Looks like the same game I've been playing since the N64 original... Only with 8 instead of 4?! That's not an improvement. That's unfocused buttonmashing chaos on screen.
@Intocable You do know the Wii U is officially being relegated to "maintenance mode". They will deliver the 3 high quality titles per year for the next 3 years, but they are rabidly at work on the successor. I would love to see them return to their roots... games, games and tons of games on the best hardware out there. Alas, the QOL initiative is worrisome at best.
@NTM23 @FBohler You do know almost every major shooter on console has a form of autoaim. That "COD feel" or "Halo feel", is your subconscious recognizing that as your cursor gets closer to the "mole", the math guiding your cursor movements becomes finer and movement of cursor slows down and very slightly autocorrects-- even if just a little-- to help ensure that inherently inaccurate analog sticks get the target, And if the target moves, it's somehow a tad easier to track with them because the engine is providing slight corrective help. Devs spend MONTHS nailing that "feel". The games where X-Y cursor movement (on consoles) is uniform at all times are almost always critically panned.
@juniperlll @Fandango_Letho framerate = graphics, sir. Graphics, resolution, model geometry, texture, normal and bump maps, and pixel shading all equal "graphics".
@RicanV Penalizing for bugs when you know damn well the publisher will make every effort to patch them all out ASAP is dumb. Ubisoft does not have that goodwill, but 343 does. They will fix the Matchmaking "bugs" (which had nothing to do with the masterfully preserved campaigns which deserve a 9 alone). GameSpot is trying to be hipster and it comes off as simply being out of touch with their audience and gaming in general.
Chippiez's comments