Hi :D
So here are my favourite moments of Charmed! This was originally supposed to be a mix of all my favourite shows but I guess I cant fit em all in! Supernatural will be in the next blog (Was the second episode of season five brilliant or what?) These moments aren't in order in how much I love them or not.I included video as well if you cant remember the moments. Its cool to watch em to, just remembering Charmed itself!
There's no way that this cannot be in my favourite moments. When Phoebe opens The Book of Shadows and discovers the history of the Warren Witches and reads the spell to make em witches. You can feel the intensity growing and you know this is something just tingling under your skin! Perfect moment to a perfect pilot.
Video (4:43): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhjkmT120BI
I love past episodes! The moment when Phoebe enters the 1920's Manor is another moment that I really liked. I've said it before but I'll say it again, this era is one of my favourite eras of all time. Just the clothing, the music and the way of life in these days seems so amazing. All in all this episode was amazing but what made it of importance to me was the way the writers perfectly adapted into the 1920's :D.
Video (3:34-4:24):http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V7FG7je2qs
I never really liked Prue because of the aggresivness of Shannen Doherty and how that came across when she was playing the character but the episode where her and Phoebe are turned into kids (sorta) is undoubtedly one of the funniest Charmed moments that will ever be! I literally fell off my chair with the laughter when they broke out in song, "IF YOU'RE HAPPY AND YOU KNOW IT." Allysa did a perfect job as did Shannen when portraying the kids lol! The whole scene was just hilarious. ESTRA ESTRA ESTRA DOUBLE BIG JERK NOW!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CRj996yb0L0&feature=related
This was seriously wrenching. I hated and loved every moment of it, it'll always stay in my mind. The determination of Prue and the stillness of Piper was jus so sad. I loved the caring hands that swept over Pipers eyes- it was all really emotional and stuff. From here all the way to when the gun fired was a scene I'll never forget. Shannen (for once) did herself proud with the performance she created before leaving the show. Holly did a perfect death scene too. I love her so much.
Video (4:00-6:05): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8326frJsA4&feature=related
Prue's funeral was really, really sad. With the whole priestess thing doing a great job, the song to go with it and the white coffin. It was all done really well and a sad moment of Charmed. Fair play to Holly for yet another good performance especially when the Bounty Hunters attack.
Video (00:20-3:15): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8BJjc6yB4-k
When the Charmed Ones were reconstituted back in the first episode of season four, it was almost like relieving the first season when the chandelier shimmered and they three were together, almost bound.Paige's introduction and the way Phoebe comments on the P was hilarious and the instant magical bond with her half-sisters is a moment that will like the rest, never leave the memories I've had from Charmed.
Video (1:35-2:05): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GFXct_bVZMQ&feature=PlayList&p=445811279C359888&index=0&playnext=1
This whole episode was a mix between hilarious and sad. The hopelessness of Piper in the metal Manor was horrible to witness but the quirkiness of Phoebe and Paige was seriously funny. Phoebe and her "little book of shadows" was so funny I snorted! I admitted it lol! Loved this episode and every single moment in it.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XVmOTHCUPDI
In the episode, Charmed And Dangerous when the girls are ready to vanquish the Source. An electrifying moment when they face off against the Source. The spell they say made me shiver, literally and the wonder if they'd actually kill him or not was iffy but the way he died and the determination and will of the sisters, really made this an amazing moment in Charmed history.The comments the Source makes, the hopefullness of it all really boils down. Even the episode name is great :D
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3R12DfY7FZI
This scene was really heart-breaking. Even for a guy, I thought it was sad. Right fater Cole's first vanquish, Phoebe has gone into a state of sadnitty and depression almost. In this scene I love how the sisters really show how they're there for her and care for the vulnerability of Phoebe.
Video (5:45): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06elgyG5etg&NR=1
Priceless ;)
Video(00:00-00:36): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eszkvzhN86Y&feature=related
When the brothers face off in Chris-Crossed! I hated to love this scene. It was amazing to see the dynamic of two brothers hate each other so much but terrible because of the sufferening Chris was taking. I dont think I've ever seen as much tension between a sibling-fight. Not even Sam and Dean's fights top these- but then again Sam and Dean can't hold electricity balls in their hands!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hm0sBmBmeEk
I love this moment in Charmed history. What's not to love? There's the co-operation of the family in on it, the anticipation and hype is over, and the surprise that its a boy. Everything in this moment made the whole plot of the baby worthwhile. I love when Piper and Leo share that moment and when Leo says, "I got a boy?" Just a perfect moment. High up on my Perfect Moment's List too I suppose.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OdiF7TSm-Ys&feature=related
Zankou's vanquish was undoubtedly excellence but the whole involvment and how it all played out in the basement with the girls made it doubly good! I love the clip where they hold hands, and sarcrifice themselves for the great or good. How they have made it seven years and now is the time, all to save innocence. This scene really freezes the moment of what the Charmed Ones are about- saving innocents. Perfect.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wcj24OX43Wo
Everything about this moment makes it sad. The struggle of Piper and Leo over the years has come to an end, even though there have been loads of them this one truly seems final and makes you think. Their relationship has been strong and for it to end-especially like this- makes it a complete sad moment in the whole of the season. The determination and struggle Piper had throughout this episode is really wrenching. The moment Leo is taken away after being frozen and the girls break down, is unbelievably emotional. Something that is historical in the Charmed universe, something that is unarguable. A favourite of mine.Holly and Brian really made this scene. Props to them!
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=znWJmjl66mo&feature=related
You can tie these two moments together, I suppose :D. The final battle that was approaching throughout the end of the season started at the 2nd last episode and it really was amazing. The way Piper and the girls have still remaing strong, and the ruthlessness of Billie- little Billie who has grown as a character. Every piece of their fight was amazing, the integrity, the loss, the pain, the determination each of them hold in those moments of battle are unforgettable. The manor explosion is another of my favourite moments, because of the wonderful effects used and because of the hope of them surviving and the place of the Charmed Ones creation being shattered. Its a mesmorising sight too :D Loved it.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS5j8BfIGYM
I was so sad when this scene came on and it will always be my favourite death moment in all of Charmed. The way Holly really portrays Piper as the loving older sister is really proufound here and it makes me so happy for some reason! Even when she says to Phoebe, "Come on kiddo wake up." Her voice is just heart-breaking, really. Its full of despair, the whole momentum because really there is little hope left. Piper is alone, her sisters are dead. And the scene around her is just horrifiying. Memorable moment.
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKr307paTkE&feature=related
There were four minutes of perfectness to Charmed. Four whole minutes that made one magical moment. Those four minutes were the ending. The clip underneath shows the ending of Charmed and how it's done- which in my opinion is done to perfection. The way they wrap up the story, what Piper says as her idea, how they give us a glimpse of the future, and how Granny Piper and Grandad Leo walked up the stair and all the pictures document the Charmed Ones past and present. It really is theee most memorable moment of the series and a wonderful ending for eight generous and amazing years ! R. I.P Charmed :(
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ausDgnNQtIA&feature=related
There our millions of great moments of Charmed that are floating in my head but these were really the ones that showed themselves to me which means probably that these are the most memorable ones but I think the whole eight years of Charmed was one big memory. And as it says at the end . . . . "And although we certainy had our struggles and heartaches over the years, we're a family of survivors and we will always be. Which is why we've truly been . . . Charmed."
Amazing qoute.
Amazing series.
Miss you Charmed :(
Anyone have any memorable moments of this series?
Have a good weekend everyone, hope you enjoyed fellow Charmed-Ones :P
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