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Heroes 29 Days!!! Chapter Six Review

29 Days To Go!

Volume One: Genesis; Chapter Six: Better Halves

Over the phone, Peter instructs Hiro to "save the cheerleader, save the world" and to meet with him and Isaac in New York. Hanging up, Peter turns his attention to a missing painting and insists that he and Isaac contact Simone to track it down as it may contain a clue to the cheerleader's whereabouts. Meanwhile, Claire's father brings his daughter the news that he's found her birth parents. Though in shock, Claire says she's ready to meet them.

Nikki snaps awake in a state of confusion. She looks around her house to discover her husband D.L. standing behind her. D.L. explains what happened: with the $2 million he stole from Linderman, he planned on leaving Vegas with his family, but an unknown woman killed his crew, framed him for the murders, and made off with the money.While preparing to leave Las Vegas, Hiro and Ando are stopped by the high roller they cheated. The gambler feels that Hiro owes him a little favor.

Claire's birth parents arrive at her house, but it's not the moment that Claire expected it to be. Claire stares at them in awkward, uncomfortable silence, and when they do talk, their answers to her questions are stilted and halting. More disconcerting, Claire's questions about anything "weird" or "out of the ordinary" that she should know about herself are met with nothing beyond the natural realm. An angry Nikki tells D.L. that he can stay on the couch for the night but has to leave in the morning. It doesn't take long for Nikki to go back on this and she soon invites her husband into her bed. In the morning, D.L. comments that he heard Nikki get up in the middle of the night, but she doesn't remember. And as she looks at her reflection in the mirror, a different person looks back at her. She is interrupted when Micah comes bounding in, surprised to find his dad has come home.

At a private poker game, Ando plays cards for the high roller while Hiro stops time and switches cards for better hands. When Ando notices that the other players have guns, he excuses himself to the bathroom. From the bathroom, Ando and Hiro hear screams and shots fired; someone is dead on the other side of the door. Hiro and Ando make a bid for safety from the bathroom window. Eden watches as Suresh packs a bag to take home with him to India. Eden tries to call Suresh's bluff by giving him a heated kiss, but he finishes packing and leaves, anyway.

D.L. asks Nikki for a ride into town because he wants her by his side when he tracks down the woman who set him up. D.L. takes Nikki to the lair of some men who used to do work for Linderman. When they get there, they step into the scene of a bloody slaughter; they're the same men whom Hiro and Ando played cards with. Claire's father spies on Claire with her birth parents, but he is interrupted by a call from Eden, who tells him that Suresh has made up his mind and is returning to India. Eden informs him that there is no evidence that Peter can fly, but that a man who can stop time says to "save the cheerleader." Their conversation ends with him ordering to bring in the "precog."

Nikki tells D.L. that she has seen a similar slaughter scene... in her garage. As she breaks into tears, she tells D.L. what happened with Linderman's goons on that terrible day. D.L. assures her that someone must be setting her up to make sure that he can never clear his name. Nikki feels that she's going insane. She loses whole stretches of time and can't remember where they've gone. Alone in her bedroom, her alter ego finally speaks to her, revealing that she is the one who killed D.L.'s crew, took the $2 million, and murdered the thugs in the poker game. She tells Nikki that they need to retrieve the money and take Micah away before D.L. gets him first.

Isaac discovers a strange symbol in one of his paintings when there's a knock at his door. It's Eden claiming to be an admirer of his work. Hiro tortures himself for not saving the men at the poker game. "Maybe I'm not the hero I thought I was," he tells Ando. Ando suggests that if he masters his powers, then maybe he can go back in time one day and fix what happened.

Claire admits to her mom that meeting her "bio parents" wasn't what she was hoping for. Sandra compliments her husband for tracking them down, explaining that when Claire was a baby, they thought she had some kind of disease and they wanted to screen her birth parents, but could never find them. In the rafters of her own house, Nikki discovers a briefcase filled with cash. She jumps down into her bedroom to come face to face with D.L., who immediately realizes that Nikki was the one who set him up. She explains about her alter ego, but he doesn't believe her. When he threatens to take Micah and leave, she punches him hard, sending him flying across the room and smashing into a wall. When Nikki turns around after shooing Micah away, D.L. seems to be gone, but then he steps through the wall to attack her. He thrusts his hand through her body, reaching out and up to choke her to death as Micah stumbles onto the scene. Nikki falls over, apparently dead, as D.L. bundles up his son and takes off once more to a fugitive's life.

Some Screencaps:

Chapter Six: Better HalvesChapter Six: Better HalvesChapter Six: Better Halves

Heroes Thirty Days- Chapter Five Review + New Moon !

30 Days To Go !

Volume One; Genesis: Chapter Five: Hiro's

A messenger from the future named Hiro Nakamura has come to Peter to deliver a simple message, "Save the cheerleader; save the world." Before Hiro restarts time, he instructs Peter to visit Isaac, and not to tell Suresh too much. Meanwhile, a group of doctors work on Claire as Brody stares at her from a nearby hospital bed after crashing his car into a wall. In Las Vegas, Mr. Bennet and the cleaner walk Nathan from the hotel at gunpoint. Nathan threatens to kill them both if they do anything to him. When Claire's father tells the cleaner to "put him down," Nathan looks to the sky, leaps, and takes to the safety of the clouds.

When she wakes up in the morning in Nathan's hotel room, Nikki has no idea where she is. Nor does she know where Nathan is when his security detail asks for him. Linderman's henchmen arrive on the scene to tell Niki that her debt is absolved, but Niki insists that she didn't sleep with Nathan, even though there's a DVD that shows otherwise. Janice is worried sick about her missing husband, but worry turns to anger when she discovers him waking up on their couch. He recalls working with the FBI, but doesn't know where he's been for the past day. Reading her thoughts, Matt is surprised to learn how much she still cares about him, even through they hardly speak anymore.

After suffering a beating at the hands of some unhappy gamblers, Ando and Hiro are tossed from a van and into the Nevada desert. At a diner, the two friends argue and Ando storms out. Hiro turns to look out the window just in time to see Nathan Petrelli zoom in to a landing on the scorching desert sand. In the diner, Hiro tells Nathan that he is also special, that he can bend time and space, but Nathan doesn't believe this seemingly insane Japanese man. Claire tells her father what happened at the bonfire and admits that she attempted to hurt Brody by driving into the wall, but she really just wanted to prevent him from attacking other girls. Mr. Bennett promises he won't tell anyone.

Without Suresh, Peter arrives at Isaac's studio asking for his help, but Isaac is less than welcoming. Looking through Isaac's paintings, Peter finds one of a dark shadow falling over Claire. Nathan drives Hiro back to Las Vegas. While Hiro struggles with the rental car's controls, Nathan runs into Nikki and asks what happened last night and why two men tried to throw him into a van. She doesn't know what happened and doesn't remember a thing about the night before. Nikki tells him that Linderman blackmailed her into sleeping with him... just like Linderman is going to blackmail him.

Matt surprises his wife with a gourmet meal that's complete with all the food and wine she's been thinking about for years. Everything she could have thought of, he's thought of first. His romantic gesture is almost too much for her to accept. Mr. Bennett pays Brody a visit. Brody thinks that Claire is a freak and denies trying to rape her. Bennett swoops in and clamps his hand over Brody's mouth as he calls in his mysterious compatriot to "hollow out" Brody's memories. In Isaac's loft, Peter tries to make sense of all the paintings when one that's unfinished takes his eye: a man standing over Claire. Staring at it, Peter realizes that he can finish the painting on his own. He closes his eyes. When he opens them, they're clouded over white. He picks up a brush and begins to paint while in a trancelike state.

Claire apologizes to Brody for driving the car into the wall, but Brody doesn't know who she is. He doesn't even know his own name. Nikki returns home to find her house crawling with cops looking for her husband, DL. When the front door opens, their guns come out, but it's not DL entering the house... it's Ando, who used to be one of Niki's regular clients on her website.

As Nathan checks out of the hotel, Linderman's representative has a few words with him about the tape of his encounter with Nikki. Nathan turns the situation around by asking for an additional four million dollars in campaign funds. If he was so important to go through all this trouble for two million, then four million will guarantee his victory, making him even more valuable to Linderman in the future. Matt reads Janice's mind and sees that she wants coffee ice cream, and he goes to the store to get some. The thoughts from the other customers' heads swirl through Matt's mind until he centers on those of a young man planning to rob the store at gunpoint. Matt talks the man out of it and takes the gun, but when the customers see Matt with the gun, they think that he's going to rob the store. Their voices rise in his head until they get to be too much. He passes out.

Ando seems genuinely sad when Nikki sends him back into town without any help. With Ando and the cops gone, Nikki thinks she hears something strange in the house, but she doesn't find anything out of place. But she's right. D.L. hides just around the corner. Meanwhile, Ando and Hiro make amends and resume on their journey to find Isaac.

Peter and Isaac stare at Peter's finished painting: a gruesome image of Claire turned upside down, the top of her head missing, splayed out in a sea of her own blood. A ringing phone shocks them back to this world, but Isaac tells Peter to ignore it, "Some Japanese guy keeps calling." Realizing that it's Hiro, Peter answers the phone. "My name's Peter Petrelli," he says, "I have a message for you."

This episode was thrilling and very satisfiying. I was intersted in D.L and Nikki because it was so surprising of this to happen. I thougt it was the perfect scecne when Nikki got up out of bed and heard a noise when she checked no one was there but the camera shifted onto a dark shadowed D.L! I also liked the Peter and Isaac scenes together, I think they act well together. Again we hear about this mysterious/rich/mysterious again chaacter; Linderman, But dont see him which leads us on to hear more and more to see if Linderman is the villain of the series or not.

Some Screencaps:

Chapter Five: Hiro'sChapter Five: Hiro'sChapter Five: Hiro's

New Moon!

Well this morning, Got up and went shopping early :?:( I was so tired in the shop but I managed to see "Best Sellers" behind the counters and a heap of books under them. With my terrible eye sight I squinted trying not to look weird lol but I was caught by this granny. She was pretty scary and wouldnt stop eyeing me!!! So instead of being thought of as a freak I made my way to the shelf, which would have been easier from the start lol! Anyway when I got there I saw it... The sequel of Twilight. A big rose on the cover and titled "New Moon" I thought about buying it to add to Twilight but I hadnt finished it yet, about two hundred pages to go. But I could easily finish it in a couple days if I really tried and stopped with the Heroes dvds... So I ended up buying it :P! So soon after Twilight Im going to start reading it! Speaking of Twilight... Read the best chapters of the book "so far" today! They're called "The Hunt" and the next one "Goodbyes" I was so shocked that all of a sudden these "Vampires" were after Bella and then it was so suprising to see that Bella is moving back to Phoenix? I was like Woahh! Ha It was shocking but great at the same time. I now see the "Big Threat" which I asked about :D And can anyone tell me if Alice is able to see the future whenever she wants or is it just she gets them anytime unexpectedly?

Bye for now

Heroes 31 Days- Chapter Four Review + Twilight Update!

30 Days To Go!

Volume One; Genesis: Chapter Four: Collision

Matt returns to the waking world bound down and attached to medical machinery in a place that is not a hospital. Claire's mysterious father stands over him with the cryptic words, "We had to drug you... I am not from any organization with initials." Another enters the room; it's the man from the bar who caused Matt to black out. Claire's father tells this person to "go deep, and clean him out." At a Las Vegas casino, Hiro and Ando cross paths with Niki, Micah, and the officer who is bringing them to see Mr. Linderman. In a casino office, a woman tells Niki that Mr. Linderman will forgive her debt if she sleeps with a politician arriving from New York.

A doctor performs an autopsy on a "Jane Doe" who was fished from a river. But this Jane Doe is no plain Jane; it's Claire Bennet. When the doctor leaves for a phone call, Claire heals her wounds and races back home. Later in the morning, Claire's father gives her a dangerous look when he sees her feet encrusted with mud. On the way to his car, a security detail advises Nathan to hold off on getting in bed with Linderman, but Nathan disagrees; Linderman may have owned his father, but he doesn't own Nathan. As Nathan gets into his car, Mohinder Suresh races up to him with a dire warning: a man named Sylar might be trying to kill him. Before he is pushed away, Suresh asks Nathan if he's experienced any unusual physical changes, like mind reading or tissue regeneration.

That morning, Peter and Simone awake in bed together. Though it looks like an ideal scene, Peter worries about Isaac's presence in her life. Simone is trying to explain her relationship with the prophetic artist when Nathan arrives to tell Peter about his encounter with "Chandra Suresh." Nathan hands Peter a stack of money to "disappear for a while," but Peter won't accept this callous gesture. Eden brings Suresh a package that arrived while he was trying to warn Nathan. It's his father's ashes. The ashes churn an emotional stew inside the professor, but a knock at the door interrupts his soul-searching. It's Peter looking for Chandra, for Peter believes that he possesses abilities like those Chandra wrote about.

When Ando loses most of his money at the casino tables, Hiro stops time to win a huge bet on the roulette wheel. Ando wants Hiro to do it again. Hiro is resistant, but he decides to let the good times roll. Peter tells Suresh that he only flew when he was around his brother, and that he drew the future when he was around Isaac. Peter theorizes that he can only do these things when he's around other people with special abilities. To prove it, Peter and Suresh head to Isaac's studio.

Isaac shows Simone a picture he drew seven weeks ago — a picture of her kissing Peter in the rain. When Isaac says he's going to save everybody from blowing up, Simone turns around and leaves. With her gone, he shoots up and has a terrible vision of Claire being attacked on a flight of stairs. So lost is he in a drug-fueled reverie, he doesn't hear Peter and Suresh knocking at his door. At school, Zach can't believe how lightly Claire is taking Brody's attempted rape and her own murder. He insists that she tell someone what happened, but she refuses. When Brody happens by and sees Claire, he quickly excuses himself. Laurie has a word with Claire, insinuating that she knows what Brody did because he did it to her, among others.

At the casino, Nikki finds Nathan; the man she's supposed to sleep with. Something unexpected happens in his room; she actually falls for him. They kiss, but she pulls away, "I can't... I want to... I do." She leaves the room with her dignity intact, but one of Linderman's men threatens to beat her to a pulp if she doesn't go through with her promise. When he threatens Micah, Niki pummels him to the ground, and returns to Nathan's room where she offers up her body as a hidden camera records it all. A man at a poker table is not happy when his three aces mysteriously become lesser cards, making Ando and Hiro the winners of a large pot. With their winnings, the two guys from Tokyo outfit themselves in expensive suits, but their pleasure is short lived. Casino security soon throws them out into an alley where the man from the poker table is waiting to punch Hiro in the face.

Riding the subway back into town, Suresh muses that a week ago he was a respected professor in India and now he's trying to contact a heroin addict who allegedly paints the future. In an instant, time freezes and everyone with it, yet Peter can still move freely about. As in Isaac's painting, Brody finds Claire alone on the school steps. She surprises him by asking for a ride home. She takes the wheel of his car and guns the engine. Going ever faster, she broaches the subject of what really happened. He turns mean and nasty. "There's nothing you can do about it," he says. "I can do this," she replies, crashing the car headlong into a wall.

Claire's father and the man who "cleaned" Matt stand before the sleeping Niki and Nathan. "Just take the one," Claire's father says. A terrified Peter moves through the time-frozen train until a voice spins him around. Dressed all in back and with a weapon slung across his back like a samurai warrior, Hiro speaks to Peter in perfect English. "My name is Hiro Nakamura. I am from the future. I have a message for you."

Loved this episode! When Peter found Suresh I was so happy and couldnt wait to see what was going to be done, but the Suresh wouldn't believe him and I was like "No" :( Claires ride ith Brody was so cool, her voice went all cold when she said "I can do this" and she crashed the car, such good acting! I was really wondering whats going on with Nikki and this Linderman dude. Hes always mentioned but never appears!! And Hiro "From The Future" was so cool coming back to the past! And his voice changed so much, he doesnt look as happy as he used to be /is :?

All in another great installment but at the end of the episode left with the usuall cliffhanger! Hiro has a message for Peter!?

Some screencaps:

Chapter Four: CollisionChapter Four: CollisionChapter Four: Collision


Ok I'm really getting into this book now! I wasnt sure if I really liked it until I read the chapter "Mind Over Matter" I think. It was a great chapter and explained so much. All about Edward what he can do and what Alice and Jasper can do! Really interesting stuff, that I like. I read "The Cullens" and "Carlisle" (How do you pronounce that? lol) and I thought they were great too. Edwards house was exactly the way I imagined a modern day vampires to be but the history of Carlisle wasnt how I pictured it! So, Its getting better but I still cant see whats the "Big Threat" If there is one and there usually is! I dunno, Just have to wait and see!


Heroes 32 Days- Chapter Three Review

32 Days To Go!

Volume One; Genesis: Chapter Three: One Giant Leap

In the barren wasteland that is the Nevada desert, Nikki digs up a skeleton wearing a bizarre ring. "DL, you son of a **** she says under her breath, "You actually did it." Then it's all business as she attacks the true task at hand: burying the two dead bodies stuffed in the trunk of her car. Moral, mental, and social advancement for good deeds. That's the philosophy Jackie lays out to Claire's dad as the political platform she hopes to ride all the way to school president. Claire winces at her co-cheerleader's lies about rescuing a man from fire and at the way she flirts with her father.

Two days have passed since Hiro was last seen in the offices of Yamagoto Industries of Tokyo, Japan. Back at work, he fails to convince co-worker Ando that he transported himself five weeks into the future were he saw a nuclear blast obliterate New York City. To prove this seemingly impossible feat, Hiro reveals the "9th Wonders" comic book, which even includes a panel depicting the conversation he's having with Ando at this very moment. At Nathans campaign headquarters, Peter tries to speak with his brother about his inability to fly again, but Nathan wants him to keep this to himself as busy staffers bustle about shoveling paper and false sincerity. Nathan is even less interested in a book that Peter shows him, a book on human genetics by Dr. Chandra Suresh, which claims that an undiscovered human gene may contain the potential for human flight.

Eden finds Mohinder tense and sweaty and desperately in need of sleep. For days, he's stayed awake trying to crack the strange code found on his father's portable hard drive. In a fit of frustration, Mohinder throws the laptop to the ground. With a crunch, the laptop spits out a secret: hidden inside is a small book with a key and an address for a man named "Sylar"

Simone wants to sell Isaac's paintings so she can get him into rehab with the money, but he refuses on both counts. All Isaac knows is that he must stop New York from vaporizing in a nuclear holocaust, and if Simone doesn't believe in him, she has to leave. She takes him at his word and storms from the apartment just as Isaac receives a call from a stranger in Japan. Hiro finds a spot indicated in the comic book where a truck is about to smash into a young girl. Ando doesn't believe it, but then a group of girls approach, including one with a red bow in her hair, just like in the comic. Ando races into the street to warn off the truck, but it's Hiro who saves the day by stopping time and removing the girl out of harm's way while the world stands still.

Nikki stops at her mother-in-law Paulette's house to confront her about calling social services to take Micah away. Niki defends herself by throwing DL in Paulette's face, but Paulette insists that "DL is a good man." Niki has evidence to the contrary. She shows Paulette the strange ring worn by a man that DL and his crew murdered. Paulette stands firm in her belief that DL was framed and is glad that he escaped from prison. Nikki doesn't care. She wants Paulette out of Micah's life and threatens to tell the cops where the bodies are buried if she calls social services again. Police officer Matt Parkman fails to convince Audrey that voices in his head revealed the name "Sylar." To prove his claim, he reads the thoughts that are going through her mind. Now believing him, she invites him to work with the FBI to help track down this psychopath. Audrey briefs Matt on the mysterious Sylar as they go to interview the girl he found earlier.

Sylar isn't home when Eden and Mohinder arrive, and Mohinder breaks in to have a look around. Eden notes that Sylar doesn't have any photos, but he does have a lot of books on philosophy, including a copy of Chandra's book. Mohinder stumbles into a secret room containing a map similar to Chandra's but with even more locations marked. In yet another room, the walls are scrawled in psychotic writing with the words "forgive me" smeared in blood.

Audrey walks Matt toward a saferoom where the little girl is being cared for. As they near, gunshots scream out and a man dashes; Sylar, perhaps drags the girl from the room. Audrey and Matt find the guard brutally murdered, and Audrey runs off to chase the man. Matt stays behind to look after the girl, who wonders silently to herself how he "found her," her voice reverberating in Matt's head. Audrey corners the man in a utility corridor, but he uses the power of his mind to force her to put her gun to her own head. Matt arrives before she is forced to kill herself, and he fires at the man, hitting his target. But it does no good. The man heals in seconds and then is gone, vanished into the unknown.

As Hiro and Ando wing their way to the United States, Matt argues with his wife, Janice, and storms from their house. Arriving in Los Angeles, Hiro and Ando rent a car and head for Las Vegas, which is indicated on the final page of the comic book as their next destination.

Peter tells Simone that he's quitting his job as a nurse. Simone wants him to stay on to care for her father, but he feels that being a nurse is not what he is supposed to do, that he's meant for something bigger. Simone gets misty eyed as he walks away, hoping they'll meet again.

At a bonfire party after a victorious game, football quarterback Brody woos Claire to some out-of-the-way bleachers for a clandestine make-out session. When he goes too far she tries to stop him, but he won't take "no" for an answer. He throws her off the bleachers and onto the ground where he muffles her screams as he tries to rape her. She breaks from his grasp, but there is one thing from which she cannot escape. Falling backwards, Claire stumbles and is impaled by a wooden post that plunges through her neck, killing her on the spot.

On the way home, Micah wishes that his mom would believe that his father is innocent. She thinks that he'll be caught soon, but he disagrees. A siren interrupts their conversation. They're pulled over by a police officer who says that "Mr. Linderman" wants to see her. At a fundraising event for his brother, Peter runs into Simone and confesses that he's been in love with her since the minute they met. She's dumbstruck, but their moment is interrupted when Nathan starts his speech, shocking everyone when he reveals that Peter's "accident" was really a suicide attempt in an attempt to spin this into political gold.

Thoughts from the bar patrons plague Matt's mind as he tries to drown his own sorrows, but when he focuses on a man sitting alone, the voices instantly silence and Matt crumples over to the soiled barroom floor. Meanwhile, in New York City, Mohinder brings the police to Sylar's apartment only to find it empty.Outside the fundraiser, Peter takes a swing at his brother. Nathan explains that he had to take control of things before the press did, but Peter isn't buying his brother's machinations. Moments later, Simone finds Peter bleeding and stumbling away from the fight. She intuitively knows that he didn't try to kill himself and they head off together, kissing in the rain.

In the cold, lonely dark of the morgue, Claire coughs back to life. Her eyes blink open, she sees where she is, the slab she's resting upon, and looks down to find her chest ripped open, her ribcage exposed in a bloody gash!

To Be Continued

I thought this episode added the extra bit of fierce excitment. The intense moments with Sylar, Matt and Audrey was great. I thirsted to see Sylar, all I could manage was his dark face. Peter and Simone falling in love together is brilliant. Although his "I think I can fly" situation must turn her off! My favourite bit in this episode was the end, when Claire discovered she almost died. The special effects were brilliant too, seeing her on in the morgue was disturbing but also thrilling at the same time, if thats possible.

Some Screenshots:

Chapter Three: One Giant LeapChapter Three: One Giant LeapChapter Three: One Giant Leap

Heroes 33 Days- Chapter Two Review

33 Days To Go!

Volume One; Genesis: Chapter Two: Dont Look Back

Peter Petrelli's eyes blink open, drawing to a focus in a hospital room where brother Nathan sits by his side. The fog slowly lifts from Peter's brain, but Nathan sweeps it back by telling his kid brother that he'd tried to kill himself, that neither of them flew, that Peter landed on a fire escape and Nathan climbed up and got him, and that -the rest is just crazy talk. You understand? Claire tentatively approaches her father with one thing on her mind: her birth parents. His words wrap softly, protectively around her in carefully measured tones. 'It's an adult decision' keep things light and fun' Trust me. I actually know a few things,' he says with a dark undercurrent in his voice.

In Brooklyn, New York, Suresh returns home to find an exterminator busy at work' installing a telephonic bug. Suresh swipes at the guy with a small statue, clubbing him across the head as the man lashes back with his fake exterminator gear. 'Who are you?' Suresh demands. The exterminator produces a gun, but Suresh is unafraid, shoving the man into the hall where the gun goes flying, skating across the floor. The exterminator bears down on the professor, but a female neighbor snares the gun, and the man goes running. New York City' it's a town that never sleeps, that never stops. It's a town that Hiro Nakamura traveled to all the way from Japan through the sheer force of his will. While that may be odd, there's something even weirder in a magazine stand. Hiro spies a comic book called '9th Wonders.' This wouldn't be so strange on its own, but this is no ordinary comic: on the cover is a picture of him standing in Times Square with his arms outstretched' a snapshot of a moment that happened minutes before.

Breathless, Hiro flips through the comic book ' it chronicles every moment of his life, starting the previous day. On the back page is a picture and address of the artist, a one Mr. Isaac Mendez, otherwise known as the junkie who had the unusual talent of being able to paint the future. Simone tends to Isaac in his dark and dingy lower Manhattan loft. Sweaty and shaking, Isaac tells of a terrible vision, a vision of a white light flashing and all of Manhattan destroyed in the single thunderclap of atomic hell.

Nikki Sanders in Las Vegas, has problems of her own. She returns to waking life on the 'set' of her home business. Though bathed in blood, this is the least of her concerns, because the bloodied bodies of two gruesomely murdered men rest eternally in her ramshackle room. She grabs the video camera that saw it all, locks the garage, and calls her son, Micah, to say she'll be around to get him in five minutes. In her car, she plays back the tape, but all she sees is static crackling underneath the sound of terrible screams. Interrupted by her cell, she picks it up and answers: it's Micah, and four hours have mysteriously gone by. Suresh's neighbor is devastated to learn of his father's death. They had become good friends, close even, perhaps closer than he was to his own father. Suresh asks her to tell him everything his dad ever told her.

Police officers join the school principal to meet with the cheerleading squad to find the girl who walked into the fire. No one comes forward, but the officers pick Claire out of the line. Before Claire can say anything, her friend Jackie steps forward, claiming that she was the hero. Later in the day, Claire's friend Zach tells her that the videotape they took of her trying to hurt herself has vanished from his backpack. As they walk through the football field, a football player accidentally smashes into the petite Claire. Her shoulder is dislodged from its socket, but immediately snaps back into place. The whole team gathers around, confused that she wasn't hurt.

Nikki returns home with Micah, sending him inside to pack up his things while she goes to the garage to attend to the horror inside. But when she opens the door, the place is spic and span, nothing amiss, not a drop of red in sight. What she does find is a set of keys and a convertible parked outside. Taped to the steering wheel is a note to follow a map in the trunk. She opens the trunk, and true to the note's word there is a map' resting on top of the two corpses. Peter's mom visits her son in his hospital room, asking what he was doing up on the roof. He won't say. She changes the subject, 'There's something you need to know about your father's death' he committed suicide.' When Peter was 23, his father was diagnosed with a major depressive disorder linked to delusions of grandeur, invincibility, and other flights of fancy. There's something else she never told him: 'You were always my favorite.'

Hiro arrives at Isaac's loft. No one appears to be home when he steps inside, but a trail of blood leads to a cold gun. As he ponders the silent steel, a group of police race in with guns pointing squarely at the young man from Tokyo. But the most shocking thing of all is Isaac's dead body, the top of his head neatly sliced off like a serving bowl, his brain nowhere to be found. In Los Angeles, police officer Matt Parkman is on the scene of a serial killer's latest production, even if he's just helping to string up the yellow tape. Voices swirl inside Matt's head as he stands there thinking about his failed bid to make detective. 'Please don't hurt me,' a young girl pleads in a voice that only Matt can hear. While two detective wonder if 'Sylar' is behind this, Matt steps into this house of death, glancing at the body of a dead woman pinned to the staircase with a series of knives, and a dead man frozen solid with his skull neatly sawed off. Matt follows the voice in his head to a room beneath the stairs where a little girl shivers with terror.

Suresh and the neighbor play back his father's phone messages. They're all mundane except for one: On the tape, a sinister voice intones that he can see Suresh standing over the phone, that Suresh has handed 'these people' to him. 'What have you done?' Suresh's father asks on the tape. The reply is sinister, to say the least: 'You've given everyone of them to me' a sacrament.' Suresh tells his neighbor that he once found a tape of a conversation his dad had with a man named Sylar. The neighbor then finds a portable hard drive in Mohinder-the-lizard's cage. Suresh opens the files and discovers the reason behind his father's death: the old doctor had come up with a way to locate those who had taken the next evolutionary step. Outside the house, two detectives ask Matt how he knew where the little girl was. He tells them that he heard a voice and thought everyone else did as well. When they see how fidgety he is, they ask if he has 'someplace better to be?' He admits that he and his wife have a couples therapy appointment. As he shifts his weight, he hears the thoughts of the two detectives: 'This guy's worthless. Cut him loose. He got lucky.' He turns to leave but one holds him back, accusing him of setting up the murder to make himself look like a hero. 'I didn't kill these people,' Matt says, 'Sylar did.' The detective asks how Matt knew that name when only six people assigned to the case know it. His answer fails to please, and Matt is immediately put under arrest.

Following the map, Nikki is led into the desert where she finds a shovel stabbed into the earth. She does the natural thing, digging until she hits something buried beneath the sand' the remnants of a human face staring up at her with ghastly, Munchian eyes. Claire's father sits his daughter down with the news that the adoption agency is going to try and get in touch with her birth parents and arrange a meeting. It's a lengthy process and might take weeks, though he hopes it will take years so 'you can be my little girl a little while longer.' He sends her off to get ready for dinner and presses 'play' on a video camera, watching the tape of her jumping off the tower and running through fire.

Nathan finds his confused younger brother on a building's rooftop. Peter was so sure that Nathan flew to protect him but now' now he feels like he's going crazy. Peter begs his brother to give him a straight answer, threatening to jump if he won't. Swallowing pride or ego or his own protective shell, Nathan tells Peter, 'We both flew.' Peter doesn't believe it: 'You're lying to me again!' But Nathan isn't lying. Peter looks down to see himself hovering four feet above the roof. What the police really want to know is what Hiro did with the man's brain. But before that, they'd like to know why he has no passport, no ID, and no American money, but he does have an honorary membership card for the Merry Marvel Marching Society. Hiro tells an interpreter that he can 'bend the space-time continuum.' To prove this, Hiro has them call his friend back in Tokyo whom he left behind the day before. But when they get him on the phone, Hiro's friend tells them that he hasn't been seen in five weeks.

Hiro is shocked to learn that it's November 8 and not October 2. A rumble in the distance distracts everyone's attention. In unison, they turn their heads just in time to see a nuclear blast rain hell over New York City. Hiro closes his eyes, furrows his brow, and wills himself to return to that Tokyo subway car from which this journey began.

To Be Continued

This episode was brilliant. I liked the new character, Matt Parkman who was introduced and love the compelling story line isnt tempting me to not tune in again. In this episode I particularly liked Hiros storyline. It was hilarious when he was walking down NYC shouting with smiles on his face, and dimples wobbling as he went back to the present! Peters storyline was quite interesting too, I really dont like Nathan, His character is mean and doesnt care about anything else but the election!

Here are a few screenshots from the episode:

Chapter Two: Don't Look Back

Chapter Two: Don't Look Back

Chapter Two: Don't Look Back

My Heroes Countdown: 34 Days To Heroes: Villains, 34 Episodes To Review :)

Since its 34 days to Heroes Season Three, I've decided to count down to it!

There are 34 episodes of Heroes and there are 34 days :) I think :? So Im going to review each episode every day and stuff and what I though about the episode!

Volume One; Genesis: In His Own Image

Normal people are discovering that they have an ability, some are not quite sure if they do and some are. Peter Petrelli is on a high rooftop waiting to leap off it and see if he can fly, he jumps and then hears a womans voice. He awakes to her. He was dreaming. The woman Simone wonders how long her father has of life. Peter gives the man two more days, as he is the mans nurse. We then cross to Bombay, India where Mohinder Suresh conclcudes his lecture on the huiman genome project. He explains to a friends that the project has discovered tiny mutations in the human species genetic code, changes which are taking place very quickly. Soon Mohinder is told by a friend that his father has just died. Suresh believes his fathers death wasn't an accident, he believes he was murdered because of his theories on human evolution. Suresh makes it to New York city, where his father was killed. He arrives at his fathers appartment to hear a mans voice in the other room. Suresh grabs all the things he needs and runs before being disovered.

In Las Vegas Nikki Sanders is working. She is an internet stripper working to pay her debt. Nikki leaves the stripping after and unsaftisfied cutomer and throws a rob on and checks on her son, Micah. When she does check on him she sees two men at the front door, not looking very pleasant. Nikki quickly takes Micah's hand and they both run out the back door before being detected. In Texas a sixteen year old Claire Bennet gets her friend to video-tape her free falling from an 80 foot height. When she falls off the height, her friend rushes over. Claire has broken bones which are popped out of their socekts and cuts all over her body. Claire simply pops them back into place and they heal. This was her sixth attempt at seeing what her body could withstand. .

Nathan Petrelli, Peters brother is a politician in the middle of a campaign. Peter boths his rother telling him he has dreams of hium flying. Nathan has none of it as he fears his brothers delusions will lose him thew election. The boys are interrupted by a call telling them that there mom has been caught shop lifting. They are both taken aback at this. Hiro Nakamura is in his work cubicle. He is staring at a clocks hand concentrating ever so hard. He squinches his face and his cheeks begin to wobble. The second hand stops, ticks backwards, and continues on its circular way. Hiro gets up and shouts down the workplace, and runs to his friend to tell him what he has just done. He knows he has succefuly manipulated time and soon he will manipulate space too.

Back in Las Vegas, Micahs principle tells Nikki that Micah cant be in the school no longer as they have not paid the amount due. With Micah out of school, tuition past due and loan sharks coming after them, it would seem that Nikki has run out of options and that there is no one looking after her in this dangerous time. We're back in NY and Mrs. Petrelli thinks its no big deal that she was shoplifting. Still Nathan is furious at her for stealling a pair of socks while his father left his mother a fortune.Nathan takes off and Peter is left behind to see whats going on inside his mother head. Angela tells Peter she just wanted to feel alive again.

In Odessa a fire has outragged at a cotton mill. With the camera running Claire runs inside and rescues a man trapped inside. Even though fire heats through her clothes she is left with no burns or cuts and remains unharmed. Firemen come to detect her injuries but Claire runs from the scene. Nathan offers Peter a job at campaigning but instead of responding Peter brings up the conversation they had earlier about flight. Nathan again doesnt want to hear about it and tells Peter he needs to grow up. Later Peter climbs into a taxi with Suresh as the driver, wondering about the soalr ecipse which will blanket the earth in darkness. After Peter gets out a man gets in The man reads Suresh's license and begins to talk about the retired proffessor from India. Thinking that this man might have something to do with his father death, Suresh leaves the taxi running away.

After dropping Micah off at his grandmothers, Nikki returns home to see her apartment turned upside down. Worse the two men who were at her door earlier throw her down and deman 50 thousand dollars. One makes a deal and tells her to strip down and the debt will lower. Nikki begins to unrobe and then stops. The goon smacks her on the face then everything goes black. Simone arrives at her boyfriend, Isaac's apartment to discover him destroying canvases he doesnt remember painting. He admitts he was high on heroin at the time but even that cant explain how these paintings have accurately predicted events that had yet to happen at the time of their creation. Isaac decides to go cold turkey. He kicks Simone out and hand cuffs himself to a pipe and throws the key away from him.

In Tokyo, Hiro remains convinced that the power of his mind enables him to bend time and space, and the coming of an eclipse only fuels this obsession. His disbelieving friend challenges him to materialize in the women's bathroom of a local bar. Though Hiro mysteriously accomplishes this seemingly impossible feat, his friend still doesn't believe him. Returning home from the fire Claire asks her mother who her real parents are. Before she answers Claires father returns home. She greets him with a hug. This man is the same man who was in Suresh's taxi. The Man With The Horn-Rimmed Glasses.

Niki awakes to a pool of blood. Blinking her eyes back to full consciousness, she finds that the two goons have been brutally slain. There seems to be no explanation for this, until her reflection in a mirror motions for her to be quiet about what just transpired. There would be nothing out of the ordinary about this, except for the fact that Niki was standing completely still while her reflection moved on its own. On the Tokyo subway, a poster of New York sets Hiro to dreaming, but it's no dream when he closes his eyes, opens them again, and finds himself in the middle of Times Square.

Simone collects a vial of morphine from her father's house and takes Peter with her to Isaac's loft. When they arrive, they find that Isaac has sawed off his handcuffs in order to free himself from the cuffs and get a fix. While Simone dials an ambulance, Peter notices a painting of himself flying, but there's something more shocking to come: Isaac reveals a painting of New York City consumed by fire. High on a New York office building, Peter Petrelli spreads his arms, wind fluttering his jacket, preparing to fly. With a final breath and a prayer, he makes the leap. The ground rushes up to meet him, but before he hits the pavement, his brother Nathan suddenly appears and takes flight, grabbing Peter and holding onto him in midair!

To Be Continued...

This pilot was probably the best pilot I've ever seen. I loved the way the cast are so big but the writers found time for all of them and told their story bit by bit to reveal something great at the end. Nikkis story was the first story that appealed to me. Her "power" or "story" are less known than the other Heroes. I liked the way the episode was told like a book too. At the end of each chapter or episode there is a cliff-hanger that leave you wanting to read or see the next chapter/ episode. 10/10

Heroes Boxset!+ Pics

Im so happy because I bought the Heroes Boxset! :):):):)

I got seasons one and two and I've only watched the first episode because Im really tired :(

But the weather is so bad for the summer so, Im gonna stay in and watch every single episode there is to Heroes to lead up to the Premiere of Villains: Season Three!!!

Its sorta weird looking back on season one. Thinking about it is weirder. I remember I hadnt got a clue what Nikki was about and then it all unfolded and I knew, but seeing the way she was written and described looks so great when you look back. The writters did a great job :)

I found out I love Hiro too :) I always did but looking back at him when he first appeared in my head he is just awesome :)

Here are also some Heroes Pics that I made earlier: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Fan Videos+Twenty Useless Facts Of The Day!!!

What did I do this week?

Well my cousin invited me to her house for a couple of days. She had some french visitors over and there was a girl about my age and she wanted me to help her speak english. So I did as I was asked. Not lessons just talk about any random things :) We went to the city on thursdsay and I got loads of english out of her! Im a natural teacher :):)

Well today I said my goodbyes and came home! Dont get me wrong its good to be home but I like being away for a while, It gets too boring here. So I came home and found out all about RealPlayer and how to convert video files so they are suitable to import into Movie Maker. I was so happy because I've been wanting to do some fan videos and upload them to Youtube for a while but I never had the clips! Now I Do! :) Funny thing is- the minute I opened Movie Maker - It opened then closed! So, It wasnt really bothering me because I knew it would be really easy to just take it off the system them download a new one. So I deleted it and then tried to download it again. It wouldnt work!!! I was getting so angry and sad :( I had all the clips of Heroes and Charmed ready but I had no movie maker!!! I tried and tried but cant find anyway why it doesnt work! Too bad :(

Twlight, Ok this book. I dunno. Its weird, in a good way like. I cant understand where its going which is good because Im cluless to the plot and its good because the writer doesnt tell much in each chapter which just makes you come back for more! Im halfway through and not much has happened only the discovery of Edward being a vampire but not going into too much detail. Ill probably finish it by the end of the holidays.

Here are the twenty useless facts of the day!

Clemens (Mark Twain) was born on and died on days when Halley's Comet can be seen. During his life he predicted that he would die when it could be seen.

2. US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen.

3. The "57″ on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of pickle types the company once had.

4. Americans are responsible for about 1/5 of the world's garbage annually. On average, that's 3 pounds a day per person.

5. Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels.

6. Your stomach produces a new layer of mucus every two weeks so that it doesn't digest itself.

7. 98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.

8. A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.

9. The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.

10. The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.

11. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

12. Benjamin Franklin was the fifth in a series of the youngest son of the youngest son.

13. Triskaidekaphobia means fear of the number 13. Paraskevidekatriaphobia means fear of Friday the 13th (which occurs one to three times a year). In Italy, 17 is considered an unlucky number. In Japan, 4 is considered an unlucky number.

14. A female ferret will die if it goes into heat and cannot find a mate.

15. All the chemicals in a human body combined are worth about 6.25 euro (if sold separately).

16. In ancient Rome, when a man testified in court he would swear on his testicles.

17. The ZIP in "ZIP code" means Zoning Improvement Plan.

18. Coca-Cola contained Coca (whose active ingredient is cocaine) from 1885 to 1903.

19. A "2 by 4″ is really 1 1/2 by 3 1/2.

20. It's estimated that at any one time around 0.7% of the world's population is drunk.

Heroes Pictures, Movies 08-09.

Sorta being a movie maniac this week. Two nights ago I watched Pathology and thought it was brilliant and last night I watched Disturbia, That was really good and kept me on the edge every minute. Tonight I just bought a movie naturally. Its just becoming a thing over the boring summer and the bad weather! Well anyway I got "Awake" something about this guy who wakes up when having an operation even though he has been dose with plenty of anasthetic.

Lately I've been making Heroes banners and pictures for something to do, Heres some of them;

Photobucket Sylar Claire eXPLOSION

Twlights been great, still reading away. Nothing great has happened yet because im only on page 90 or something, but overall pretty good. I really like the way its written and the mystery behind Edward&Bella.

Here are some movie that I'm looking forward from 08-09

01.Scary Movie 5

02. Twilight

03. Eagle Eye

04. Harry Potter And The Half Blood Prince

05. Max Payne

06. Knowing

Have A Good Week


Parties:D_Twilight Finaly Bought! :D_ Floodings

Ok well woke this morning round nine. My mom had told me the night before she was going shopping and I asked her could I come because I really wanted this book which everyone is telling me about - Twilight, and knew that she would get maybe the wrong one :D.

So while she was shopping I was searching everywhere for Twilight in the Borders. Shelves upon shelves of books got me dizzy xD lol. Finnaly found it in the "Best Selling" section :D Hmm that sounds good already! So got it and read the first chapter in the car waiting for my mom, then went shopping for stuff.

I have to say the first chapter and the preface also just threw mer into the world of Bella. It felt so realistic. I like the story so far, of her moving to her dads and meeting Edward. Ok, I know he's a vampire which sorta ruins it but, thats pretty much I know and dont tell me anymore!!! Lol I really dont want it spoiled :D

I've only read the first chapter and cant read anymore until tomorrow I suppose, Why? Well there have been some floods here in Ireland :( Everythings Ok in my neighbourhood thank god but in others not so good. Anyway I gotta movie tonight and I really wana watch that, Its called "Disturbia", Shia LeBeoufs in it, I think he's pretty good so... I only have it for a night... Twilight? For as long as I want :D.

My mom and dad are gone away for the night (PARTY ANYONE? :D) and while they're driving they hit some floods too :( Sorta worried until my mom told me they passed them luckily and they were fine. She was so paranoid for me though and theres not even anyfloods here! She was saying "Stay upstairs" as if the water was going to seek through and all over the downstairs! God she has a wierd mind! Anyway I was informed by my brothers theres a party here tonight :D....

I like Parties :D

So Im gonna watch my movie, party :D and maybe read some more Twilight at twilight Ha! if Im not too tired :D. Il post more about it if I get into it alot.

Have a good weekend :)
