@davillain-: No, you can't just call Battlefront "exclusive"! Marketing rights don't make it not appear on a rival platform. If it was just on Ps4 and PC, I'd understand your point though.
charomid's forum posts
I used to trust Gamespot reviews for many years, until now. They go and give Assassins Creed: Syndicate a 9 and Halo 5 an 8?! I've been on this site for about 10 years and I can't believe how bad its getting! Trusting these reviews is something ill be taking with a grain of salt from now on
They need to get Driveclub and The Order: 1886 on their system.
Seriously, what is the point of this thread? Name one game that's an ACTUAL system seller for ps4 right now? There are NONE that convince me to buy a ps4 right now. On xbox: 1) Titanfall (when it released in march MADE ME purchase the system)
2) Halo MCC (don't care if your argument is that its "broken")
3) Forza 5 and Forza Horizon 2 (some of the best racers ever)
4) Killer Instinct (a great fighting game)
5) Sunset Overdrive (another great game)
@Heirren: The actual problem came from ND saying it was all "in game engine". When you say shit like that and then can't deliver, well you look stupid. They made PS fanboys scream "only ps4 can do 1080p/60fps because of the POWER"...
I'm getting pretty hyped for it, especially after that last trailer with Kung Lao. I'm even thinking about getting the controller PDP announced as well. Looks like it will be good
I am actually so happy this news came out. Every damn day there was threads and PS fanboys talking about how "ps4 has more than 2x the power of xbox one" and all these quotes making fun of xbox one games. "Ohhh TitanFAIL is only 792p" "ohh Xbox one can't do 1080p and 60fps". PS fanboys should be embarassed for making total asses of themselves! Now this news comes out and they act like its no big deal and its better for the "cinematic experience". Play the games you want to play and not say shit that will come back to bite you in the ass because this news just did exactly that.
@Eddie-Vedder: Do you realize how dumb you sound? There is literally NO GAME on ps4 right now that makes you say "WOW I HAVE TO BUY A PS4" or "I NEED THIS GAME NOW". You can name all the games you want, but until it produces an actual great game... Ill pass, as I am sure many feel the same way
@MonsieurX: You could have also taken 5 seconds to READ my question instead of being an idiot and posting something that has nothing to do with what I asked! I know about the controller, I am talking about a CONSOLE.
does anyone know if there is going to be a Titanfall xbox one console coming out? I mean like what they did for Halo 3 when that came out and made the green 360. I haven't bought an xbox one yet and just waiting for the release of Titanfall but if a limited console comes out I'm going to grab that.
just actually looked at some of the games today for the first time and I gotta say, im impressed! theres 4 or 5 games that have a score above 90 and I actually wanna play them. rayman, pikmin, zelda, super mario 3d world, new super mario bros U... I was so shocked to see all those games get amazing scores and no one seems to talk about them. I actually might have to pick one of these bad boy's up. just a question though, can I seriously play ANY game with my tv off and just use the controller? So playing super mario 3d while someone else watches tv? or is it only on select games?
Most games support Off TV Play (and every game that you listed does); some do not, like ZombiU. Generally, it is a good idea to look at the back of the game you are buying, if it says 'Off TV Play' or 'Gamepad Play,' that means you can play it entirely on your Gamepad. If it doesn't, you can't.
But yes, Rayman, Pikmin, New Super Mario Bros. U. Zelda, Super Mario 3D World, can all be played on the controller without the TV, so you're good there :)
thats actually amazing! I'm definitely going to look into buying one. especially because I heard a donkey kong game is coming next year too! holy shit its looking amazing right now to me. a wii u with an xbox one for me is probably what I'm gonna be getting.
but I seriously cant believe the high scores so many wii u games are getting and I barely see any threads about it. 5 games that I want all scored 90 and above, what more can I ask for
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