charomid's forum posts
[QUOTE="strawhatlupi"][QUOTE="gago-gago"] It's a $40 dollar game, way less than the usual $60.gago-gagoits a $40 price for an INCOMPLETE GAME ... a complete KI with atleast 35+ characters will probably costs more than $80 You do know there's only like 11 Killer Instinct fighters in the franchise right lol.
how would he know that? he's NEVER played the game and probably wasnt even born yet! people who say only 8 characters have obviously never seen the original considering that only had 11 characters.
on another note, CANT WAIT FOR THIS GAME! $40 bucks for the new one and the old school one.
to the people saying its "ridiculous" and "psychotic" and "just plain stupid" to spend 100 million on a controller, I have three things to say:
1: How can you say its stupid to spend that much money on something that when all you have to look at is the spending they do per year on R&D. its 9 billion dollars! you think MS cares about 100 million??? are you that dumb?
2: Even if xbox one sells 10 million consoles in the lifespan (which it will sell more obv) it has already made 5 billion dollars in sales?! so 100 mill really didnt "go to waste"
3: its not like YOU'RE spending 100 million on a controller, so why would you even care?
Very interesting if true. Â I'll probably end up waiting till 6 months after both consoles launch to make my final decision. Â I'm leery of buying launch consoles after the RROD and YLOD fiascos that happened this gen. Â I also need confirmation of the 720's OS RAM footprint. Â If it's as huge as people have been saying......
Anyone know how GDDR5 and DDR4 compare speedwise?
Well speed wise DDR5 is definitely faster than DDR4. However, its not SIGNIFICANTLY FASTER as everyone "claims" it really is. If you're comparing 8GB of DDR5 to 8GB of DDR4, yes DDR5 wins outright and hands down. Given the apparent 12GB of DDR4 that is "going into" the next xbox, that would make it slightly better than the 8GB of the DDR5 going into the PS4. Also the PS4 is using "shared" ram for their system and graphics so that also plays into account when looking at which ram is better and what not. Obviously no one knows what/if the next xbox is gonna have shared ram as well, but if they do and the 12GB of DDR4 stands correct, then that will definitely win outright, regardless of the speed jump from 4-5. correct me if I am wrong, but didnt the 360 have independant for both the system and graphics and ps3 had shared? (i really cannot remember). if it is independant again this time around, and the rumours stand to be true, speed wise there is no comparison, the new xbox wins hands down.
I think it's a good thing, the PS3 is still being supported and has plenty of life left, so it still has value. Where as the Wii is done and Nintendo is launching the Wii U, the 360 is pretty much done too, the 720 will be revealed next E3 and launched in holiday 2013.
This is why there are NO games planned for 2013 on 360 holiday, not even multiplats. This is because MS is done with it and they won't be supporting it, 360 only owners better save up some money because they have no choice but to buy the next Xbox when it comes out, or get a PS3 or Wii U.
But I am not an analyst so I don't know what's best for Sony, nor do I really care. 360 fanboys care though because they don't want PS3 to be successful, they already lost in every category, sales is all they got.
I think Sony knows what they are doing, they are a huge corporation with very well paid experts.
how in the world are there no games planned for 360 in 2013???? did u just wake up? Gears Judment is just one of them... there are others... where have u been?
shoutout to all the haters hating on Halo! i cant wait till Halo 4, its gonna be amazing!!!!!!
the vita is just getting me more hyped in the last week than ever. all these wicked games that are supposedly coming out are amazing. lbp,killzone, now i know bioshock and cod.
COD and Bioshock are coming out for the Vita?????? if thats true i gotta get one now
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