chicknfeet Blog
I know they're still working
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Kingdom Hearts 2 and New Year stuff
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Well they finally did update the KH2 page. I am certainly excited about that. But they did a first impression on the update page and it has some spoilers in it. Well willikers! I want to read about the damn game but I don't want to read any spoilers. So now I'm all bummed out because it's like they haven't updated the darn page at all. I can't read the article because I want to be suprised when I do finally get the game (and more than likely I will be getting it when it first comes out). It does look good though. I was talking to someone...might have been rudyroundhead or Sands...can't remember...but they were saying Tifa Lockheart is going to be in the new game. And of course Auron from FFX will be there. I believe he was in one of the screen shots. The anticipation is killing me! But enough of that.
Well the new year seems to be shaping up to be a good one so far. I've been spending more time with my cousins and doing some serious talking. I'm pretty sure most of you don't know but there are only 3 of us grandboys with the family last name and since we are the last ones, we three have decided to try and start a business together. I'm not exactly sure what we will be specializing in, but I know whatever it is, I will be there for any technical support. So that looks promising. Also, people are really starting to call me left and right for interviews. My parents were right. Most offices wait until the begining of the year to start making employment moves. So I'm definitely in a good mood. I had an interview with the university today for a secretary position. It seems like it would be a great job especially for what I'm trying to do this semester. The only downside to it is the pay. It sucks. At best, I'll be able to pay all of my bills. Not really do anything cushy or be able to make some serious moves. Just paying my bills and going to school. Pfft! Buck that. I'm holding out for a city or state job. That's where the real money is...well that's where it is for now. I have another interview on Tuesday with the department of education. That's a state job. They pay better than the school but not as well as the city. I'm happy if I get the state job but I'm crossing my fingers for that city job. Either way I'm happy. I'll be going back to school and transitioning out of Florida after I'm done. Things really seem to be turning up roses for me now.
I usually don't do this...
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New Job...Surgery...New Year
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Wow, so many things have happened before the end of the year. I suppose I can start off by telling you I have a new job. No it's not the one I wanted but it's a night job working in a restaurant. So now I got free food for lunch at my current job and free food for dinner at the new job. The job I'm holding my breath for doesn't make a decision until after the new year. So I have to wait for the people to get back in the office until I hear from them. So there's a little less pressure off of me now that I have another job but I still have my fingers crossed for the office position.
I went into surgery on this past Thursday. I had a darn cist on the top of my head and even though it was pretty much healing up by itself, the doctor wanted to go ahead nd take it out. Of course it sucks because I have to suffer through the whole recovery period with the antibiotics and bandages and everything. The thing about it is I can get through all of that no problem, but I have to wear this stupid "head bra" to keep the bandages on my head. I swear I look like an idiot. Needless to say, I have not left my house all day today. Thankfully this is the last day I have to wear it. I should be more or less back to normal by Wednesday.
New Years is coming up and I have nothing to do. I was really relying on my friend to have another party at her house this year but she is bad about calling people. So I'm stuck at home watching Naruto and playing on my computer. I have a bottle of spiced rum in my freezer. Maybe I'll pull that out and have a glass for the new year.
Ah yes! I also got a couple of new games. Sims 2 (holiday edition) for the PC and Guilty Gear X2 for PS2. I admidt GGX2 is a little dated but it still looks like a good game and there aren't too many 2D fighting games coming out any more. So I just had to do it. I bought it off of eBay for $30 which is too much for an old game like that but I think it is worth it. And the Sims 2 will definately last me until I get some money in my pocket.
Well I think that's everything in a nutshell. Happy New Year everybody!
I would talk about Nip/Tuck...
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Job Update
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Level 13
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Damn! How many months did it take? I believe since September. Well now I have a new goal (well it's old but new to everyone else) to get to Nobunaga's Revenge rank
Photoshop project & other things
by chicknfeet on Comments
Well if you haven't noticed, I have done a new sig continuting my tribute to Dan Hibiki. Well I got some advice from Silentmobius on how to clean up Dan. So I've said that would be my project for the night. I don't think I have to worry about running out of time with the program as long as I don't turn the computer off. I know eventually I'll have to turn it off but it's not a major concern for me now.
Still on the job prowl. I had to put in an application to one of the family restaurants here just so I'd have an "in the mean time" job. I have been putting in applications for state jobs though. The only thing bad about the state jobs are the job applications. I never heard of the ISDM process before. I have no clue what the details of the application life cycle are. Some of the questions they ask require you to answer yes or no, and if you answer no to any one of the questions, they automatically disqualify you from the position.
I had been looking forward to some gaming over the winter break. Actually I was looking forward to playing the new Gauntlet game. Unfortunately GS burned it really bad so that just took all the wind out of my sails. So now I am in limbo on any new games coming out. I would do the computer games but I think a monetary exchange is required when trying to upgrade the gaming arsenal.
I'm really am trying to save space for when I finally get the job I so desperately need.
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