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charmed1102 Blog

Play the funky music right boy.

Hello :D

Hows everyone been? Just a quickie blog with pics to catch up with whats going on lately! Play the funky music right boy, is this title lol! Because there is band playing across the field in my school, they're caled The Coronas. I seriously dont know how my community got em to play because they're pretty famous lol. Anyone know em? This is one of their well-know songs: But this is the one I actually like of theirs: The title is there because they sound pretty bad from here and the music just aint funky enough lol. Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I really am shooting out the blogs on this lol! But the last one was TV related so this one is an actual blog- whats going on lately! So where can I start . . . Tonight was pretty fun. Kimmy, Dillion, Ben and Roisin came to my house to watch a movie since my parents and brothers were gone to a wedding. We got trios (bets chinese cheap food for teens ever :P) and stayed in. Unfortuantely, Roisin was in a bad mood so she went home. Actually scratch that, not only Roisin was but the whole mood of the night was anger. Ben was angry, Kimmy was angry about Ben being angry and I was angry because I was missing every bit of the movie which had Jensen Ackles in it! I think I shouted, "EVERYONE BE QUIET WHEN JENSEN IS SPEAKING!" maybe a hundred times lol. The movie was called My Bloody Valentine. It was good, great twist at the end I suppose, maybe a little bit predictable (thinking Ben's psychic these days haha) but all in all a good gory horror. It would've been better in 3D though, we watched the normal one. Anyway Kimmy got drunk which really put a dampner on the night. Making her sober and walking her home to make sure she was safe was annoying and the fact that we couldnt actually enjoy the movie wasn't great but hey, what are friends for :D? Yeah they're for picking you up when you spit water all over the ground and fall all the time lol! Ah no it was a fun night. Thought it would've been better though. I missed X-factor tonight :(! But I'll be catching up tomorrow. I'm not really liking the auditions this year because they're all so bad. I prefer the live competition because they are all quite good singers and the competitivness is good to watch!

This is my new book cover (for the moment). font>

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I like this one the best because it means something to me I suppose. I've about 30pages left to edit and maybe re-read it over to check for mistakes again (since I edit at like 3 in the morning and feel drowsy lol) but anyway. Maybe when I finish I might have the confidence to check out publishing for the fun -- but I doubt that will happen!

Ok so is it me or are the CW doing pretty well this year? With the concluding of Supernatural- (second episode amazing! I love Ellen and the whole Horsemen situation!), the remake of Melrose and the adaption of the vampire book - they've been doing pretty well . I really think that Supernatural season five is doing great, and its only two episodes in, I'm loving Melrose and of course Katie Cassidy in it! I'm not too mad about the VampDiaries but it's caught my attention. It's only a 12episode season, which is cool. But something better has to start happening! More about the Vampires in this show and the difference between the usual ones. I made this the other day after hearing it on Melrose- favourate TV quote of the year!

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I mentioned we were star gazing a few blogs back and finally my phone started working with the computer. The USB was f*cked! Got a new one though :D. So new music and photo sharing for me :D

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Ben, Kimmy, Me, and Emma (anyone see a little "head titling" going on there? Amanda? :L)

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More tilting? :(?

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I pose with the princess :P Too bad it was dark out because the pictures aren't great quality, but then again there'd be no star-gazing without darkness lol!

That's it for now! I promise next blog with be some sort of Supernatural incorpated mess lol! Daria, is this picspam war still intact? If it is, can we have some picspam holidays, because they're needed and well deserved by both of us lol!?

Have a good week peeps :D



WTF? HEROES IS ON TOMORROW? I've been obsessing over Supernatural so much I didnt even notice its premiere date :P High hopes for this season :D

My Charmed Moments.

Hi :D

So here are my favourite moments of Charmed! This was originally supposed to be a mix of all my favourite shows but I guess I cant fit em all in! Supernatural will be in the next blog (Was the second episode of season five brilliant or what?) These moments aren't in order in how much I love them or not.I included video as well if you cant remember the moments. Its cool to watch em to, just remembering Charmed itself!

Image and video hosting by TinyPic There's no way that this cannot be in my favourite moments. When Phoebe opens The Book of Shadows and discovers the history of the Warren Witches and reads the spell to make em witches. You can feel the intensity growing and you know this is something just tingling under your skin! Perfect moment to a perfect pilot.

Video (4:43):

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I love past episodes! The moment when Phoebe enters the 1920's Manor is another moment that I really liked. I've said it before but I'll say it again, this era is one of my favourite eras of all time. Just the clothing, the music and the way of life in these days seems so amazing. All in all this episode was amazing but what made it of importance to me was the way the writers perfectly adapted into the 1920's :D.

Video (3:34-4:24):

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I never really liked Prue because of the aggresivness of Shannen Doherty and how that came across when she was playing the character but the episode where her and Phoebe are turned into kids (sorta) is undoubtedly one of the funniest Charmed moments that will ever be! I literally fell off my chair with the laughter when they broke out in song, "IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT." Allysa did a perfect job as did Shannen when portraying the kids lol! The whole scene was just hilarious. ESTRA ESTRA ESTRA DOUBLE BIG JERK NOW!


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This was seriously wrenching. I hated and loved every moment of it, it'll always stay in my mind. The determination of Prue and the stillness of Piper was jus so sad. I loved the caring hands that swept over Pipers eyes- it was all really emotional and stuff. From here all the way to when the gun fired was a scene I'll never forget. Shannen (for once) did herself proud with the performance she created before leaving the show. Holly did a perfect death scene too. I love her so much.

Video (4:00-6:05):

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Prue's funeral was really, really sad. With the whole priestess thing doing a great job, the song to go with it and the white coffin. It was all done really well and a sad moment of Charmed. Fair play to Holly for yet another good performance especially when the Bounty Hunters attack.

Video (00:20-3:15):

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When the Charmed Ones were reconstituted back in the first episode of season four, it was almost like relieving the first season when the chandelier shimmered and they three were together, almost bound.Paige's introduction and the way Phoebe comments on the P was hilarious and the instant magical bond with her half-sisters is a moment that will like the rest, never leave the memories I've had from Charmed.

Video (1:35-2:05):

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This whole episode was a mix between hilarious and sad. The hopelessness of Piper in the metal Manor was horrible to witness but the quirkiness of Phoebe and Paige was seriously funny. Phoebe and her "little book of shadows" was so funny I snorted! I admitted it lol! Loved this episode and every single moment in it.


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In the episode, Charmed And Dangerous when the girls are ready to vanquish the Source. An electrifying moment when they face off against the Source. The spell they say made me shiver, literally and the wonder if they'd actually kill him or not was iffy but the way he died and the determination and will of the sisters, really made this an amazing moment in Charmed history.The comments the Source makes, the hopefullness of it all really boils down. Even the episode name is great :D


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This scene was really heart-breaking. Even for a guy, I thought it was sad. Right fater Cole's first vanquish, Phoebe has gone into a state of sadnitty and depression almost. In this scene I love how the sisters really show how they're there for her and care for the vulnerability of Phoebe.

Video (5:45):

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Priceless ;)


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When the brothers face off in Chris-Crossed! I hated to love this scene. It was amazing to see the dynamic of two brothers hate each other so much but terrible because of the sufferening Chris was taking. I dont think I've ever seen as much tension between a sibling-fight. Not even Sam and Dean's fights top these- but then again Sam and Dean can't hold electricity balls in their hands!


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I love this moment in Charmed history. What's not to love? There's the co-operation of the family in on it, the anticipation and hype is over, and the surprise that its a boy. Everything in this moment made the whole plot of the baby worthwhile. I love when Piper and Leo share that moment and when Leo says, "I got a boy?" Just a perfect moment. High up on my Perfect Moment's List too I suppose.


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Zankou's vanquish was undoubtedly excellence but the whole involvment and how it all played out in the basement with the girls made it doubly good! I love the clip where they hold hands, and sarcrifice themselves for the great or good. How they have made it seven years and now is the time, all to save innocence. This scene really freezes the moment of what the Charmed Ones are about- saving innocents. Perfect.


Leo and Piper Screencap-Vaya con Leos.1 Pictures, Images and Photos Everything about this moment makes it sad. The struggle of Piper and Leo over the years has come to an end, even though there have been loads of them this one truly seems final and makes you think. Their relationship has been strong and for it to end-especially like this- makes it a complete sad moment in the whole of the season. The determination and struggle Piper had throughout this episode is really wrenching. The moment Leo is taken away after being frozen and the girls break down, is unbelievably emotional. Something that is historical in the Charmed universe, something that is unarguable. A favourite of mine.Holly and Brian really made this scene. Props to them!


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You can tie these two moments together, I suppose :D. The final battle that was approaching throughout the end of the season started at the 2nd last episode and it really was amazing. The way Piper and the girls have still remaing strong, and the ruthlessness of Billie- little Billie who has grown as a character. Every piece of their fight was amazing, the integrity, the loss, the pain, the determination each of them hold in those moments of battle are unforgettable. The manor explosion is another of my favourite moments, because of the wonderful effects used and because of the hope of them surviving and the place of the Charmed Ones creation being shattered. Its a mesmorising sight too :D Loved it.


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I was so sad when this scene came on and it will always be my favourite death moment in all of Charmed. The way Holly really portrays Piper as the loving older sister is really proufound here and it makes me so happy for some reason! Even when she says to Phoebe, "Come on kiddo wake up." Her voice is just heart-breaking, really. Its full of despair, the whole momentum because really there is little hope left. Piper is alone, her sisters are dead. And the scene around her is just horrifiying. Memorable moment.


Image and video hosting by TinyPic There were four minutes of perfectness to Charmed. Four whole minutes that made one magical moment. Those four minutes were the ending. The clip underneath shows the ending of Charmed and how it's done- which in my opinion is done to perfection. The way they wrap up the story, what Piper says as her idea, how they give us a glimpse of the future, and how Granny Piper and Grandad Leo walked up the stair and all the pictures document the Charmed Ones past and present. It really is theee most memorable moment of the series and a wonderful ending for eight generous and amazing years ! R. I.P Charmed :(


There our millions of great moments of Charmed that are floating in my head but these were really the ones that showed themselves to me which means probably that these are the most memorable ones but I think the whole eight years of Charmed was one big memory. And as it says at the end . . . . "And although we certainy had our struggles and heartaches over the years, we're a family of survivors and we will always be. Which is why we've truly been . . . Charmed."

Amazing qoute.

Amazing series.

Miss you Charmed :(

Anyone have any memorable moments of this series?

Have a good weekend everyone, hope you enjoyed fellow Charmed-Ones :P


Screw you Kanye. Mr. Compton where have you gone? Old pictures!

Hi :D

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So I saw the VMA's the other day and thought it was really good. Lady Gaga (who I usually dont like) did an amazing performance. She really gets into it-kinda scary actually. Beyonce was as amazing as ever, with her skimy clothes :P. Pink was really energetic too while Kanye is a will always be a d-ckhead! I hate him now. For him to do that to Taylor was really mean! Did you see her face when he said it and handed back the mic? She didnt know what to say! It could've been staged - thats what I thought initially because it usually happens at MTV stuff but later on I wasn't too sure and didnt think they'd pull a stunt like that with the whole "MJ love theme" Gotta say the opening was great too! The commemorative dances were really precise! And Muse were singing their new song which is incredible! I cant stop listening to it :D!

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Caught up with True Blood on Monday and it was amazing! The whole Maenad thing has been stretched so long and it was kinda getting boring but for it to come to an end was a relief (of anticipation) and then not really a relief because the season has ended! I was hoping for a little more Eric to be honest and some backstory on Sookies cousin! Whats the deal there? I was really happy for Bill and Sookie then that dreadful cliffhanger! Anyone who read the books have any idea who vamp-napped Mr. Compton? I think its weird how Ball does finales. It was the same with last season. For some reason the action happens all fast (which is great) and doesnt drag through the episode (which is even better) but then you think when the battle or conflict is over, what happens next? I always think the ep is finished and have to check the time to see if it is but no, Ball uniquely wraps up stories and the aftermath really well. I think every characters story was taken care of and then a new plot-line was introduced too just in time. I love the way he can do this instead of the usual finale stuff. So yeah! Cant wait till next season now... looking forward to see what supernatural creatures are in store for us (Did ever catch Charlene Harris at the bar of the finale? Kinda reminded me of Twilight, but waaay better lol) Loving what Sookie says near the start, it kinda went like . . .





Awesome :P

Nothing much has been happening in life lately. Had a geography test today and I think I passed- I hope I passed! Tonight I'm off to see a football match and then after I'm watching TV and then book and maybe try to fix my phone situation because I really want those pictures of star gazing! Grr :(

Right now this blog is lacking lol. I'm sifting through old pictures that I found on a USB earlier and here's what I've found. I dont want to bore you all with too much text lol!

In Ireland we are taken on history trips in our first year. They took us to see a Court Cairn. Thats an ancient burial chamber place from like centuries ago. This is the court cairn. A mound of rocks, underneath it and into a chamber is where the dead people were put. I'm still wondering if the white thing in the air is a ghost. DEAAN! SAAAAAM! Ivesti-freakn-gate!Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Everyone is set free up the hill which the court cairn is on...

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I'm pretty sure this is the twilight... No vamps included lol.

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Yet again another boring school trip...

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We had this birthday cake like custom made lol by ourselves with little private jokes and stuff. It ended up on the floor for the night!

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This was Halloween (The Irish celebrate it, yes Amanda!)

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The neighbours had this kinda wooden box around their house. It was kinda funny actually :D Peace out!

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When I get bored and I'm on my own I take pictures of myself :P

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This was me and Ben's tent and our fire too :D.

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On the last day of our first year of secondary school we thought we were thee sh!t because we were going to be rebellious and burn out school journals (do everyone have them?) Anyway it was fun becoming pyromaniacs for the day :P

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And for an Edward Cullen one. Its crazy how obsessed people are with him. I just had to take a picture of this comment that was left on youtube. Weird.... lol

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Thats the end. I have one more old strange one but Ivy would give out to me if I put it up lol! She'd say "SHAME SHANE! SHAME" Then go on about how great her rhyme was lol!

Anyway I shall leave it at that! Hope you enjoyed the old pictures I randomly came across earlier! Have a good week! I' might be back on the weekend to do my favourite moments of my favourite tv series! I'm extending it to different shows like Dexter, True Blood, Desperate Housewives and some more too.

See you soon!


Hungry for games. Dancing to music. Thirsty for blood.

Hello :D.

Everyone have a good weekend?

Had a pretty fun weekend. On Saturday I was up early which was strange and ending up going shopping with my mam. She was food shopping so it was nothing fun but I decided to tag along because I wanted a new book and a coffee from starbucks :P I dunno if you've heard of The Hunger Games but its this pretty amazing book by Suzanne Collins and is quite popular. I'd be surprised if few people haven't heard about it. Anyway I read it, I think in the summer and loved it and then found out it was an unplanned trilogy which can either tend to be really good or bad. So yesterday I bought the second book in the trilogy which is called The Hunger Games: Catching Fire. I really cant wait to read it but I'm reading The Forest Of Hands And Teeth atm which is an amazing read! If you like zombies and the apocalypse, read this book! Its amazing. Anyway I really hate the cover of the new Hunger Games. It looks so girly-- yuck.

Just this once, we'll take Stephanie Meyer's opinion on something :P
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Yesterday, while in buying this, I got a text from Kimmy. Shes such a wonderful girl- really she's the best and I just laugh at her all the time! The text I got wasn't out of the ordinary, just the way she even sent it made me laugh! Ok we're doing surprise party. At Andys. 7pm. U goin? Thats typical of her. Something unarranged and out of the blue. I had no credit so I couldnt text back :( But I got home, made sure I went out and we sorted it all out. Gavin bought a lot of stuff and drinks and we basically just hijacked his house from his mom and dad in hope that they'd say yes for the night. We had really loud music which was great and the neighbours heard us apparently -- uh and they accused us of stealing a bag of laundry from their HOUSE. Yes from INSIDE their house. They thought it was us because we were outside and teens and had loud music. But seriously first of all, who'd nick a basket of clothes for fun lol? Anyway it was not us definetly but they still think we did it and theres something going on about trespassing. I laughed when I heard it. They actuallly think we did it for a prank but we didnt leave th f*ing house! Anyway the party went well. It was cool too because on our way home (Me, Ben, Kimmy, Gavin, and Emma) we decided to sit on the ground in the park and look at the stars. They were so cool! All of us were just there like star gazing lol at 11 in the park :D. It was fun. I got pictures but my stupid phone is screwed and I cant get anything from my phone to the computer or vice a versa! I'll be sure to upload them as soon as I can though if I can work around it! Today was composed of sitting around doing nothing. I have really neglected editing my book and have to get back into it. I'm not getting bored. I just cant find the time and effort to do it, it's just so . . . tedious!Anyway I was thinking for my next blog to do my favourite moments (including happy, sad, good SFX, and others) from my top three favourite shows of all time. Charmed, Heroes, and of course Supernatural. Maybe 5fav moments from each show? Just to remember Charmed :( R.I.P and to commemorate the good days of Heroes and the sorta new ones :? and to show my favourite acting of Supernatural and the funny moments that Jensen Ackles has given us all! Might get around to blogging all that on Wednesday since thats my half-day in school. I also have to blabber on about True Blood finale then too. I believe its premiering tonight in America but I'll get it tomorrow online. Anyone know when the new season begins shooting or is it too early to even ask when it begins premiering? Or if the finale deserves a blog on its own, I might just be compelled to blabber tomorrow even! Enjoy this random picture :P and have a great week :D Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Ignorance is your new best friend.

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Hey :D Hows everyone? What you all been up to? Wondering why Paramore are heading this blog? Well because their awesome and I got tickets today to see em in December :D. Wohoo :D. Cannot wait. I was supposed to get tickets on priority on Wednesday but didnt work out so since I didnt get them on pre-sale, I got em today! I stayed off from school to do it and watch Supernatural and Vamp Diaries :D. More on Supernatural later ;). Anyway I think I was the first person online on Ticketmaster in Ireland getting them :P. At least they didnt sell out cause I missed them last Summer and this time round everyone is going and there's hype up to it and stuff so yeah cant wait especially since You Me At Six are supporting!Somehow the title of this blog fits in with Paramores new single and the end of this blog!

So on Wednesday we went drinking which was great :D. Joanne had a free house so we went there and drank our cans since it was Andy's JC night- basically he got his results and did pretty well so it was a great excuse to get drunk :P. I got caught but my mam didnt really care. She said she smelled it off me earlier but didnt really saying anything. Then Ben came in and she was like, "have you got any Vodka for me?" Ben said it was all gone :P:P:P.

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Season five of Supernatural! Its actually here! The wait of it all is over :D. Ok the season premiere- AMAZING! I really couldn't believe how brilliantly they pulled it off. The amount of the like catastrophes went on in it were unbelievable -- from the plane scene I was thrilled :D. Symapthy for the devil was a well suited title too- because I actually felt sympathy for it. I'm not on the evil side here lol but I think Lucifer seems like a very interesting character. Not one of those sadistic ones but a sympathetic evil centred one. Revolving around Sam and Dean's relationship was annoying though. Sad and annoying. All I want for them to do it to be back brothers like they were but then Dean said that line- that dreadful line- that nearly made me fall off my chair :(. Hopefully their relationship will build up and Dean was wrong with what he said!. Oh and COME ON MISHA COLLINS! What an essential part of this season, love em!

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Ok so there were doubts about this one but the whole Vampire thing the world has at the moment includes me! So I thought I'd at least give the pilot a try. Gotta say firstly, did the actor who plays Stefan like see Twilight a gazillion times, because at times its as if his facial expressions are the exact same as Edward Cullen! lol! Anyway there was a good plot going, boy meets girl who he's met back in the 18hundreds and then evil brother comes along and wants to claim her too. Ok maybe not good but something to work with lol. I'm liking the whole Pyschic thing with Elenas friend and hope that becomes something to the plot. I like the way the vamps have fangs in this nice to know that they werent changing it to become like Twilight and good to see that the characters actually have personalitys and real teen stuff is in it unlike Twilight :D. So yeah that was a a fear of this show- that it'd become too Twilight-y and one can only take so much of it lol. So hopefully as this progresses the plot will become more thrillingly-induced and we get to see something different. The pilot caught my attention enough to stay with the season for another while so hoping the episodes will get better as the plot continues to as well.

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So I saw this on Wednesday after it aired on Tuesday. I said I'd give the pilot a go like most new shows but I was quite impressed with this! Ok so the main thing about this show which is incredibly hot, sophisticated, spunky, and b!tchyness is the amazing Katie Cassidy. I missed her when she left Supernatural but so glad to see she is still the same type of character on this show. Katie really brings an ump to this show and without her I wouldnt be too sure I'd watch it but the plot seems interesting enough. It's very adult-90210-ey, but seems quite good. I'm really trying to think this through but how in the hell did Ashley Simpson get on this show? First of all she looks totally different as I've said before and second-- well she cant act! There was a reason why she was only in like a couple of scenes and that scream-fake or what! Ok it sounds like I'm bashing this show but I'm not just saying what I thought of the performances. Loving the guy whos the filmaker though, he's funny and I like that myster-drama type that this show is. All that who-dunnit stuff makes me happy and keeps me entertained :P So hopefully this show will progress too but enjoyed watchingt the pilot :D

TGIF! So happy its the weekend because I can finally have the time to read some books, catch up on with PMs and blogs and relax! No school till Monday obviously but its such a relief, because well my old best friend isn't really a friend anymore never mind BEST. People change and become annoying and it's not until you actually ahve a better friend that you see your old best friend wasn't a friend. Some people are seriously freaky. But I kinda feels sorry for him because everyone is hating on him and he hasn't got any friends really now. But for once I'm no being selfless. I'm being selfish about this one, putting myself first. I really dont want to hang out with someone who has no personality and doesnt talk to anyone, being a buzz kill. Sounds very confusing but it all actually makes sense lol!

So I'll try catch up on everyones blogs now and PMs too :D.

Have a good week :D.


Damn all these beautiful girls. They'll have you suicidal. :D

Hey :D! Hows everyone today? Getting upto anything for the weekend?

Well nothing much for me this weekend, maybe I might stay in and watch a movie. Just not in the mood of doing anything crazyily exciting today! I've got half the book edited at the moment and have to continue with it to get a crazy lady off my tail- no I love her really. She was this woman I knew from years ago and insists that I publish my book or even attempt to. I'm not too sure about it but want to finish editing anyway!

Did anyone notice that Supernatural airs on the 10/09/09 - OK I'm sure every fan did because of their unreal countdowns (myself included :P) But what I found strangely coincidental is that the day before is the 09/09/09- turn the numbers upside down and what do you get? Hmmm 06/06/06- Don't they say 6 is associated with the Devil? I wonder if they purposefully planned to air the episode a day after lol! I forget to mention I bough the Supernatural fourth season part one with Ben the other day :D. It wasnt a good day to go into Dublin on a bus because there was an All Ireland Final on (Irish football) and it was really business. But we waited in the rain for ages to get a bus then gave up, then tried again :P And managed to get in, get part one and watch some episodes :D. He said I could keep it because he oly wanted to watch em on DVD cause the computer is too fuzzy for him. I think it was a good deal :D Now I can add them to my other seasons :D Cant wait fort he next part to come out late Sept.

So here are my 7 beautiful girls or maybe my DreamGirls but that just sounds like the movie lol so yeah, My Beautiful Girls :P.Not in ay particular order btw.

1. Jessica Alba

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2. Ali Larter

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3. Blake Lively

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4. Hayden Panettiere

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5. Christina Aguilera

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6. Eva Mendes

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7. Megan Fox

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Ahuh :D. It's strange that I like a lot of blondes because I'm more of a brunnette type of dude but yeah they're all soo hot :P and most of em seem like nice girls too, well in interviews anway!

I'm sorta annoyed because all my Dexter episodes are delted (thanks to a mean brother. Not the nice one :() so I gotta download em again and watch the last four or five episodes! Supernatural soon, wohoo! If any of you havent heard Emiko and me are doing a blog monthy thing and'll be taking the hosting in turns so if you wanna sign up if you havent all ready go to Emiko's page and one of her blogs she's got it. She's amazing and has everything organized and under control! Go Emiko :D. Rhymes :P So just now my plans of watching a movie have changed and I'm going out to hang around thetown becaus I've seriously nothing better to do on a Saturday night!


Its The Apocalypse Of All Picspams Daria . . . :D

Hi Hi Hi :D Hows school been treating everyone? For me its been cool, jus a complete dos, not doing much even though its "serious exam year" thats what the teachers say, expecting us to cringe at those three words.

Today was a bunch of embarrased awfulness :P, sorta funny though. Ok lemme start from the beginning, well my hairs been growing for a while now and its been really long which I was aiming for then I was told it needed to be thinned out or something so Kimmy gave me a thinning scissors and expected it to be easy enough so I asked my mother to do it. She can cut hair and stuff, but the last time she did something with my hair was when I was in my dying stage but anyway I was confident in her thinning out the hair until she completely wrecked it! It was completely thinned out, yes the lenght was still there but I looked balding. I walked into my area and got the biggest slagging from all my friends it was so annoying walking over because everyone just burst into laughing because my hair was really dreadful, people started calling me like Lukemia Shane aswell because it looked like my hair was growing back from cancer! That was a bad joke but I laughed anyway, they did it in a funny way not in a "the state of you, we dont like you way" just a friend slagging! Anyway I got so pissed, marched straight to the barbers and asked her to fix it in any way possible, so she chopped bascially all my hair off now I'm bald lol, lastnight I had lenght in it but it was so thin I looked balding! I'm happier now, it cant be any worse than what it was! The bad thing is I'm going on about my hair and how bad it looks then I heard this guy who I knows brother hung himself (only 18) because he got seriously bullied and stuff. Some people can be just scum to others and dont realise until somethings happened to the person they've been making fun off. Not cool. Anyway I just sorta hugged the guy with a pat on the back and said sorry, he really isn't up to talk or anything. Its sad, I never knew the guy but someone taking their own life because of bullying is just unbelieveable and you can sympathise anywhere even if you didnt know the person!

If any of you don't know, Daria (12678) have been having a friendly war :P of picspams of Supernatural. I've done some banner-type things and added either qoutes or things for fun but this was something I found and thought was quite funny as well as informative in a childish kinda way :P. I dunno if anyone has seen it but I'll share anyway, when you hear Plastic Winchesters you automatically think Sam and Dean have been turned into Teens and we follow them as queen (well in Sam's case) b*tches in school :P But know this is a different type of plastic. Literally. Enjoy.

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I'll continue with part two whenever I blog next but my chance of world-of-picspam- domination is coming to a close :L:L:L Muhuuahhaaha. Yes Daria that was an evil laugh. But a friendly one lol!

Anyway, let me know how you're all doing and somone send me a PM :D or else I'll be unhappy for the rest of the week. Cannot survive without friends :P Have a good week everyone!


"Nah, Miami's too hot fot all that leather."

Hey guys!

School started on Friday and went really quick, only a half day but I was strangely hoping for a full day, why? Well I got all my old teachers who are bascially so young their students back, and I think I might do pretty good. We got a new area to hang around it and the school times changed. Instead of leaving at 4.00PM, it's now 3.50PM -- How wonderful :P! 10 minutes early :P It's better than nothing, I suppose. I'm getting my locker on Monday and all that. I'm all happy to be back with friends and stuff but what are the bets, I'll be complaing next week lol! English teacher already set me an essay. I argued for ages of the title: MY LIFE AS A SUPHERO. I was like "miss wtf?" Superheroes! We're in third year and they want us to write about superheroes. Blahh...! I did it anyway haha, a Heroes rip-off, lets just hope she doesnt watch Heroes :L:L:L

Lately, I've got this issue. What's up with every disney channel actor beginning a music career? It's really annyoing me! You've Vannessa, Selena, Miley, Demi. The majority of them can't even sing but every time I hop onto youtube there ALWAYS there! Grrr hating on disney!

I desperately need a new phone, so I'm trying to save up since I'm broke :P . . . What do you think of this?

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I want it now but I haven't just got 100€ yet :P

So I've been TV Show searching and found some new shows that might be interesting enough to watch over the next couple of months. These were the couple I came across and might consider watching:Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'm guessing this is sorta 90210 $tyle kinda stuff but I think I'm gonna give it a go just for something dramatically easy but entertaining at the same time to watch.Ad Katie Cassidy is in it too :P! Hot :D. And the ginger there appears to be Ashley Simpson, god what happened to her? She looks like she's just faded into nothing!

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I've never read the books but since the success and likeability I had with True Blood, I'm definetly giving this a go but hope its adapted well. Once I don't see vampires that sparkle, I think I'll be more than happy lol! Image and video hosting by TinyPic

I'm really looking forward (pun not intended) to this show. Theres something about time travel that continues to elude me! Since this is from the people who came up with Lost or whatever, I think its in safe hands and may just have a big audience when it airs. I never got into Lost but am hoping to get into Flash Forward.

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I'm not sure about this show. I might watch the pilot but if it's too model and stuff-ish I probably wont continue to watch. It's stupid for me to even consider watching lol because it IS a show about models but there may be something in it that interests me. Hot girls is the first thing.

They were just the new shows that I'll be watching. I'm continuing with Heroes and Supernatural and Dexter- woah Dexter :D Watching the second season atm and wondering if its better or just OK in comparison to the first season- not sure yet, but one thing is for sure, the one about the comic guy dying was funny. That's were the title of this blog comes from. Dexter is just so.... quirky :P

Heres something that I'm making outta my mind since I forgot what I was originally blogging about lol:

What are you wearing now: My usual sloth cloth :D Tracksuit bottoms and white jumper. Don't you just love anything thats your sloth cloth :P

Music listening to these days: Pitbull, The Script and Black Eyed Peas

Last show you watched: Dexter of course.

What are you reading at the moment: The Medici Seal

Whats your one wish right now?: For Supernatural season five to be on right now. And uh ... ehem world peace of course, yeah that too *cough*

What you do today?: Went out for a while and wrote a dumb essay on superheroes.

Last text was from?: Ben of course... :L

Going anywhere tomorrow?: Out somewhere. Hopefully Ben'll buy Supernatural season four :D *hint*

Last meal you had: Chicken burger and a milkshake :D. Unhealthy, yes, but my brother bought me it and brought it back just in time for Dexter :D. What an awesome bro :D

Latest obsession: Dexter. Give it a week and it'll change to something new. I'm forever changing obsessions.

Current mood: Not bothered.

What was the last thing you actually watched on the TV: X-Factor :D Thee best. Danyl to win already!

Whats sitting in front of you now? Computer, speakers, modem, coke can, glass, school journal, King packet, paper, pen, PSP, phone, stapples. Specific, I know :D

What's your birthday: 9th of November 1994 :D

Who are your closest friends you meet everyday?: Ben, Fergal, Kimmy, Joanne, Steven, Glenn.

Who are your closest friends on Ivy, Jon, Amanda, Emiko, Esther, Daria.

That was one big bunch of fun pointlessness :P! Right now I gotta go and edit some more of my book. I'm half way through which is good but alot more to go. When I'm bored of it or frustrated I make covers with GIMP, this is what I created today.. VERY depressing and emo-like haha!

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Have a good week people :D,


The Refrigerator Test + D4's + Banners :P

Hey :D It's the last day of Summer and it's not even shining out :(, but we must carry on, right? :D The clouds are grey in the final day, hey it rhyhmes :P! I got all of my school stuff yesterday, booo and I'm going to be such a rebel in my third year because my trousers aren't two inches off the ground haha! So school is tomorrow so I better enjoy this blog while its the last day of Summer :(.

Anyway I mentioned in the last blog that we were expected to wear Dubes to school. What these actually are (Ivyy:P) are Duberry shoes, really really ugly ones. The story behind these shoes is that they're the type worn by the posh people. You know the way you have a posh area around? Well Dublin 4 is one of the posh places, so we call the inhabitant D4's. When you say D4 you think of girls wearing Abercromie And Fitch and Dubes and Hollister and Ugzz and guys who play Rugby and straighten their hair. Instead of saying "Right", they say "Roish" and instead of "Like" they say "Lioke", basically they're just big poshos! There're people called D4-wannabes who dress and talk like a D4 but dont actually live in Dublin4 lol, so there's some nice information on D4's but here's the ugly shoes, they remind me of sailor shoes.

Image and video hosting by TinyPic Yikes :!So I said there was something called The Refrigerator test coming up. Here it is... It's more of a head-wrecking type of test. You think its a couple of simple questions but it's not lol! I gave up after the second question.

You will be asked four questions and you must rely on your common sense to answer them correctly. According to Andersen consulting worldwide, around 90% of the professionals they tested got all of the questions wrong. But many pre-school children got several correct answers. Andersen consulting says this conclusively disproves the theory that most professionals have the brains of a four year old.


Q1. How do you put a giraffe into a refrigerator?

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the giraffe and close the door.

This question tests whether you tend to do simple things in an overly complicated way.

Q2. How do you put an elephant into a refrigerator?

Wrong Answer: Open the refrigerator, put in the elephant and close the refrigerator.

Correct Answer: Open the refrigerator, take out the giraffe, put in the elephant and close the door.

This tests your ability to think through the repercussions of your actions.

Q3. The Lion King is hosting an animal conference. All the animals attend, except one. Which animal does not attend?

Correct Answer: The elephant, since it is still in the refrigerator.

This tests your memory. Even if you did not answer the first three questions correctly, you still have one more chance to show your abilities.

Q4. There is a river you must cross, but it is inhabited by crocodiles. How do you manage it?

Correct Answer: You swim across. All of the crocodiles are attending the meeting! This tests whether you learn quickly from your mistakes.

So that could've been a whole load of crap but all the stats at the start are true and many people get caught out by it then really really frustrated lol!


Daria: I came across something ... interesting the other day :P It may just be the boost I need to win this war :P Something very Educationly-Behind-the-scenes-Supernatural and kinda funny.You wanna back down now? :D Haha kidding:P I'm getting carried away!

Three new banners I made: (Btw I love my banner atm :D)

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Whoever watches Supernatural will get those ones and they're for Ben.

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Oh before I forget, Emiko was thinking of some really good Supernatural Blog thingies where there will be a monthly blog on each of ours (I think) dedicated to an episode of Supernatural in that month, or something to that effect. She's got all the brains so check out her blof soon, she might make some sense on it talking about this (unlike myself)! Since the blog for Supernatural wasn't allowed she thought hosting a monthly one on my own blog would be better.

Anway school tomorrow, I gotta try get up early, I'll try blog after it and tell you how awful it was. In the meantime, I'm counting down Supernatural :D Ben hasn't seen the fourth season yet, because I've only S01-3 so I think we're going halves on the fourth season, because it's like 50€! He only wants to watch it and doesnt care if he keeps it or not so he said I can have it to add to my collection once he watches it, he's happy. What a great friend :D I just gotta be an even better and considerate friend by finding my half of the money lol!

Let me know how you's are all doing and how you got on in the Refrigerator Test, if even you did! Have a good day!



SPN Banners + Sleepover + School Grrr...

Hey dudes :D As the banner says, whats up? How've you been lately? Im lots of tired, and that makes no sense, that how tired I am. Ben came home from Spain lastnight and came out at like 11PM :D We had fun and then it was like nooo... cause we had so much more catching up and stuff to do, so he stayed over in mine and we watched Supernatural, ( I got him hooked :P) and then we talked and then the sun came up and then we fell asleep I think at around 7, but the sleepover was great. Lots of crap to eat and Supernatural. Since the night happened new memories were created lol, seriously though, we have a new song too. It sounds like we're a gay couple but no usually people have a "thing" like a private joke or something and since the episode in Supernatural about Groundhog day thing, the song that played over and over and over and over and over again became our "song", it was literally hilarious. This is the link to the part where we laughed so bad it was ridiculous lol! And the way Dean kept dying had us on edge the whole time to, and the ways he was dying. Theres a vid here but its five minutes long but its hilarious! We couldnt stop laughing, I think Ben nearly died with laughter. LINK: The end gets better, around 3mins in. Oh yeah and here's a link to something really funny from Dance Flick that I forgot to tell you about, if you hate Twilight now, well you'd love it:

The fall premiers are coming up and I'm really excited. I'll be watching Supernatural of course, I'm going to try out The Vampire Diaries and then Heroes too :D Psyched for em :D. Anyone looking forward to anything in particular?

Tomorrow I'm off to buy a uniform. Blahhhh. My vice principal hasn't even the complete comand of the school hence "vice" yet she takes so much control! We were sent out a letter informing us that we had to wear BLACK LEATHER SHOES. PREFERABLY DUBES, no black uggz or runners allowed. ANDDD!!!... Our trouser bottoms have to be at least two inches from touching the ground because they think its inappropriate to let them be all baggy and rip. God my school isn't posh or anything but with dress code it tries to be. I'll take some pictures of the god-awful "thing!" I've to wear for the rest of the year soon, I'll be blogging before Friday, :(school.

I made three Supernatural banners out of boredom: Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic Image and video hosting by TinyPic

Anyone wants to take em, feel free :D

So that's just a short one! I'll be back soon with my ugly uniform :( and if I remember a very funny quiz thing that involves more thinking than you'd think. Its called The Refrigerator Test.

P.S. Daria thinks she's won the war for the Supernatural Picspam but she SOOO hasn't. Yes, there will be as many parts as I can GET to beat her. Her ones were brilliant and had me laughing the whole way! Check her blog! And the title, well, genius :P

Take care dudes and dudettes,
