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Here's the pic

Hey Shadow_of_fire, this is the kind of pic i want to work with....

Since i'm a big Kenshin fan, it would be cool to make an awesome Kenshin sig. This pic is about 1024x768

Still waitin Toonami.....

Come on Toonami !!!

I still remember the good old days last year when the Saturday lineup had shows like DBZ GT, Yu Yu Hakusho, and other shows like Gundam Seed etc. I also remember when I was really into Yu Yu Hakusho and following every single episode. (got em on tape too) The 3rd season (or 4th; cant remember) was on and the stuff goin on with Sensui was really heatin up. Then all of a sudden, Toonami restarted Hakusho (which I kinda expected) and then took it off w/o a trace! I'm still waitin to see the last episodes of the season without spoiling it for myself. Come on Toonami! Where you at?

Family Guy's back on!

Oh yeah!!!!!! Family Guy's back on and its hilarious. Just got finished watching it and now watchin American Dad. Personally I don't think American Dad is as funny as Family Guy but, they both have they're funny moments. (Family Guy just has more of them.....) Fox 9pm eastern!

The King of FPS

Half-Life 2 is THE best fps I have ever played. It totally destroys every other recent fps attempt at success. I just cant get over on how much fun that game is. So many ways to destroy the Combine......... The free man never sleeps.

COD..... WW2 came back to life.

Call of Duty is such a good game!!!!!!!!! I'm lovin the Ai and team-like gameplay. Its almost like you flew back in time to 1945 and feel the what is was like back during the war. The scene recreations are awesome , and everything looks so good even with my mid to low range graphics card (GeForce 5600 Ultra). COD Online is really forgiving to dialup players (like me) and i'm lovin every minute of it.

Unreal Tournament 2004

Unreal 2k4 is my favorite multiplayer shooter of all time. That game is so addicting with all the different types of gameplay. I've been playing it for about a year, and for some reason it never really gets boring. Can't wait what unreal will unravel next...

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