just actually looked at some of the games today for the first time and I gotta say, im impressed! theres 4 or 5 games that have a score above 90 and I actually wanna play them. rayman, pikmin, zelda, super mario 3d world, new super mario bros U... I was so shocked to see all those games get amazing scores and no one seems to talk about them. I actually might have to pick one of these bad boy's up. just a question though, can I seriously play ANY game with my tv off and just use the controller? So playing super mario 3d while someone else watches tv? or is it only on select games?
charomid's forum posts
@SinjinSmythe: wow, wonder how x1 will do
It will be a rock solid machine. MS also has another big announcement this week. I cant wait.
sure there will be trolls on amazon saying the X1 is failure prone but there wont be videos on youtube.
I cant wait for this!!!
where did you hear MS has an announcement this week? Ive been on forums everywhere and haven't heard anything so this got me pretty excited
the best part of that whole video was when jimmy fallon said to the sony rep "dont mess with this guy, he does... gymnastics. his name is tracey but dont mess with him" the gymnastics part killed me... ice T, the killa
The trade off is 720p and more ads.
WOW! this coming from someone who's name is NathanDrakeSwag... what are you like 12? who uses swag anymore? stop trying so hard to bash xbox one and your only argument is "720p". be a fanboy, dont be a loser
whats happening thursday night on spike? obviously its most likely gonna be a launch party for the system but did they actually say they were planning to announce games? i never heard this? just wanna know so i can tune in and watch it
Have fun paying for the same products and services you got for free this generation.
Really the same.?
How you know that.? Have you play on it.? You do know several games that have been confirmed to be on servers on xbox one had also been confirmed to be server based on PS4 right.?
Hey what about Cross game chat,hey the PS4 took it a step further cross platform chat,you can even chat with people on vita and i even think PC.
Remember how you loved that party chat right..? ahaha
Have fun paying for netflix,hulu,facebook,youtube again...hahaha
Not even game recording can be use free on xbox one..lol
you know, you may have an argument if you learn how to spell and form sentences correctly... and also, whoever told you that you can cross chat to pc is wrong. maybe vita but who cares? even the biggest cows know that Live is better than psn. if you cant agree, you are blinded by the fanboy light
as much as I am a fan of xbox one and that I believe its better than ps4, i have one thing to say about your thread
as much as I am a fan of xbox one and that I believe its better than ps4, i have one thing to say about your thread
is it possible that cows STILL cant read? how many threads of the exact same topic have been posted? I literally just scrolled down system wars and found 3 of the same threads just on the first page. wow cows need to learn how to read and also stop jumping to the dumbest conclusions ever. im not a fanboy at all but come on guys, if you see threads on this ridiculous topic already, why make another one? cows are the worst trolls i swear
one day I was walking by, with a walkman on... (finish it someone lol)
this "fight" is getting ridiculous! both systems have advantages, the game itself got an 8... nothing to be preaching to the lord about! everyone needs to relax, go look at bf4 gameplay and SOOO MANYY people say it runs better on XB1
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