i actually have a question for you guys. i am definitely buying ME2 but i havent played ME1 at all. should i play that first and is it worth getting ME2 even if i did not play the first one? or is there no point? can someone help me out because the game looks amazing and i really wanna get it
charomid's forum posts
bungie said it looks exactly like in game, so thats what im hoping for. its not like that kz2 cgi trailer 5 years ago that looked better than actual humans themselves. bungie knows where to draw the line and that reach trailer was no where near cgi quality. 360 could do those graphics with tesselation and the dx9 that it has. its not dx11 but no one is saying that except the ps3 fanboys. and you dont relate multiplayer beta to actual in game graphics, because everyone knows multiplayer always looks worse than single player. so we definitely have to wait for more footage of ingame or that actual game itself.
and on a side note, i never knew me2 uses ue3 engine. it looks incredible.
i hope sanchez knocks the crap out of penn. i hate him with a passion and want to see him lose every fight he is in. the crap he pulled with the gsp fight and how he said he was "greased" put it over the top and now i hate him even more. just because he got owned by gsp he starts making claims that he was greased and how he should appeal the fight because he was the rightfull winner. wat a pathetic loser
I think right now most people are just going to watch VGA for the new game debuts. Its just an elaborate game show.
this is exactly right. idc about the goty from vga's, i just wanna see all those trailers and game debuts like halo: reach and others "unannounced"
i love gears 2 soo much. they fixed a lot of the problems and it pretty much runs flawless. i hope it is gears 3!!!!! i cant wait for the vga's for when the big announcement comes!
idk y people are saying alan wake doesnt appeal to them anymore. its definitely in the top 3 anticipated right NOW for 2010. i loved this game from when they first announced it, and i hope its gonna be even better when it launches.
[QUOTE="NintendoGamer3"][QUOTE="gbpackers94"]Alan Wake, Splinter Cell Conviction, God of War III, Mass Effect 2, BF:BC2, Dark Void, Just Cause 2, Rage, and Fallout New Vegas. Yep its gonna be a good year.gbpackers94I thought Rage was TBA 2011? Is it? I'm still looking forward to it though.
really? i thought it was 2010 as well? im definitely looking forward to that. aswell as alan wake, me2, halo reach, splinter cell and god of war 3
i saw them at bestbuy's all around ontario and also futureshops. so they are around and available.
They need to fix spawns! then COD:MW2 will be better :)n00bkid
this is a DEFINITE PROBLEM!!!! im usually sniping and then i get the opposing team spawn behind me and usually knife and kill me. this is rediculous, you should spawn where ur team is, not randomly because it ruins the game. i hate it also when i get spawn killed. they should not spawn u where the opposing team is but rather where ur squad is. plain and simple, if they fix that, it will be a lot better.
They need to fix spawns! then COD:MW2 will be better :)n00bkid
this is a DEFINITE PROBLEM!!!! im usually sniping and then i get the opposing team spawn behind me and usually knife and kill me. this is rediculous, you should spawn where ur team is, not randomly because it ruins the game. i hate it also when i get spawn killed. they should not spawn u where the opposing team is but rather where ur squad is. plain and simple, if they fix that, it will be a lot better.
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