i cant find the ps3 slim on the site? can someone direct to where it is? or did they take it off?
charomid's forum posts
Looks great. Too bad I already know the ending
~ It was all a dream
how do yo know this? please explain, i would like to know as im sure many others do too
amazing! i cant wait to get it. day 1 purchase for me!
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="enygma500"]1.Microsoft does extend the warrenty if its sent in for RROD I want a link with PROOF they don't do this. 2.How can a RROD refurb be easier to RROD then the original if they replace the entire main board? which is what they do... 3.3 year warrenty covers the most known problems with the system, RROD, and e74. the 1 year warrenty covers every thing else. the rest of your post? *laughs hard* I'm sorry but they don't extend your warranty each time you have RROD, it's 3 years from when you bought the 360 first and that's it , if your console breaks after that you pay and the repaired 360 is only covered for 90 days...1st. Microsoft does NOT extend your warranty if you send it in for RRoD repairs
2nd. Anybody I've heard of with 1 RRoD ends up with 7 or 8. The refurb RRoDs easier then it did originally.
3rd. The 3 year warrenty ONLY covers the RRoD. Any other issues with the console fall under the 1 year warranty and wil NOT be fixed.
Inflated sales number give the skewed view of a larger market share. Makes the console look better then it actually is. If they've sold 30 million consoles but 15 million of those are people buying the console a second time. their market share is only half what they report. But these number still make the 360 look better then the PS3. This was a strikly anectdotal arguement here. AS in, NOT fact.
are you sure they dont extend the console warranty each time you send it in and give you a fresh 3 years? im not trying to be stupid, i actually really wanna know because my 3 years is almost up. please can someone answer with 100% proof?
in horde, if ppl quit do they lose xp? like if they quit a multiplayer game like guardian or execution?
first of all, no! second of all, NO! and can you guess what third would be? kz2 is good, definitely not better than crysis. the online is not even that good and the graphics, well there really good graphics but no where near crysis
The second disk is Halo 3's multiplayer. Including every multiplayer thing from Halo 3. It just includes new maps as well as every single map pack. That's why I haven't gotten any of the new maps!
exactly. i can wait another month to get all the maps for free when i buy odst, plus get the game
is it possible to play with cheats AND still get achievements?
alan wake 100%
AAA. I have been watching this game since they first announced it, and every day im more impressed by it! i cant wait, day one purchase for me!
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