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School was the pits...and 1500 posts

and I'm not even enrolled anymore. So many people running around campus and so much confusion and mayhem going on everywhere. It was horrible. I was fortunate enough not to get caught up in all of the confusion. I had to go to the admissions office and I was D-O-N-E. I think I'm doing this year by ear. I need a job...hopefully this state job will come through for me.

And I got 1500 posts and over 10000 minutes on GS. I usually don't celebrate that kind of crap but what know?

I have missed a lot!

Man missing one week on here really makes a difference in goings on. So much conversations have been missed out on. People are going back to school, people are having kids, it's complete pandamonium in here. Not much has happened to me. I'm done with my internship, thank GOD!!!! I was so disgusted working with my supervisor. I swear if they didn't pay me so well, I would have told them to take the job and shove it. Oh the things we will do for money...

I'm back at school now, not in school but at school. I'm glad to be back. Of course this means I won't be able to spend as much time on GS as I did at work, but at least my boss here won't be looking all over my shoulder trying to see what I'm doing. But yes I'm back at school. I think I'm going to temporarily withdraw from school for now. I had submitted an application to the school of computer science and it is for admittance in the spring. So I really don't have anything else I want to do (or can afford) right now. So I'm looking for a state job in the mean time to build up my funds. I did however go back to my alma mater and rejoined the choir. One of my friends came back to town after taking a year off and was asked to return as the student conductor. So I told her if she could stick it out for one more year then so can I. School hasn't even started yet for these people and we are already deep in it. We had to sing at the school's church this morning. Boy howdy that was interesting. More than a few of the people didn't know the words or the tune to the songs (me being one of them) but damned if we didn't sing the hell out of them. [sidenote] The sermon sucked [/sidenote] Now that school is starting tomorrow, instead of doing two and three rehersal per day, we are at one rehersal each day and a few random night rehersals...what the hell have I gotten myself into?

FFX-2 & Work...

Well I haven't been able to write in here for a few days but lets see if we can catch up.

I beat that gad damn Via Infinito in FFX-2. I'm so friggin happy. It took me close to an hour to kill the last boss (Trema by himself, not Paragon). OMG that crap was so hard. I had to get those stupid girls up to level 95 just to have a chance. Also having everybody as a Mascot really helped. So now I can finish the rest of the game and work on getting that elusive 100% game complete. Trema was a bastard though. I damn near had to cheat just to guarantee a win. Come to think of it, Trema wasn't as hard as Paragon. The guy just lasted longer. So pat myself on the back. :D

Work still sucks. I only have today and tomorrow left before I go back to school but my supervisor is being a jerk up until the last minute. She gave me a friggin huge project to work on before I go. Usually on the last two days of work...scratch that, the last week of work, you're supposed to be winding down. You know, getting your stuff together and saying all of your goodbyes...not doing another huge project. I swear, I have had nothing but love for this company all the years I've worked here, but this lady really screwed up the whole fuzzy feeling I had. I guess it's not fair to say that though. I'm really an IM kind of guy and they got me stuck working with the business analysts this year crunching numbers. So I guess I should say this particular group is smothering this warm fuzzy feeling and stabbing it in the heart while smiling from cheek to cheek. I swear, I'm leaving here tomorrow with a bird up on each hand and an f-u for my supervisor.

Otherwise, life is good. Saw a great movie last night...get to see my friends in a few days...I'm going to need a new job in school, but I will manage...everything is gravy

Work Blows...

Save space until after all friggin day meeting

[UPDATE] since I cant do this at work, I have to wait until I get home...or come into the office over the weekend...:|

Stupid Liquid Designs

:evil: These friggin people said they absolutely would not make a banner for my union. They can just suck my bawls. Apparently they have their own issues with themselves and feel uncomfortable with the whole "politically incorrect" issue. No matter. This is why I studied computers in school. I will eventually be doing this crap for myself. Then I won't have to depend on these other mo-fo's to do my work for me. Damn I need to let off some steam. I don't even know why this pissed me off...actually, yes I do. It would have been more civilized to shoot me a PM and let me know they had a problem with it rather than just blating it for everybody to see. No matter...I'm moving on. Just needed to get that off of my chest. I will, however, leave my ass here for a while so they can come by later and lick it.

New Direction...

The union is slowly going down. I need info on my people to see what I can do to improve it... I'll just put this here for the time being...stole it from the Midgar Slums :P

Name: Deacon Stumbles, Curtie Mae (people say I look like Curtis Mayfield when I don't shave), or Henry G.

Age: 24

Location: South Florida (for now)

Consoles owned: PS2, Gamecube, PSOne, Dreamcast, N64, SNES, Genesis, NES, etc.

What you love about RPGs: I love how the story can capture your mind and wisk you away to a land of make believe and fantasy; I love the characters and how they can grow and mature through the story; I love the mystical arts and how each game portrays arcane magic differently; I also love seeing programmers' skills being displayed given the power of these new consoles

What you don't like about RPGs: Mind numbing side quests. I hate calibrating the lightening towers for 3 hours straight. I also hate building up my characters to level 15 for one boss fight, then having to build up to level 35 for the next...not to mention building up my weapon skills and magic skills in the mean time also (damn you Secret of Mana)

First RPG ever played: Final Fantasy NES...Oooo I loved that game

Favorite RPGs: Final Fantasy NES...did I mention I loved that game, Chrono Trigger , Final Fantasy Tactics, FFX, Earthbound

Current RPG being played: FFX-2...I can't beat the Via Infinito to save my life

Misc. Info: I'm a moron for those that don't already know. I enjoy knowing that others are enjoying themselves, even if it's at my own expense. I honestly love everybody but only in limited numbers. At the same time, I am an equal opportunity hater so don't get mad if I start hating on you, because most of the time it has nothing to do with you personally. I'm starting to think tv and video games are the only thing keeping me sane in this crazy world. Oh and I love Final Fantasy for the NES...I'm not sure if I mentioned that or not...

The Craptacular Strikes Again!

In honor of Rudyroundhead...

Well this past weekend was a flop. I went up to Atlanta to visit a couple of my high school friends. Saturday afternoon was nice; great times had by all. The rest of the time there we spent sleeping and watching Univision. Well I can't sleep past 9am and my spanish is pretty bad, so needless to say it was a pretty slow paced weekend. The times we were actually out of the house were cool. We went around to Target, Walmart, the Hallmark store, the mall of Ga., GameStop, MovieStop (a friggin movie stop...what the hell?), and a few other places. Apparently I was in rare form this trip. I don't think I've ever been called retarded so many times in the course of half a day. But we had fun...well considering how little we did. I feel stupid now, though. I have been flirting without flirting for such a long time now. I swear I try to be serious sometimes but Heaven help me, it is so friggin hard especially around this chick. I swear we bring out the stupid in each other. Oh well...I guess let the flirting continue. Damn you craptacular...

Oh man, and I had to fly American Airlines in to ATL. Dear Lord how much they suck! I had a flight that was supposed to leave town at 6:30pm and get in Atl at 9:30. We didn't leave the airport until about 10/10:15. I didn't get to Atl until after midnight and it didn't help that my friend stayed about 30-40 miles away from the airport. But the airline made sure to screw us over from start to finish. It was bad enough we got on the plane was bad enough when we got on the plane we had to wait longer for clearance from the was bad enough we had to fly through a thunder was bad enough when we got to Atl we had to circle the airport until the tower said it was OK to come was bad enough when we did finally land we had to wait for someone to drag us to the gate because of construction hazards...the final straw was when we got off of the plane, they did the whole "thanx for flying AA because we suck, and BTW there will be a delay in getting your checked baggage because we feel the need to stand around and wiggle our thumbs around in our asses". The craptacular strikes yet again...

Wanted to talk about more, but I have to go work out. I may as well before the craptacular jumps me on the way out of my cubible.

July 28, 2005

So much to talk about, but I have to worry about my supervisor catching me with yet another suprise meeting. I'll try to make this quick.

Work sucks...still. I'm so ready to be done with this stupid project. I friggin hate busy work especially when it leads up to a dead end. I knew there was a reason I didn't major in business in school. I hate working in the business unit at work. I'm out of my element. My supervisor isn't making it any easier either. She suprised me yesterday with an early morning meeting that was pointlessly drawn out. I don't think I've ever counted the days until school starts this far before my project was done. I guess I have to charge this one to the game.

Went to the gym last night and overworked myself. I'm sore in all the right places and it sucks. I look like and old man walking down the halls today. I was going to work out tonight but damn that. No point in crippling myself anymore than I already am. The thing about it is that I plan on hitting the gym hard with my friend once I get back to school. So I might as well get used to it now rather than get a nice large foot up my ass when I start back for real.

And I'm going to Atlanta this weekend. Yay! I'm going to visit one of my highschool friends whom I haven't seen in a little over a year now. I always enjoy when we get together. I swear we've been flirting for a long time now...well I guess flirting in our own way. We play fight a lot...actually a hell-of-a-lot. I think I'll try to keep it under control this weekend, but I can't make any solid promises. We just have so much aggression towards each other (nothing sexual, I don't think). Only thing is I hate to go seeing as how my last weekend was shot to hell because I had to go to my sister's wedding. I really wanted to make a trip out to South Beach at least once before I go back to school. Maybe next weekend since this one looks to be shot to hell also...

I'll give you people the report when I get back in town...

Please Don't Mod this...

At the risk of being moded, I am going to post this anyway because I have a sick sense of humor and for some reason I found this funny:

Courtesy of alphteam:

About the fellas
1) 94% of men lie about their p**** size.
According to condom manufacturers, only 6% of
men use extra large condoms.
2) The average man is 5 inches long when erect
(no matter what you have heard ladies, that's the
3) 80% of American men are circumsized. Even
though Pediatrics say it is not necessary.
4) No matter what all the ads say, nothing can
make your p**** grow but time (most men reach
the end of their growth by the early 20's)
5) There is no correlation between p***size and
shoe size, hand size, or nose size.
6) Blue balls does exist! It's technically
called "prostatic congestion."
7) Only 16% of men shave their privates.

Some stuff on the ladies
1) Only 9% of women around the globe consider
themselves "attractive" (20% of British women do).
43% of women use the term "natural", 24% say
they have "average" looks, 8% prefer the
term "feminine", 7% say they are "good looking",
and 7% say they are "cute", and finally only 2% of
women say they are "sexy".
2) An estimated 85% of women wear the wrong size bra.
3) 60% of women have had breast implants.
4) 75% of women dont like oral sex
5) 95% of women shave their privates.

1) Masturbation is healthy for both men and
2) 70% of highschoolers have had sex before
they have graduated. 27% loose their virginity senior
prom night. Only 3% wait until marriage.
3) 95% of men would have sex with a girl after 1
month of dating. Only 10% of women feel this way.

5 Reasons Why Sex is Good
1) It is a good workout. Sex burns about 150 calories every half an hour of it. It will lower your cholesterol and improve breathing circulation.
2) You won't get sick. According to research if
you have sex 1-2 times a week you are less likely to
get sick.
3) You'll feel happier. You will feel a greater sense
of well-being. Women who have more sex were
clinically proven to be less depressed than women
who dont have sex.
4) Makes you look better- [ problem is ugly people
don`t get any ]. Sex releases hormones in your
body which make your skin and hair softer and
shinier and tone your physic.
5) (The best reason) You will live longer. Studies
prove that sex makes you live longer. Men who
had sex 1-2 times a week had half the death rate
as those who did not indulge themselves at least
once a month. It also makes you look younger. If
you have sex 3 times a week you may look up to
10 years younger than you really are.

Did You Know
Having sex 3 times a week for 1 year adds up
running 75 miles!!!!

July 25, 2005

Just got back in town Sunday evening. Had to go to Dallas for my sister's wedding. It was ok I suppose. We ended up staying in downtown Fort Worth at a Raddison hotel. I have to be honest, the hotel sucked. I think they stuck us on the crap wing of the hotel because we were...well you know. I can't say for sure, but the hotel people tried to put all of us on that same craptacular side of the hotel. The maid of honor was the only person to complain about it, so she was put on the nice side of the hotel. She told us it was like night and day. Even from the outside of the hotel, you could see the difference. But like I said, I can't say for certain that it was because of that. However, there were little indications and sideways looks that led me to believe that that was the case. It was fine...we were close to the building for the wedding and pretty much in the middle of everything downtown. There were so many restaurants and office buildings. And they had a jazz festival while we were there. Oh, and there were so many fat people...and I'm fat, so I can talk about fat people. Well not really, but I'm going to talk about them anyway. I swear the fat people were out in numbers when we were there. But what can you say...there are a bunch of eateries out in the lone star state. You can't help but be fat in most cases. Damn this is a choppy entry. So many things to talk about...trying hard to remember it all...have to end it now so I can gather my thoughts together...