omg the joker is only playable on ps3? i wanted to get this game on 360, now i mite have to get it for ps3! does anyone know if its gonna be worth it to buy on ps3 just for the joker? is it dlc?
charomid's forum posts
best arcade game i have seen in my life. it better not dissapoint. i cant wait for this game. day one purchase for me!!!!!!!! who else?
[QUOTE="aero250"]On topic this game looks incredible when is it out?Toriko42I think August 18th?
actually its august 19. and its 1200 points, but he was close. (ps. not meant to be rude, just want everyone to have the correct date)
dying to play this game!!! cant wait. day one purchase! its gonna score above an 8.5 for sure!
getting this game day 1!!!!!! i cant wait, everything about it seems amazing!
this is the first i am hearing of this game. it sounds incredible! great puzzles and requires a lot of hard thinking! great post! gonna go check out some more of this game!
[QUOTE="xfactor19990"]hmmm isn't taking to walmart illegal?i_noseworthyYou asked for a solution, I offered one. As for wal-mart scanning them, I was under the impression barcodes are allotted per sku, not per item. In other words, all copies of a game produced have the same barcode, given they were manufactured in the same place. Actually, I'm 99.9% sure that's the case. The printing on packaging would cost a fortune otherwise, since the typesets would have to be changed for every single cover produced...
ya ur 100% right. thats exactly how its done. they can not scan them and see if they came from wal mart or not, there is no way they can tell because games, like you said are "allotted per sku and not per item"!
right now, ign and other gaming sites are giving whole 3 page articles based on forza 3's gameplay, online community, and everything else about the game. plus it has a release date thats been confirmed and coming out in less than 3 months. right NOW, forza 3 is getting a lot more attention because alot of things have been showcased for the game. on the other hand gt5 hasn't had anything to show for it. i hate when ps3 fanboys say "just wait until details are shown about the game and what everyone is going to say". i have a ps3 and a 360 and right now im definitely leaning toward forza 3, simply because they have had a lot to show for the game and everyone is excited for it.
its 1200 microsoft points. you can check on and find the answer. but im 100% sure its 1200 points
what in the world does that little picture prove? anyone can just make that
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