I hope they don't rush release just to stuff it into this fiscal year, and here's two fingers crossed for a good PC version released at the same time as the console one.
It's nice to see someone saying something like this for once. Every gamer on the internet seems to think that good gameplay and graphics are mutually exclusive for some reason and are totally content with games that look 10 years old. Early launch and impressive tech are going to be the most important factors for both Sony and Microsoft in their next consoles.
Also, the Unreal 3 engine has to be one of the most widely used engines of the past decade and this is further reason why it is very important for Epic to get it right and make it somewhat future proof.
Personally, network latency seems like a way bigger problem than graphics card power, and I think companies are a long long way off from overcoming that barrier.
Trailers try to exaggerate the quality of the product? Really!? Are you sh***ing me? This hardly seems worth writing about, and it's never going to stop because it often works. Case and point: Kinect.
It's cool that they've kept supporting TF2 for so long with new items and stuff, but honestly I don't think it's improved at all since the day it came out. I kind of think they took it too far and now there are wayyy too many items/weapons guns/etc. IMO. Still one of my favourite shooters ever, and the Orange box was such an awesome deal when it came out.
Honestly, if you're any sort of public figure on the internet you'd better get used to crap like this. Also, if you're skipping gameplay just to see the story, why don't you just go read a book or watch a movie, seriously.
cheamo's comments