@darthrevenx: True that, whereas the Megablock guns are equisitely detailed. The Call of Duty guns with little removable mags and stocks are like "wha?! This is an awesome promotion of gun culture!" And then some poor kid takes one to school and that's that, week suspension. Of course, nowadays, a little lego ooga booga spear from the 70s would get a kid suspended. F this pu$$ified world we live in.
@kadaverhagga: Early Mega Bloks (up to about 4 years ago) did suck balls. As of late, their quality is just a hair shy of Lego. They've made massive inroads in model stability (early models would fall apart in your hands -- new models are as playable as most lego models). Block fit is now about 99% that of Lego, with a few odd outlier pieces that are legacy and still probably being produced from old molds. Since MB was aquired a few years ago, their products and quality have really skyrocketed. Pick up a new set -- you'll be impressed, I bet.
@Dark_Matters: It will decide whether PS4 Pro/Scorpeo games can even be ported to this device. 1 TFlop is just not sufficient without a port having to be dramatically neutered (read, costly) to run on it. Unreal Engine, one of the most widely used, struggles at 1 TFlop. If they had doubled that figure, they'd have been OK, but 1 TFlop means the system will struggle with anything using complex shaders or models. Mario and Mario Kart will be fine. Elder Scrolls VI? Not as much.
@davillain-: indeed. Guy's tombstone will have to be like "You'll never guess who died...", but you'll have to exhume the corpse to find out it's ol' Eddy "clickbait" Makuch.
@lateralus85: Uh, no. TFlops is the single most valuable spec for GPU. That number can mathematically be used to determine all else. A 10 TFlop GPU, by virtue of simply having a ton more silicon, is going to be at least 10x better than a 1 TFlop GPU at raw mathematics. LAst I checked, there was a lot of Floating Point arithmetic in drawing a scene in a game.
Jesus... Whoever runs Nintendo needs to be canned. They're literally repeating the same mistakes that doomed WiiU. Slower than 3 year old consoles before it even launches. Gimmicky controller that will cost an arm and a leg for multiple. No meaningful built-in storage. Will struggle to do much of anything in 1080p, much less 4k. Nintendo properties would actually benefit from 4k and their art style makes it less demanding to reach it. An easily-obtained bullet point if they would've target 3.2 TFlops. But, whatever-- Have fun being in distant 3rd again, Nintendo. Sad. They created some of the best consoles (and most powerful) in past gens. Now they have an identity crisis.
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