@ Why -- why are we ending this generation so early when the PS4 is selling like bonkers and even the Xbone is selling faster than the 360 did? What the hell is wrong with you kids these days? ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?!?!
@KerrinScott: By years, you mean 11.7 million if you're travelling the speed of light to get to the nearest Galaxy. Yes, people can't easily fathom the immensity of space. The most realistic depiction thereof actually coming from Kerbal Space Program. When you learn the utter futility of thinking any species could ever get from one galaxy to another without the aid of a wormhole-type construct. When you realize that Humans will never leave the Solar system. Period. This is where we're born and this is where we'll flame out-- the atoms making us reacting in the center of a star becoming "God" knows what. The energy to escape the solar system either requires using planetary bodie's own gravity as a slingshot to maintain velocity or burning a metric shit-ton of fuel. Problem with all of our current forms of fuel is that the efficiency of getting them from Earth to Orbit is so low that we consume 98% of it. We'd have to send up a thousand flights with payloads of fuel to fuel a ship enough to be able to get to Mars in anything less than 4 years. So yeah, Space is pig. I concur and give you a medal, good sir.
@JRD1912: A rebooted Megaman could be boss with someone who knows how to think in terms of modern gameplay dynamics and 3-d graphics. Mega Man actually calls for an open-world design. Wall climbs, special weapons and abilities open up access to newer areas previously unreachable and boss fights could be some chaotic, building-destroying affairs. Could even have a strong multiplayer aspect at that point, bringing in all of the classic Megaman allies and crap.
but noooo, Capcom is too busy releasing RE 1-6 again and again to do something ambitious and Keiji is a washed-up dude.
Anyone expecting big scores from Recore, prepare yourselves now -- it's a hot, piping turd.
Chippiez's comments