@Elranzer: Why do you care about Nintendo's stock? Are you some sort of Iwata fan-boy bowing at his alter/shrine/tombstone wishing success upon the house that Yamauchi built? Stocks are cyclical. Why care?
@InYourMouf: Have you been to Detroit? What kind of people are walking around at all hours of the night looking for "pokemon" in gloveboxes? Hint, it ain't little kids. And it ain't well-educated people, either. And they are probable on food stamps and Medicaid. And probably using an Obama Phone. Need more hints?
KSP is an 11/10 -- if you like realistic Space Science masked with cutesy, tongue-in-cheek, anti-military industrial complex maskings. Be prepared for a BRUTAL learning curve if you don't know what an Apoapsis, Periapsis, Ascending or Descending node is. It's not rocket science (haha), but the game will not effectively teach you how to get into orbit, how to get to other planets, how to create multi-part space stations around Jool (Jupiter), how to manage energy (which is key to getting places in space -- effectively using gravity to boost efficiency. This game has a solid 60 hour learning curve for the basic to intermediate stuff. I'm 900+ hours in and still challenging myself.
@Suaron_x: They do--- but those new characters don't sell. So the progressives think by multi-culti minority-washing existing beloved characters, everyone will be like "yeah, that's a great idea! YAY, INCLUSION!, YAY, DIVERSITY!"
Chippiez's comments