little too haughty and cliche in reading it? A bit too blue, I think so but I was so sick of editing and editing, I just finished and put away with it.The title of this blog refers to the seventh point, somehing that the protagonist, Nick, needs to learn. He's weirdly secretive, not a liar, just secretive. I never came across someone like that, to keep secrets and am certiainly not one to keep them, so I chose it as a characteristic for this very ... different and unique character ;)

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The writing is a bit all over the place but fixable for a rainy day!

And I also did a, not cover, but a background or a scene from the book with pictures I mashed together. I've completely decided to change the title back to the original and plain, "deceased", it's simplicity and strenght show the book for what it's worth in one word. I decided a half-hour after creating this so have to change it back! So happy the way this just blended it and actually looks professional and realistic unlike some of my work.  

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I think that's all I got for today :0

What's driving me insane is that it's Spring Break and IT'S SNOWING! 

Go away snow! 

I shall now read some more, write some more, eat some more, and tweet some more. Seems like a routine thing nowadays with this weather.

Have a week that will be different and more amazing that the one last,


Of seizures and actors.


This week has been such a "doss" and by that I mean nothing really happened in school but then again it was still an effort to go and to learn. Some cla$$ are fine but lately, I've been day dreaming too much in cla$$ and not been focued much, maybe because it's the fact that Spring Break is around the corner, finished school on Friday and two weeks of Spring nothingness :P.

Today was shockingly scary :O. There's this girl that I've been in the same cla$$ ince we were five, not friends now, just "hello" "goodbye" type of friends these days. Anyway she's in my Irish cla$$ now. So I thought I heard someone snoring behind me and looked to the left and people were laughinhg. Presuming the girl behind me was snoring or messing around. Then I looked back and it was as if she was reaching over on the ground to get her pencil, so I turn back into my seat and then there's a massive thump, I look back and see that she fell off her chair but then she doesnt seem to be moving. Then it kicked in, and I remembered she was epileptic! Yeah, she was having an epileptic fit and I was the closest to her. Somehow, I knew to move everything out of her way, so I threw the table outta the way and let her lay there, then made sure her tongue was falling outta her mouth, cause she could swallow it. My teacher was litterally baffled and too shocked or scared. So the girls friend helped her, as did I as she just lay there convulsing ! It was pretty scary indeed. We were all told to leave then, because it would be embarrasing for her after her fit to wake up and see us crowded around her, but she was fine and that was the main thnig. She got up and went home but with a severe headache and I think a little memory loss of the cla$$ It was weird but it was nice to see all her friends and even people who dont talk to her, worry and move things outta the way :)

On Sunday I'm off to see You Me At Six, a band, play in Dublin, so pretty looking forward to that and then have the whole two weeks of the break to sit back and relax... but then again I DO have to study. The real exams are coming up soon and I dont wanna be unprepared for them. I wanna do well. I dont HAVE to, since they're exams that dont really count for anything, only really preparation for tougher exams that mean something for your life. But the Junior Certificate, is just a little one to prepare you, I suppose and to do after completing your junior cylce in secondary school. So gotta be doing well for it :D


  • I'm addicted to Twitter
  • I'm back in a little and I say "little" for a reason lol, Twilight phase. Back reading Eclipse to jog the memory.
  • Deleted Microsoft Office off my compute, and so I cannot write or access any files!
  • Got sent to principals office for "disgusting grafitti" on my journal, even though my journal got kidnapped by friends and I got it back with rude stuff on it :P :O
  • Found a little patch in a field, where we can hang out for Spring :)

Recently, without Word to actually write the end bits of my book, I've actually been visually been playing around, getting a visual look at my characters to refer to. So I've been searching through images of celebrities with trepidation, trying to find actors looking the most suitable for my description. And in my searches, I've been partially successful! There have been some in my mind and I keep forgetting, so I shall post them here and know that I have them nicely saved in my blog archive :) (unless this site temporarily glitches again! Says me, who's blogging from MovieTome!)


So I'll start with the protagonist of it all. Now, Nick Knights is described as a boy, who's not yet matured physically, not looking his age really. To still have that babyness to his face. He's not matured physically for a reason, but I dont want to reveal a plot of the second book :P! He has a tanned complexion, long mahogany hair slightly unkempt and deep brown eyes and a small frame of body, not yet hitting manhood. I've had difficulty with this pick because he is the central character and it's hard to find a boy, in and around the right age with that babyness to his face. The concept is really, a small-ish, shy boy entering upon a big world, I suppose really.


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So yeah, you might know this guy from Ned De****fied Survival Guide (which I loved as a kid) but he's one of the actors I can see, visually as Nick, again with the babyness and not fully matured features, I guess. His voice is really alike to the one I imagin Nick has too.



Now, Hallie was another difficult one, actually, the most. She is the Spirit in the novel and described as beautifully pale, with electrically blue eyes, long dark enveloping black hair that twists after falling below her shoulders. She is what Nick has never noticed in girls before and that was a tricky part. To find an actress who looked unique, not neccesarily amazing looking but unique, since I'm not seeing her as magnificently great looking but Nick is. But I settled on a girl who had the same features as I described and was happy enough in finding this one! 


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She's the one on the right! I couldnt find a perfect image that personifies her really but this one explains her character and the spookyness makes it a little more real too. And she wears a white dress throughout the novel --and only a white dress so that helps. I think her voice sounds like it's from another time too and Hallie has been dead nearly a hundred years so its fitting as well as the apologetic, sweet face she has and rouged luscious lips, which Nick has a thing for ;)



Pete is one of those favourable type of people, joker, cla$$ clown and all that so a funny actor, with a winning smile would be my choice. Pete is described with yellow olive skin, fair hair cropped, blue eyes and dimples and loved by all girls, wins their hearts with his charm and dimples and good looks. He's a footballer so he obviously has to have some muscle and plently filled with testosterone, unlike Nick and a little more matured than Nick too. 


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This is one choice for Pete because I think he suits him more. There's blonde hair there, muscle, good smile, dimples (in other pictures of him) and olive skin. And there are plenty of pictures of him so if I were to do some pictures of the novel with the characters I'd find him easily! 



A very tough character. Anderson, or Andy as everyone calls him, is in college but somehow has been hanging out with Pete for years and now the new resident Nick, but there's a kind of a secret about Andy; he has OCD. And because of that, this would determine the actor I'd represent his character to be, to have a very rigid posture, and clean cut look. Andy is described as having black hair combed back to his neck, very tall and very thin, wearing plain clothing. 


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I never really thought I'd pick this guy, an actor whom I'm more familair with what with the Vampire Diaries but now that I think of it, I think he's fitting. He's tall, and thin and with a little work, a shave and some hair requirments, I'd think he'd make a great Andy. He can be cold, and Andy's cold and reluctant and he also has a deep voice and Andy is known for that. 

And that's it. Well for now. I still have to post, what I think the man who The Demon Of Fear posesses looks like, Nick's mother, his step-father and Hallie's parents. But I'm under pressure at the moment and will post em next time. 

Lemme know what you think about the choices I made :D? 

Talk soon,


PS. Title is perfectly lame but I couldnt come up with anything else! 


Everyone's Irish on March 17th!

HELLLLLLLLO! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

How much of a wonderful Irish person am I to come round three days later and wish all you guys a happy birthday? Well that would be a typical one :P, and before you think it, no I wasn't recuperating from alcohol poisinging like you might think half the population would be lol!

La Fheil Le Padraig!

(Happy St. Patricks Day -- If my Irish above isn't too rusty!)

This Paddy's Day was the WORST Paddy's Day I've ever had to endure, so painful actually! I basically went out to friends and sat around playing pool for two hours, came back to mine, had a can of Guiness for the day's celebrations (got half sick in the process because it's an "aqquired" tast apparently lol) and then I stayed in from 6pm. There were plans to go to Dublin City, to the parade. The biggest one in the country, and the nearest from my village but no one was up to it really, so plans flopped. And I'm so sad because we missed out on the celebrations! This all contains Irish crap too but sure why not, it's Paddy's Day (If I werent late in bloggin!)


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This is where the parade starts, the Irish Army men parade down O'Conells street, famous for the 1916 Rising in Ireland (where my Great-Grandad fought in the war and fought in the big building in the back middle!) Ok enough with the Irish History lesson :P


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No Edward Cullen but Dracula was written by an Irish bloke, Bram Stoker! (Been to his old house in Dublin too! :P)



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Dancers and green yokey thingies? on O'Connell Street again. With the huge ugly Spire in the back! Hate that yoke! 


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I was wondering how they got the baloons on!?

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The Irish Public outside the typical Temple Bar (most famous pubs in Ireland!)


FACTS ABOUT THE IRISH (the real ones)

1. Leprechauns aren't pets (as I was so stupidy asked before lol)

2. Paddy's Day did not become a national holiday in Ireland in 1903 and the first parade wasn't held in Dublin until 1931

3. An estimated 13 million pints of Guinness will be consumed on St. Patrick's Day 2010, according to a Guinness spokesman.

4. There are in fact more cattle in Ireland than there are Irish people!

5. Irish people HATE when people admitt they have Irish blood, but are pleasant in accepting their opinions, (those Americans!)

6. We have a sport called Gaelic (mix of soccer and rugby really)

7. The Irish language is compulsory to learn in schools, even though our everyday language is English (un-friggin-fortunately!)

8. You cant smoke in pubs anymore!

9. The phrase "whats the craic? or any craic?" means "how are you? or up to anything good?"NOT something gotta do with drugs lol

10. An odd Irish birthday tradition is to lift the birthday child upside down and give his head a few gentle bumps on the floor for good luck. The number of bumps should allegedly correspond to the child's age plus one.

11. A traditional cure for an Irish hangove, is to head to the pub, have a drink, and come home for a fry.

12. It was only in the mid nineteen forties that Irish people had electricity!


Just some things to write, to maybe share my Irish heritage!


So lately, nothings been up. Parents were away in Spain, had a party with my brothers and the whole town and a window smashed and a couple things were broken! Yiiiikes! Wasn't feeling great all week so took Mon and Tues off school, Wednesday we had no school and Thursday we didnt have any either since it's notable that most teens will come in hungover and make an effortless day, sad to say but true! So then today, Friday was the only day I was in school! Went by so quick. We watched The Unborn in Roisins house tonight, which was kinda good, seen worse but also seen better. This weekend is planned to be a relaxing one. Hopefully I can finish a book and catch up with some Dexter. 

I'd write about TV lately but Supernaturals been off air, as had VampDiaries and Heroes is finished for this season and DH is too much to go into. I don't watch much anymore but those are the few. And Skins. More on that next blog. I'm babling at the moment but only because I'm tired and have nothing much to say. 

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with a blog on new movies and TV and life lately.

Sorry didnt get back to anyones comments, I've been just busy with social life and stuff so havent had time.

Forgive me duuuudes!

Have a good weekend,


I take my imagination as fact. I cannot argue with it, even if I do it wins.

Hey everyone!

Whats up?

I'm finally done with my two week pre-exams, and am soooo happy and annoyed. Happy because they're over and no more studying for another month or so and some time to be less-stressed, even though they're not hugely stressful. And the reason why I'm angry is because, well I'm not hugely happy with my results. Annoyed because I only got a B in my English, and the reason was because I didnt give the last question a stab. If I did, I would've gotten an A! That just pains me knowing that, but then again its JUST the MOCKS, not the real thing, but still a pain in the ... So got a B too in Religion, which is pretty wonderful since I didnt open a book, honest truth. No one does, it's Religion. Most people just look over stuff the night before to pass and they do because its pretty easy. I failed Maths. That wasn't a huge shock but I was convinced I passed. I'm in the top Maths ****(and dont know how lol) I'm not great at Maths, never have been but I didnt think I'd fail. I blame the teacher, as well as me. She's just dreadful. And my grade for Science was a D, and I blame the teacher because she's my Math teacher too. I'm hoping I'll do better with more effort with the time to study for June, unlike what I had to study the MOCKS (three weeks).

I got a D also in Metalwork, and that wasnt a huge surprise either because it's a weak subject of mine. But with my practical in the real exam and more study, I can easily bring that up to a B, and that's no joke. The exam is easy enough if you try. Still waiting for more results.

I'm praying that I got an A in History since I thought I did well, and since I really have a passion for that subject, but then again I thought I did well in most and look how they turned out.

I probably failed Irish because its the hardest language to learn ever (AND IM IRISH? Doesnt make sense lol) and maybe passed French? Not sure. But my effort wasn't really put in since it was the MOCKS. Hopefully, the extra time to study and realise the whole thing will give better results. Friday, when the MOCKS were over, we all headed out to the town to celebrate. With some alcohol of course. We were trying to find a hidden place sorta to hide from passers by and whatever and found this really dark kind of like half-ish building site behind a houseing estate. It did though haha, the night was fun. I cant remember much but it was fun. I loved my mam for it though because she hadnt got any problem with me drinking which was such a relief and stuff. She never does have a problem with that kinda stuff because I'm trusted, neither does my dad, so it makes the nights like that much easier, instead of feeling guilty for deceiving your parents.

Saturday, I was arranged to babysit for my two little second-cousins. My cousins kids. They're basically my cousins. The night was fine, sat in, while they were in bed and I watched this Sarah something or other: Living dead. I think. Something about this medium woman who gives people messages. I love that sort of stuff, well at least watching and trying to understand it all. I'm no sceptic but no firm believer in mediums anyway either. But I do believe there's life after death, just not sure if some can see the dead or not. But it makes you think! My cousin left me money for takeaway and I used the advantage for pizza and nachos. Had a fun night in with myself, it's good to get away from my people-full house and spend aa night alone with no interruptions looking for the computer or the TV. I dont like being alone alot but it's good every once in a while, especially to get away from my village. The little one woke up during the night but thankfully he stopped crying and didnt wake the other. I got him back to bed and fell asleep myself in record time! CLAP! I'd honestly go there every Saturday and mind them for free. I love the little guys and having some space too!

So everyone knows I'm kinda a day-dreamer, novel creater, lets just say half my brain is stuck in this imaginary world half the time. Especially in cla$$ On Tuesday I was being bored to death by my business teacher and so, I just floated into that half of my brain that thinks, fictionaly. I find myself doing it alot. Creating characeters, and plot lines and things like that. Usually I always sum up fiction but I was thinking this time, no creatures (monstrous ones anyway), no magic, just real life with more danger and action. And I looked down to the table, where names were scribbled, "Damo woz ere 2007" People tend to do that in my school. Does everyone do that in other schools lol? Anyway I was thinking about a boy sitting bored in cla$$ where no one sits, at the back of cla$$in one of those tables thats cramped against the corner and he writes down his name with pencil on the table. A cla$$later he comes back to find someone has replied. And then he thinks about it and writes back and then this conversation is struck up over a period of time, and then this boy gets freaked out with how strange the sentences become. "I know you". "You dont know me" "I float around." So it's basically to do with a boy being stalked by a person he doesnt know, cant find. He only knows that they have girl writing. This person becomes infatuated with him and overtime, there's murders, friends of the boys and he really begins to wonder, why him and what this stalker wants. I've never really made up a world like that, one with criminology and psycho people with real problems and am hoping to learn about it, and research a lot so as I can enjoy writing about this story. I'm dead set that I will write in first person and there'll be a line strictly syaing "NO DEMONS, GHOSTS, WITCHES, VAMPIRES, WEREWOLVES, Shane" So I'm really interested to research some criminal crap, stalkers, psycho people's intent and stuff like that, when I have some time. Now, I know it sounds cheesy but it sorta sounds fitting to be and the way it's supposed to be, and things that are the way they are supposed to be to me, mean they are what they are. The world is what it is, and the people are what they are. I take my imagination as fact. I cannot argue with it, even if I do it wins lol, nothing can be changed, so to speak really. So, I am sure that this novel/story/ will be called ... The Pencil Stick Stalker.Why? Because, there's a stalker that stalks mostly through pencils writing messages to the boy, and he also kills with them, having a fascination with them (hitting on the psychologically ill part) And I got so excited, (like I do, please dont blame me and think weird of me lol) but I created a cover for it. I like creating the covers, I dont know why. Maybe it's my artistic side coming through back from years ago lol, or because I like to get an image of what it is. And I enjoy making em too!

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Over the past couple months, I've been wondering about artists from a while back that have disappeared. I questioned where Whitney was, and SHE CAME BACK. I wondered where Eminem was, and HE CAME BACK. I wondered where MJ was before he made announced a comeback, AND HE WAS ABOUT TO COME BACK. R.I.P, though. And recently I wondered where Avril Lavinge was and now I find that she has a single on the Alice in Wonderland Soundtrack!?! I think I'm psychically in tune with celebs comebacks. I hear SpiceGirls comeback for the second time in my head right now. Dont say I NEVER WARNED YOU! lol :P

So I really wanted to see Alice in Wonderland this Saturday but no one wants to go cinema, I know, cruel they are. Shopping instead, the joys :P. Saturday should be a good day anyway, with something to do, even if it IS shopping. I have lots more to tell but so little time! Uhm, I'll be back next time though when my eye lids are not burning with the need of sleep lol. Might do my favourite movies of all time. Haven't done one of those kind of blogs in a while! ...


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And... Image and video hosting by TinyPic Everyone gets cake on their birthday, but you're not everyone! Have fruit animals, instead ;) Happy Birthday :D Hope everyone has a good week, Catch yah later, Shane